
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Ultimate Skill of the Psychic Class

Leo's crystal blue eyes rapidly constricted as he felt a resounding thunder explode in his head, he was extremely shocked by the reply that his disciple gave to him.

It was an unexpected reply yet he also already expected for it to happen when he saw his disciple use the forbidden Psychic skill.

The various classes introduced in Dystopia would have the ability to unlock a class-exclusive ultimate skill after their classes reached the 3rd class advancement stage.

He's a Psychic himself, a 3rd class advancement at that and he had come to know of the Psychic's ultimate skill the moment he had successfully ascended to become a Seer.

Leo quite had an idea of their skill however, he could not say that he knew of the accurate usage and effects of their ultimate skill as he only heard horrible rumors circulating around their Psychic circle and he could say that those rumors were all terrifyingly dreadful.

To say the least, the [ Ultimate Skill: Persona ] that they have would awaken the sleeping hidden persona inside them to let that persona gain temporary control over the body of the said Psychic, and hearing them from rumors was one thing but seeing it happen right in front of his eyes was a completely different and shocking thing.

However, this ultimate skill also possess limitations and weakness and the most glaring of them all was the unknown danger and risks that the said skill contained which could potentially

endanger the life of the Psychic.

As the name suggested, a persona is a new and wholly different personality that a person haves and no one, not even the Psychics themselves knew if their persona either held good or bad intentions on their body.

What if their persona happens to have malicious intent of wanting to completely take over their body? Does the Psychic even have the capability to defend themselves? Of course, they have but most of them would usually be torn between two choices of letting the persona take over despite the risks or push them back and force them to go into their slumber again.

Killing isn't quite an option because completely wiping their persona would mean that their minds would be severely affected by the side-effects killing their personas bought while this also simultaneously disabled their class-exclusive ultimate skill, but there are also few benefits that a Psychic would gain from wiping their persona and the first benefit was that they would be able to find and foster a much tame persona to use or they could even create a whole new persona to use for themselves.

However, in the short run, these methods would require quite a long time to implement as well as resources because one should know that nurturing naturally comes with consuming an uncountable number of resources, but in the long run, these methods would still let them obtain a sturdier and suitable persona to temporarily take over their bodies.

Leo advised Irene to not use her persona recklessly as they didn't even know how strong the persona hidden deep inside her was.

There's also a reason for him to be worried because his abilities would be rendered useless when it comes to helping Irene undergoing the said process as it was entirely a fight between the Psychic themselves and their hidden persona, and an outsider like him, even if there's an extremely strong Psychic there, they wouldn't even be able to provide much assistance to this kind of fight.

This is also the reason that the bodies of the Psychics undergoing the Personafication would usually be enclosed by their will energy to protect themselves from outside disturbance, this is also the only way that they would be able to focus their whole attention on the fight happening inside them.

Of course, there are some who are lucky enough to have a tame and obedient persona inside them who would just obediently hand over the control of the body to the main one after using their time and they would usually go back to their deep slumber after that.

This type of occurrence also depends on the affinity or bond between the Psychic and their respective personas as well, if they have a complete zero affinity with their persona then they should only expect that their persona would be completely hostile towards them.

As to the methods to increase the affinity? There's none as all personas are all sleeping inside them and unless they wake them up, they wouldn't be able to interact with them much less raise their affinities.

The second benefit to killing the persona would be the Psychic's ability to absorb a part of the said persona's prowess and capabilities.

Leo hadn't tried using the ultimate skill for himself as he felt that it was truly too dangerous to let an unstable persona control his body.

He's a Seer so he was quite uncomfortable by the fact that he would let an unstable thing called persona to take over his body, he loved to have things under his complete control and he especially hates it if he didn't even have the ability to control things that he owned much less let a persona he had no complete control to take over his body.

He had no idea about what happened between his disciple and this 'Administrator' so he was dying to ask her for the details but when he was about to open his mouth to ask her, they suddenly heard the angered roar of the Red Dragon.

Leo's eyes twitched as he immediately frowned and looked to where the dragon was.

The Red Dragon still had its pair of berserk red eyes but this time its hatred and terrifying bloodthirst weren't directed to him any longer as its eyes were now dead set to his disci- Administrator.

The dragon roared again and then magic circles after magic circles suddenly appeared around its humungous red draconic body, its huge body was being repeatedly bathed with a mysterious multi-colored glow.

Then he was shocked to see that its already red body was rapidly turning into a darker shade and it was like its body was turning blood red in color.

Its fierce and ferocious draconic aura also rapidly climbed up to the point that if there were any 1st class advancement person near the dragon right now then that said person would only pass out due to suffocation just from its mere aura alone.

The berserk and crazy Red Dragon from earlier suddenly used various skill buffs to strengthen itself, this made him frown for a bit as he thought that the dragon would only be able to use primitive types of attack while it was on its berserk state, but it seems that he was mistaken as it could still use a skill for itself.

There's also a possibility that it would be able to use its other skills and complicated moves for their upcoming fight.

His handsome face displayed dread and a thoughtful expression as he was silently thinking to himself.

'This Red Dragon would only become much more ferocious and stronger now that it has used buffs for itself... would this Administrator even be able to handle this strengthened dragon?'

He felt anxiety take over his body as he was thinking about this and although she's wholly different than Irene, this Administrator is still a part of Irene and right now she was using the body of his beloved disciple in the stead of Irene, but he swore to himself that if something were to happen to Irene's body while she was the one using it, he would do to the best of his abilities to expel this Administrator out of his disciple's body, it was to the point that he would even use the ultimate skill that he and Irene forbid to use.

His eyebrows were tightly scrunched and his face was quite cold as he was thinking of what would happen to his disciple if she were to fight the Red Dragon, then he subconsciously glanced at his disciple slash Administrator.

Her peerlessly beautiful face still reflected a cold and emotionless expression as if she didn't take the increasingly stronger dragon seriously, she was only looking at it with an impassive gaze.

Suddenly, Administrator raised her slender and fair hands to make the same action that Irene had used to summon the mysterious Pyramidal Artifact earlier.

She made a triangular shape between her connected hands and the dormant will energy was continuously supplying energy to the sleeping artifact inside her.

Her energy wildly surged as it rapidly entered the increasingly glowing Pyramidal Artifact until it had enough energy to slowly materialize in the triangular gap that she made.

It didn't take too long for the artifact to completely come out of her body and its exquisite and mysterious appearance was now for everyone else to see.

The other person and the dragon from afar displayed quite a variety of silly expressions as they looked at the Pyramidal Artifact that came out of her body.