
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Undine's Unknown Situation

White saw her being silent and sardonically said.

"How foolish of you! A great ancient spirit has fallen on a trap! How shameful! Kuhahaha-kyaa!!"

She was interrupted by her laugh when dozens of explosive daggers passed through the body of Undine.

White became the target of these dozens of explosive daggers and when they come into contact with her skin, a terrifying explosion occurred.

White shrieked miserably and cursed Green for what had happened to her.

"Green! You fool! How are you foolish as well?!"

White was engulfed in a blazing flame, the resulting explosion of the daggers stirred dust on the air, even the earth below them quaked because of the terrifying firepower that it brought.

Green heard a woman's miserable shriek and thought that she had successfully interrupted Undine.

But then she found something amiss as the voice felt familiar to her, she even felt aggrieved because someone had cursed him for being foolish.

She was extremely confused by the sudden change so she subconsciously stopped in her tracks and waited for the commotion to subside.

Meanwhile, the chanting Yellow was extremely shocked by White's conniving personality.

The Ten Blood Extremity members weren't that familiar with each other and only knew of their superficial informations.

Yellow had known of White's nature yet she thought nothing of it as all of them have strange personalities anyways so she did not mind it at all.

But now that she had experienced it for herself, she felt embarrassed because she too was also deceived, she also felt upset because White had not informed them of her plan at all, acting without orders from their leader is considered an offense.

But she could not possibly reprimand her for successfully restraining Undine right?

She inwardly sighed, she would deal with this matter later on.

Her incantation was finally finished, she immediately felt a large amount of mana flowing out of her palm.

She aimed her palm towards Undine and tightly clenched her hand.

Eternal Cage of Torment!

After that, plumes of black smoke manifested in front of Undine, they slowly formed into a black human-shaped coffin, its size exactly the same as Undine.

The coffin slowly opened, black smokes gushed out of the black coffin, there was nothing inside aside from the countless sharp black spikes that covered all of the coffin's insides.

Be they the resting bed, the lid, or its sides, they were all filled to the brim with these spikes.

They shone a bright and sharp light that appeared extremely threatening.

Undine saw this and her sapphire blue eyes constricted, she immediately smelled the scent of death from the gradually approaching black coffin.

She would surely suffer tremendous pain if she were to really get trapped inside that thing.

She felt her body go cold and shivered violently from the sheer terror that she felt.

With a shaking body, she hurriedly opened her mouth and frantically shouted.

"H-how could this spell still exist in the world?! No! This is impossible! He should've died a long time ago!!"

White cleared the dust around her, her face was haggard from the dust her hair and skin also looked burnt because of the fire that she suffered.

She was about to heal herself when she heard the panicked scream of Undine.

She was amused and malevolently smiled towards her miserable state, she slowly reached her hand and gently pushed Undine towards the coffin.

Undine had a tearful face at the moment, she fearfully looked at the approaching but then someone had suddenly pushed her forward.


The coffin slightly moved to catch her, its lid was slowly closing, you could see that Undine was mercilessly pinned inside, her eyes wide open tears continuously flowed out of her eyes.

The shadow of the coffin lid loomed over her pitiful face until the coffin had completely enclosed her inside.

The coffin lid pushed further inside, everyone could hear a pained and miserable scream resounding inside the terrifying coffin.

The coffin was finally locked, then black chains suddenly materialized they wrapped tightly around the coffin.

The sound of screaming had long stopped and no one knows what happened to Undine inside the horrifying coffin anymore.

The coffin stopped floating and finally dropped on the ground with a thud.

White was sweating profusely, she did not expect that the spell Yellow used was extremely vicious that would torment people, it had even managed to make an ancient spirit scream.

She slightly took a step back and silently healed herself.

Green was fearless and courageously examined the coffin while occasionally poking her daggers on the coffin, but it was as if it was made of rubber as her dagger had only managed to penetrate a few inches before it got bounced back up.

It had to be known that the daggers she was equipped with were top-notch in quality, they were especially refined for her by the organization's blacksmiths.

Those blacksmiths were all famous people in Eastern Wilderness that had managed to create a few renowned masterpieces.

But in the end, they were forcefully abducted by them, they were tortured for 7 days and nights before brainwashing them to obey the commands of the organization.

These blacksmiths painstakingly forged their items and yet these high-quality items were now in tatters and could possibly turn to scraps any moment now.

This was an unavoidable situation as they were forced to fight an extremely fierce and intense battle, and weapons and armors breaking down in a fight are extremely normal.

Even the little rabbit pet that Yellow had was mercilessly killed by Undine's sharp sword, it didn't even last a minute before it fell.

Its death wasn't in vain though as it had managed to stall some time for Yellow to widen the distance between Undine and them.

Although they had fought and won an intense battle, their faces were still filled with gloom.

They had underestimated the battle prowess of Undine, she was strong, extremely strong in fact, they would've been immediately killed if they had fought her one versus one.

And even with the three fighting together, they were still being repeatedly pushed back by Undine again and again.

They, ehem, Yellow even felt 'helpless' when she saw White was about to get killed by Undine.

It was fortunate that she had planted biological traps around her or Undine might've possibly killed her.

These traps were made by their organization to use against the racial talents of Spirits.

The racial talent of spirits had too many limitations and weaknesses, and touching them with things that have life is one such thing.

This is because when Spirits uses their racial talent their bodies would turn incorporeal and nothing else would be able to touch them aside from those biological lives and certain spells.

A normal person could touch a spirit even in their spirit state, this is an extremely fatal weakness that the spirit race's talent has for a long time.

That's why the majority of the spirits were made up of long-ranged classes, Undine was an exception to this as she has chosen to become a battle mage despite her racial talent's weaknesses.

She was known in history as an unmatched battle mage, extremely domineering and fearless on the battlefield.

But right now, she was trapped inside a coffin made by Yellow's skill and her fate couldn't be known.

If only they have someone that could fight Undine head-on, they would've had an easier time fighting her and not helplessly defend and stall for time instead.

It is to be known that White is a Bishop that could only heal and protect.

While Green is a Shadow Assassin that could only lurk in the shadows and wait for an appropriate time to kill.

And she herself is a Chaos Mage that could not fight in close range, her spells also required an extremely long amount of time to cast.

They had no one that could tank Undine's damage, their classes were quite incompatible now that Yellow thought about it.

She pouted and grumbled to herself.

'That hateful Red! He totally did this on purpose!! Just you wait! I will- I will become stronger and beat you to death! Hmph!'

Anyways, now that they had successfully restrained Undine their mission was considered as complete and they were now free to do anything they want today.

They were asked by Red to accomplish this mission within a day so they are required to go back and report to their base tomorrow.

For now, they planned to enter and plunder the resources that Undine had accumulated in her temple.

It's quite impossible for her to not possess anything as Undine was an ancient spirit that existed before the Great War had happened.

They walked towards the dark cave while at the same time fantasizing about how much wealth Undine had possibly accumulated over the years.

'There ought to be an artifact or two right?' They silently thought to themselves.

As for where would those artifacts go to? They would 'decide' it upon themselves when they had seen them personally.

They hadn't forgotten about Undine and had let Green pull the coffin while Yellow and White were walking occasionally arguing to themselves of what White did earlier to them.