
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Undine's Class

Even though her bloodline stage deteriorated a stage lower, she was still confident that she would be able to beat most of her enemies as long as they had not reached the stage of that unknown man who had sealed them.

And even if she did encounter enemies she could not deal with, she would still be able to escape using her racial talent.

The racial talent of the spirit race could make a spirit's body transform to that of their intangible selves.

Though it sounded overpowered and convenient, it still possesses various limitations such as the limited duration and effectiveness.

The talent's duration highly depended on a spirit's talent and their spirit stages.

Inferior Spirits could maintain their talent for at most a whole minute, their transformation would bring them varying degrees of enhancements.

Some spirits would receive a boost on their energies, some would even have their skills enhanced by the talent.

This is also the reason for them becoming recognized in the past as one of the top class races to ever exist among the myriad races in history.

Although the duration of this talent highly depended on their bloodline stage, they were nevertheless a force to be reckoned with.

Imagine countless spirits using their racial talent at the same time, just thinking about it would make one shudder in fear.

If it were not for the various limitations placed upon their talents then they would've been able to dominate the whole of Dystopia.

Undine could also use her racial talent to fight her enemies but she would only be able to maintain it for five minutes at most.

This duration is equivalent to that of the Ancient Stage, if only her strength hadn't deteriorated over the years she would've been able to maintain her talent for a whole hour.

The vast difference in duration was attributed to the Ancient Stage being extremely hard to attain as well as the extreme sublimation of a spirit bloodline when reaching this stage.

Even in the whole history of their spirit race, only 4 spirits had managed to become Ancient Spirits.

One could see the extreme difficulty for a spirit to reach that stage and the 4 of them would have been able to become God Spirits by now if they weren't sealed away by that hateful man.

She would need an extremely long amount of time to regain her peak strength, her recovery would need 10 years at most.

But even if she was given some time to recover, it wouldn't change her situation.

She heard of the viciousness of that organization from Qianna and felt complex emotions regarding their peculiar grand ambition.

But she doesn't have the leisure to think of unnecessary things, she thought about her incoming enemies instead.

She coldly glared at Aaron, her gaze extremely dangerous and threatening, she fully displayed her prowess as an Ancient Spirit.

Although her strength detoriated to that of Ancestral Stage, she was still able to use her pressure as an Ancient Stage anytime she wants.

She emitted terrifyingly vast energy that made Qianna and Aaron unable to breathe, her sudden changes made them feel shocked.

Qianna did not know why she had suddenly become murderous, but Aaron felt anxious as he thought that it must be related to him as he saw that Undine had only fixed her eyes on him with suffocating killing intent.

Qianna who was the closest to Undine bore the great feeling of oppression from her, she had already knelt on the ground with a sweat-filled face.


Aaron also felt her terrifying killing intent, he felt his back go cold and thought to himself with horror.

'This... This thick and almost tangible killing intent.. this could only be cultivated by killing uncountable creatures! Her killing intent is comparable to that of my idol at least!'

A killing intent would be instantly formed around the person who had killed someone, and the more a person killed, the more resentment they would accumulate on their bodies.

And right now, Undine displayed an unprecedented amount of killing amount, it's a wonder how she was able to maintain her sanity despite the thick killing intent she possessed.

Aaron was intimidated by her display of power and subconsciously stepped back, it's fortunate that his mind had gone through tempering from the countless battles he had experienced, or he might've gone crazy because of the sheer pressure that Undine directed to him.

He's sweating profusely while maintaining high vigilance towards any actions that Undine might exhibit.

Then he saw her opening her mouth, her melodious voice had a calming effect on him, his tensed nerves relaxed just from hearing her pleasant voice.

Voice of the Siren!

Undine had used this charming skill to make the assassin lower his guard down and she saw that it was quite effective thus she immediately grabbed the opportunity to ask.

"Handsome boy over there! Yes, you! I'm pretty sure you used something just now, do you mind telling this big sister about it?"

She purposely used a charming voice to influence his mind, she saw that the assassin had a blank expression on his face.

She lightly smiled and shook her head while thinking to herself.

'This boy is easily influenced by a party trick skill of mine, he's not a go-'

She was interrupted of her thinking when she saw that 'fickle' assassin regain his calm and opened his mouth to said mockingly.

"You guessed it right! I used a communication device to request reinforcements and now they're almost here. I wonder if you guys would be able to escape out of here when they had surrounded this place."

Undine was shocked that Aaron was able to break out of her spell this fast, she did not expect that he had such a tough and firm will, but on the second thought, it should be quite normal for him to have those traits as he was a trained assassin himself.

Aaron does not really know if the reinforcements that he requested had already arrived but he could not possibly show this weakness in front of her can he?

He could only resort to bluffing to buy more time for himself and he hoped that Undine would believe it.

"Oho~ I can just take you as my hostage to threaten them and I would be able to make them retreat, isn't this a wonderful plan?"

Undine said menacingly with a smile that looks like not a smile, she does not believe that threatening them would work as she already knew from Qianna herself of their decisive and vicious methods.

How could they possibly be swayed to retreat just by taking one of their members hostage? She felt that it was too unlikely but still held that bit of hope.

But that bit of hope dissipated when she heard his next words.

"You can't. You wouldn't be able to threaten our organization just by taking a small and insignificant member like me."

He said this in a mocking voice that no one knows if it's directed to Undine or towards his weak self.

Qianna was dumbfounded when she heard his words, she did not expect that he could say those kinds of words as she knew him as an assassin with a calm bearing and steadfast personality.

Undine was about to open her mouth to reply when she felt multiple unfamiliar presences sneakily entering her temple, she counted and found that they only numbered around 100.

She was taken aback, she thought that they would send at least 1000 men to capture her, but she didn't expect them to blatantly underestimate her like this.

Her ocean-blue eyes flickered with a bit of uncertainty and felt that there is more to this than meets the eye.

There must be a leader hiding behind the scenes somewhere to command this group of intruders.

But she nevertheless got provoked by their actions, she angrily muttered to herself.

"How dare they mock me like this? I'll show them the wrath of a Great Water Spirit!"

She had decided to greet the intruders personally thus it was natural for her to equip herself for the upcoming fight.

Her ocean-blue eyes flickered with brilliance, she raised her hands and made various complicated hand seals in the air, her slender and fair hands moved in an extremely pleasing rhythmical way.

Her speed was so fast that her hands turned into a blur, after the last hand seal was made, a ripple of space appeared in front of her.

A brilliant glow of blue light appeared, it slowly morphed and turned into a set of armor and a long sword.

The light subsided not long later and what appeared in front of her was a pair of valiant blue battle dress that shone with blinding bright lights and a long exquisitely crafted blue crystal sword.

The sword had a golden blue hilt, while the surface of the blade was beautifully designed with wave-like markings like that of an ocean wave, its edges glowed with cold lights that made the sword look sharp and lethal at the same time.

Contrary to Mirage's expectations of Undine being a milkmaid, she was actually in fact a battle mage.