
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

The Past

After he saw the butler left the room, his cold face immediately revealed a warm and gentle smile while happily thinking to himself that he had finally found his son.

His son had failed his genetic alteration while he's still in his mother's womb and as a result, his son and his wife's body suffered a varying degree of backlash.

His wife became disabled and was rendered unable to move for all of her life.

While his son suffered a painful monthly body pain that would last for a whole day and the usual recurrence of the said backlash is every fifteenth day of the month.

Today was coincidentally the fifteenth day of June as well thus at this moment he was filled with worry and anxiousness for his son's safety.

He left his study room and took a spiraling wooden staircase leading upstairs, he walked down the long hallway until he reached the balcony.

In the balcony sat a gorgeous and stunning woman, she had long and silky black hair that hung loosely on her shoulders, exquisite and peerlessly beautiful face like a work of God.

The woman could be called as the prime example of what an ephemeral beauty looks like, stunningly gorgeous and unforgettably beautiful.

She looked quite sick at this moment though, her beautiful face was pale white in color as if blood had left her face.

She was silently sitting on her wheelchair while gazing deeply at the beautiful flower garden below the balcony.

She was like a sick beauty who had a frail and weak body that needed extreme care as her body looked like it would break anytime, this would usually incite the sympathy of countless men and women alike.

The woman turned her head towards where the footsteps had come from and her dim black eyes immediately brightened after she saw the man that she loves standing not far away from her.

She gently smiled which caused her dimples to show up on both sides and softly called out to her husband with her melodious and pleasing voice.

"Honey. You're here? You must have something good to tell me, don't you? I can see that pleased expression on your face quite clearly. Hehe."

The man helplessly grunted as he was instantly seen through by this perceptive wife of his, she had not changed at all and no matter how long they'd been living together, she could easily tell what he was thinking just by looking at his actions and expression.

He even felt embarrassed of being easily seen through by his wife as he felt that he's quite unfitting to be a leader if he was this easily seen through by someone.

He did not mind this though as it was his wife after all and as long as looked dignified in front of his subordinates then all is fine.

He awkwardly coughed and smilingly replied to her.

"I have found him."

The woman stiffened for a moment after she heard him and thought that she must be hearing things but when she looked at the serious yet happy face of her husband, tears immediately trickled down her exquisite face and she looked glad and happy while crying tears of joy.

"That's a big relief. Thank you honey for immediately finding our son. I am worried sick for our son honey, he must be suffering in pain right now, right? Can I see him? Where is he? How is he?"

She barraged him with questions regarding their son while crying, if not for her inability to move her limbs she might've even stood up and run towards her son instead of just waiting for her husband to reply to her questions in her wheelchair.

Seeing the tears gushing out of his wife's eyes, he felt a pang of pain in his heart.

He had few regrets in his life and the biggest regret that he had all this time was his careless mistake of arbitrarily modifying the genes of his son.

It was all his fault that his wife and son are suffering in pain right now and if only he had not insisted on starting that operation then their lives might've been much different...

The woman saw her husband suddenly become silent and she instantly knew what he was thinking just from how his eyes moved and expressed his feelings.

She helplessly sighed and went on to comfort the feelings of her husband.

"Dear, why do you always have to blame yourself for what happened to us? It's not your fault at all, none of us expected the accident to happen right?"

"You should know that we saved our son by undergoing that operation don't you?"

She gave him a deep look and did not say anything anymore while she was waiting for the response of her husband.

He was silent for a moment before hesitantly saying.

"You... are right..."

She wanted to lift her hands to hug and comfort her pained husband but she could not even move her hands right now, much less raise them.

Thus, she could only look at him with helpless and bitter eyes because she knows her husband full well and knew that as long as he still sees them in their miserable states, he wouldn't stop feeling guilty and blaming himself for what had happened to them.

Then the woman diverted her gaze away from her husband and she had a longing look while gazing at the beautiful and colorful flowers on the large garden below.

'How good would it be if we could live a normally peaceful and happy life.'

Her beautiful face soured and looked bitter as she thought of this, because of the high authority held by their Silvia Clan countless enemies were surging towards them to target them and heavily restrict their growth, these people were afraid of the terrifying development speed that they had displayed and thought that they may be able to dominate the whole world in less than a hundred years.

Due to the talented and skillful handling of the clan by Matthew, he had made the clan prosper and rise to great heights that even the past achievements of the Silvia Clan Ancestors couldn't compare to.

He had managed to single-handedly create an unprecedented golden era for the clan.

The many families were threatened by their astonishing progress and be it local or international tyrant families, they were all targeting their clan with an intention to suppress.

The local families were able to fight them first but then they got suddenly swallowed whole by the Silvia Clan.

This made the local tyrants feel helpless and fearful against this monstrous clan that could swallow families after families and they even looked like the Silvia Clan's appetite weren't even satiated in the slightest as those who had stubbornly opposed them were devoured in mere weeks.

The local tyrant families didn't want their families that they painstakingly established to go down the drain by their own hands thus they could only surrender in resignation to the Silvia Clan.

The successful domination of the continent by the Silvia Clan made them extremely popular that even the international families felt helpless when it comes to suppressing them in their own home country.

Thus the international families reluctantly stopped their futile attempts of suppressing the clan, but if the clan were to expand their territory outside, they, the alliance of international families would do their best to push the Silvia Clan back to their country.

The Silvia Clan indeed tried to expand only to meet with fierce resistance and repulsion by the families thus they could only temporarily give up on their thoughts of expanding.

They didn't have enough foundation for them to tackle and bear the pressure of the whole alliance thus they could only lie in wait for the right time to strike in one fell swoop for that elusive opportunity.

At the time of the warring local families that suppressed the clan, there are some who resorted to extremely vicious methods of assassinating the lady of the clan and there were even fearless ones that targeted the head only to fail completely.

But there had been one assassin that successfully poisoned his eight months pregnant wife - Amanda.

The assassin was extremely sneaky and elusive that the clan had only managed to discover his traces when he had already poisoned Amanda and the child in her womb - Ralph.

Amanda took an antidote and successfully purged the poison out of her body but they didn't know that there was still a poison that remained in her body that viciously targeted the baby in her.

Amanda and her husband were outraged by this and tried to come up with various antidotes but it seemed that the poison was a newly created one because their database didn't contain any of its information.

It has to be known that they were a prestigious family that dominated a whole city at that time so their data gathering should be quite capable but they didn't even manage to know the composition of the poison much less know the creator behind such vicious of a poison.

They were driven mad due to the urgency of the matter and they could only resort to using their incomplete biological technology that could alter the genes of their unborn child.

It should be known that this technology is still in the midst of perfecting and was still quite dangerous to use but they had no choice as this might be the only thing that could save their child right now.

Chapter Edited: 02/05/21

ldhooniecreators' thoughts