
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

The Mysterious Woman vs The Red Devil (1)

The old devil suddenly froze from his laughing.

He opened his mouth and simulated a tone repeatedly.

"W-what is this?!! Why is my voice like this?!! Ahh!!"

The shout of the devil was extremely unpleasant to hear that even the sleeping baby Chan almost woke up.

After shouting the woman heard him mutter to himself in despair, she had no idea why the devil was acting like this.

"Mirror... I need to see my... current appearance... It shouldn't be... like this."

The devil glanced at the woman then he opened his mouth and maliciously said.

"You! What are you looking at?! I'll gouge those eyes of yours if you look at me more!"

The hooded woman's white eyes suddenly turned cold but she nevertheless complied to not look at him any longer and directed her gaze away.

She was wary of this red devil's appearance, she could not detect his strength at all.

It was as if he was shrouded in a black ominous mist that prevents the intrusion of her mystical eye skill, she was shocked by this thus she adopted a cautious attitude and thought that she should handle this matter carefully.

She then saw the devil raised his right hand and clicked his finger, a lump of black mass suddenly materialized in front of him and slowly turned into a flat surface mirror that clearly reflected his devilish old and hideous appearance.

The devil had wide eyes while he was staring at the mirror, he raised both of his hands to touch his face and cried in shock.

"No!! Why?! Of all the people that had picked up my blood, why is it a dying old man?!"

The red devil released an anguished cry that shook the entire basement room until small cracks were crisscrossing on the walls.

The mysterious woman saw this and narrowed her eyes, the baby she was holding in her arms was slowly awakening, she blew at him once more to make him sleep again.

While the underground room was shaking, the hooded woman was silently thinking to herself.

'This can't go on... if I continue to stay here we might get buried alive...'

Then the devil suddenly stopped its scream, the quaking was gone and the woman raised her head to take a look at what happened to the devil for it suddenly stop like that.

There she saw the red devil was looking at her with covetous eyes.

"Heehee~! I can smell a womanly scent from you!"

The red devil smiled widely, its eyes were filled with greed and malice.

The hooded woman wasn't deterred and instead asked the devil back with a cold voice.

"So what if I'm a woman?"

The red devil smiled even more widely after it heard her words, it then opened its mouth and pitifully said while crying crocodile tears.

"You see... I am a woman too but I... without knowing... had suddenly woke up in an old man's body..."

The hooded woman frowned at the devil's words, she somehow knew where this conversation is going to thus she bluntly asked 'her'.

"So what do you want from me then?"

Her heart was filled with a bad feeling just from looking at the devil who had red-black eyes.

The 'sad' expression of the devil suddenly turned bright and asked her with a lively and shy voice, but all the hooded woman could feel from her was disgust.

"I...I... could this beautiful big sister lend me your body? I promise I'll return it to you immediately! I really want to become a woman again, could you at least lend it to me for 1 minu- no 30 seconds will do...please??"

The red devil looked at her with pitiful and crying eyes but the hooded woman did not feel pity at all, she almost took a step back because of sheer disgust.

In front of her was an old man openly displaying girly emotions, if anyone saw this scene who wouldn't feel weirded out?

A person might even feel the urge to puke their eaten food out of their stomach because of the actions that the devil had displayed.

The hooded woman did not hesitate and immediately declined the devil's request.

"No! How am I obliged to give you my body? We're not even related so how can you shamelessly ask to occupy my body? You must be dreaming!"

She tightly held the baby in her hands, she knew of the consequences of her denying the request of the devil and was quite nervous for the baby's safety on their upcoming fight.

The red devil heard her words clearly and it was now violently trembling while its ferocious aura was on the verge of eruption.

It glared at her and angrily said.

"You! H-how dare you! I only asked you for a small thing to do... yet you coldly denied me?? Just like that??"

The hooded woman's eyes constricted and readied herself to defend or evade at any given time.

The restrained malevolent aura of the devil fully erupted with great momentum like a tide that assaulted the woman.

The hooded woman wasn't too affected by this as she wasn't the type that could be easily deterred by mere auras, but she had a hard time shielding Chan from the ferocious aura.

The momentum was halted and what came next was the fierce assault of the devil, it pounced at her with the intent to tear her to pieces.


The woman already expected this thus she used her mystical footwork to evade again, but this time she was quite strained from evading that she almost got scratched by the devil's sharp claws.

The devil continued its assault, its speed and power were slowly increasing as if it was adapting to the body of the old man.

She had known of the devil's ability to revive with just a drop of their blood but she didn't expect for the devil before her to have this kind of strength right after their blood rebirth.

It was getting harder and harder to dodge the attacks of the enemy, her face had a solemn expression and thought.

'At this rate, I'll have no choice but to counterattack, but it is quite hard with this baby in my arms...'

She held the baby in her left arm while she used her right arm to attack.

She opened her palm and a small blooming white lotus could be soon on top that appeared extremely beautiful but the devil wasn't attracted to the flower at all as it instead felt an immense threat from it.

Blooming Dawn of the Lotus!

The flower completely opened and what came out were countless small white wasps with sharply pointed stingers.

The devil scoffed at these tiny bees and just waved its claws around but its claws hadn't managed to slice them at all as they had easily passed through its claws and continued to latch on its body and instantaneously disappear.

It felt small tremors on its head as it was being pierced by the bees one after the other, it couldn't think normally as it was being interrupted by the wasps each time it attempted to do so.

It gritted its teeth and thought.

'This woman's a Psychic!'

The devil had read through the memories of the old man thus it naturally knew of the newly created class called Psychics that were only created in the current era.

It has to be known that red devils had existed since tens of thousands of years ago and they wouldn't receive any new knowledge while they were in their 'dead' state, thus it couldn't possibly come up with a way to protect itself from the attacks on its mind.

Well, at least not yet, but he had scanned the old man's memory and it saw the old man's ability to protect itself from mental attacks.

The devil did not take the attacks of the white wasps head on any longer and it instead ran around the whole basement room.

One might think that devils are bloodthirsty creatures that only knew how to kill and scheme but that stereotype wasn't true at all as the devils also had the ability to rationally think for themselves as well.

Well, the devil couldn't really deny this typical thought as it knew for itself that most of the time, they, the devils would just let themselves be consumed by the addicting pleasure of killing.

The devil glanced towards where the woman was standing and saw that the woman still had the lotus flower on her hand that continuously produced white wasps.

The devil wore a grim expression as it was solemnly thinking to itself.

'This situation could not go on like this! I have to stop that despicable woman from producing any more of these hateful wasps...'

It gritted its teeth and abruptly stopped in its tracks, he reached out into thin air and grabbed something before pulling out a small bottle that contains smoky white liquid.