
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Magic Beginning Arc. Chapter 10:Special Assignment


Magic Beginning Arc: Chapter 10. Special assignment.

It has been a month now since Valoran started his academic journey to hopefully become the next Magic King.

Valoran and his team which consisted of Selina, Atticus and Biatrix have gotten closer and started to trust each other more and more.

Each lunch break and after school Valoran did not go with the others to get some lunch at the cafeteria or go home straight after class had ended, he instead went to the academy library to study magic and increase his knowledge by reading every single book.

By now he has almost read every single book and magic scroll inside the library.

On some occasions, he would meet Michelle Nadria (The succubus female who helps out the library when she has free time)

"You are here again." - Michelle said with a smile.

"Shall I serve you some tea?" - Michelle asked with a smile.

"That would be great" - Valoran replied with a smile.

She goes and prepares some tea for Valoran.

At that moment three 2nd year, male students entered the library (1 elf and 2 demons) to return a book.

"Don't worry I'll be done in a second" - The elvish 2nd year student said to his friends.

He then walks over to the front desk.

"Excuse me. Anyone here? I am here to return this old book" - The elvish year two student said with a disrespectful tone of voice.

Michelle then walks out with a tray with tea on it and puts the tray down at the front desk to serve the year two student.

"Now it's not the time for tea you succubus trash. Hurry up and take this damn book already" - The year two elvish student said with a disrespectful and impatient voice.

Hearing that Michelle was hurt and took the book.

"I am sorry" - She said on the verge of tears.

When checking the book's due date she realised that it has been overdue for 1 year and that he has to pay a fine.

"I am sorry sir. This book has been overdue for one year. You have to pay a fine of five bronze pieces" - Michelle said with a very shy and scared voice.

The other two demon friends made fun of the elvish student that he was letting himself be bossed around by a succubus.

"You hear that?" "Hahaha I can't believe you let yourself be bossed around by a lowly succubus" - The other two year two demon students said to the elvish year two student.

Following that the elvish second year student got furious.

"Bitch. WHO DO YOU THINK You ARE ORDERING AROUND? I WON'T PAY YOU ANYTHING" - The year two elvish student yelled at her.

Michelle then starts to get scared.

"P-P-Please it's just our policy" - Michelle said with a very scared voice.

Valoran sitting at one of the tables reading books on magic and knowledge had seen and heard everything.

He eventually got up from his seat and started to walk to the front desk.

Meanwhile the three year two students still verbally abused Michelle.

"You succubus scum." "Go find some men" "Filth" - The three year two students said to Michelle.

"Filthy succ-" - The elvish student got interrupted during his sentence.

Valorans red magic eyes stare directly at them and he froze them in place using control magic, which allows Valoran to control any actions of his targets.

"Silence. You will not speak to her in any disrespectful way." - Valoran said with an angered tone of voice.

"Uhhhh" - The three year two students are struggling to move a single muscle.

"She helps out at the library after school almost every day by herself. She keeps me company. Goes out of her way to make tea. Despite her academic duties. That's how kind and determined she is. The only filth I see is you three. Do you think that one of you could become the next Magic King?... A Magic King protects all its people no matter what race they belong to. Now pay your fine and apologise. Immediately."-Valoran instructed all three of them.

Following that Valoran released them all from his controlling magic.

The elvish student paid his fine.

"I am sorry" "I apologise" "Please forgive me" - All three year two students said to Michelle.

With that, the three of them left the library.

Michelle thanked Valoran for stepping in.

"Thank you so much for helping me."

"Never let anyone tell you that you are trash. You are one of the most: hardworking, kind and smartest people I know. By the way, is the tea ready?" - Valoran said with a little smile.

"Thank you so much. And yes the tea is ready" - She said while wiping off tears because she is so happy that Valoran is so kind to her.

She hands him a cup of tea.

"It's delicious" - Valoran said.

"I am glad" - Michelle said with a bright smile.

After that Valoran read more books and drank the tea Michelle had made for him.

After one hour Michelle tells Valoran that she is leaving the library and that he cannot stay here.

"I am sorry. But I need to close the library" - Michelle said with a little shy voice.

"Of course. I'll see you some other time." - Valoran said and left the library.

At this point, Valoran only had 1000 books to read.

After Valoran gets home he always starts to meditate just outside of his home under the bright stars to process as well as practise and perfect the spells that he has read.

"What a beautiful sky tonight. Excellent for meditation."

He does this for about one hour afterwards he gets inside and has dinner with his mother and talks about his day.

"How was school honey? " - Aelina asked.

"Pretty good. Tomorrow Professor Asparata has a special assignment for us" - Valoran said.

"That sounds like fun" - "Aelina replied.

After dinner, Valoran goes to his room and thinks about tomorrow and falls asleep.

The next morning. Valoran, Biatrix, Atticus and Selina are curious about the special assignment.

" What do you guys think our assignment would be today? "-Atticus asked.

"No idea" - Selina replied.

Professor Asparata then walked in and announced the special assignment that the class is tasked with.

"Good morning class. As you all know I have a special assignment for you today. The assignment that I have is for you to forge your very own magic sword." - Professor Asparata said.

All students in the class were thrilled and could not wait to begin this task.

"That's amazing" "I'll create the most powerful sword" "It is going to be awesome" - The other students say to each other.

"A sword. Interesting" - Valoran thought to himself.

"Isn't it cool?" Atticus asked his other three teammates.

"It is. " - Selina replied with a smile.

"I guess it's not too bad" - Biatrix said.

Professor Asparata asked for silence as she explained how this assignment works.

"Now please settle down. The way this works each of you individually will go out and find a magic metal ore which contains enough metal to forge a sword.

You can go anywhere whether it is in a dungeon or a forest since all of you are now ready to fight low tier monsters however please be careful and if you see a monster that is too powerful do not engage and just fly away"- Professor Asparata explained.

"Once you have done so. Find yourself a blacksmith and use that metal ore and forge your own magic sword. For this assignment you have one week" - Professor Asparata explained.

"Sounds interesting" - Valoran thought to himself.

After she explained this assignment the class ended for the day.

"This should be fun." - Atticus said.

"Totally" - Selina replied.

"I guess we won't be seeing each other for a week" - Biatrix said.

"Well please all of you stay safe" - Valoran said to his friends.

With that, the four said their goodbyes and split up.

Valoran then headed to the library to finish off the final books that he needed to read.

He entered the library and noticed that Michelle was gone.

"Seems like Michelle isn't here," Valoran said.

With that, he sat down at the library table and started reading the final 1000 books and learned all the content at a rapid speed... As kept on reading and reading he learned of a legend. A rare and powerful metal located inside the underworld and that anyone who tried to retrieve it never came back.

An underworld is a place so evil that not even God would dare to enter it.

"The underworld hmm" - Valoran said.

"I guess that is where I will be heading" - Valoran thought to himself.

Valoran then after a few minutes did manage to read all the books. He now gained much more magical knowledge and wisdom as well as thousands upon thousands of new spells.

He then leaves the library and uses the spell irum (teleportation magic)to return home.

He arrives at his home.

"Hey, sweetie. How was your day?" - Aelina asked with a smile.

"It was good Mother" - Valoran replied.

"Did you learn about your special assignment?" - "Aelina asked.

" Yes. I need to find a magical metal ore to forge a magic sword. I have one week to complete the assignment"-Valoran replied.

"I see. So will you be gone for a few days?" - Aelina asked, a little worried.

"Yes. But please don't worry. I am more than capable of destroying anyone who gets in my way" - Valoran replied.

"I know I know. But I will miss you" - She said, a little saddened.

"Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it" - Valoran said.

With that Valoran ate his dinner and went out to meditate.

After he finished meditating he went to his room and went to bed and got ready for tomorrow.

The next morning Valoran left his home.

"Bye Mother" - Valoran said.

Aelina hugged Valoran.

Bye, sweetie. Be careful"-She said with a little sad voice.

"I will" - Valoran said.

With that Valoran left and headed towards the gateway to the underworld dimension.

The only way to reach it was by descending to the lowest layer of the biggest dungeon and then being able to cast magic powerful enough to temporarily open the gate and enter the underworld.

With that Valoran made his way towards the biggest dungeon in Halivaara.

He very easily struck down any beast that was foolish enough to face him.


He then descended to the lowest layer, and there he was standing in front of the gate which led inside the underworld.

"This is it. The gate to the underworld itself" - Valoran said to himself.