
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Temple of the Water Spirit (2)

He forcefully held that feeling down with a frown though partly due to his good discipline and partly due to him feeling that acting in such a way was too vulgar and obnoxious, who knows if someone was lurking around him and saw him run and shout barbarically?

He looked at the statue again and this time his gaze was particularly fond as this was the one who rewarded him with free stat points.

Then he looked down and saw that the woman was standing on a flat and rectangular bluestone platform and he could see a few small words written on its surface, thus he took a closer look so that he could clearly see it.

[ Water Spirit Undine ]

This was what he read as he silently thought to himself.

'So she's not human but a spirit huh? What's the difference between humans and spirits when they and humans look exactly alike?'

He was thinking about this question when he looked down again and read the name of the spirit.

'Her name is Undine?! Like the Undine that I know of the particular ancient civilization's mythology back on Earth?!'

The name Undine on that particular myth was said to be the prime spirit governess of waters and this Undine in front of him was also a Water Spirit that had the power to wield water.

'Is this merely coincidence or not? If it's not, then there must be other of such mythical creatures hiding somewhere.'

He thought of the possibility of Fire Emperor Ifrit, Earth Titan Gaia, and Wind Fairy Sylph existing in this world and he thought that the possibility was high thus he was quite excited and curious about what they look like in the game as well.

He had already seen the Water Governess Undine and she's extremely beautiful and it is possible that the others would look as good as Undine.

He thought that they should be around here somewhere and were just waiting to be found by the players themselves.

It is also possible that they had their own temples as well thus he was excited about where and how to find their possible temples, it's definitely not because of the possible rewards from their statues, definitely not.

Aside from the statue of Undine, there was nothing else to see in the vast front yard of the temple thus he immediately moved on to where the huge doors of the temple stood.

He was already in front of the temple and he just needed to push those doors blocking him but then he suddenly felt hesitant as he wasn't too sure of what was hidden inside this temple.

Who knows if he would be met with another water something trial after opening these doors? He wouldn't be able to take on another trial as he was still too tired right now.

Even though his body had recovered from the fatigue thanks to the recovery buff from before but it still wasn't on the level that it was able to clear away his accumulated mental fatigue from the fighting earlier.

He is tired and the only thing that he needs is a long day of rest to recover from this mental fatigue of his.

As if the temple sensed his hesitation to enter, the huge doors suddenly released a low hum and opened.

He did not manage to see the inside of the temple clearly when he was suddenly surrounded by a blue water bubble that immediately bought him inside while flying at an extremely fast speed.

He was shocked for a moment before he fiercely resisted the bubble that surrounded him only to feel helpless because his attacks were only bounced away by the seemingly soft and fragile bubble.

He was speechless by this because this bubble didn't conform to his common sense, but he wasn't even able to pop it as he could only let it bring him to his supposed destination with a sigh.

It looked like it doesn't have any malicious intent towards him anyway so he might as well use it as his vehicle to travel inside.

He examined his surroundings while they were flying at fast speeds.

It looked like they were travelling inside the temple using its vast and seemingly endless hallway, it was sparsely decorated with unknown blue flowers.

There are various exquisite paintings attached in the hallway walls as well and each of them was all enclosed within a small sphere of water as if they were preventing the paintings from rotting away because of the element called time.

As he was being carried in an extremely fast rate, he could not see the details of the paintings quite clearly but he could vaguely see some of them had Undine drawn on them.

One painting contained a terrifying great tide that looked like it was planning to submerge a whole continent down but then he saw that Undine had managed to solve this disaster by commanding the tide to go back to where it came from.

It was shockingly ridiculous and thought that it's quite an impossible feat thus he turned to look at another and saw that in this painting Undine was waving her long blue staff around seemingly casting large area spells that protected and buffed her allies from enemy attacks.

There are still more but he felt that it was too much to look at as all of them contained the image of Undine.

He was speechless by these shocking revelations of her great strength while he was silently thinking to himself.

'Does she perhaps have a support-type class that excelled in protecting and healing allies? Is she truly the mythical all-around milkmaid, erm, all-around spirit?'


Inside the Water Spirit Temple.

Mirage had already traveled by at least a whole kilometer when the vehicle, erm, the bubble had suddenly stopped before a grand and tall blue door.

He frowned in nervousness as he couldn't see what or who was hidden inside the unknown room.

Then the door abruptly swung open from the inside and he could now see the insides of the extremely spacious room.

There was a gigantic blue throne inside the room that looked dignified and oppressive to the eyes at the same time.

He was shocked to his core.

'How could an empty throne emit such a terrifying pressure?!'

He did not manage to think for too long as the water bubble had already floated inside the room just a few meters from the throne, then the bubble completely stopped in place and suddenly disappeared with a pop.

He was caught off guard but still managed to react in time and landed on the floor with his two feet albeit a bit clumsy.

Now that he was just a few meters near the throne, he was now able to vividly feel the pressure that it exuded.

The room was extremely spacious and tall, it had a height of at least 25 meters and a width of quintuple its height, but before he could examine the room further, he suddenly heard a voice talking somewhere.

The voice belonged to a woman that sounded soothing and pleasant to the ears.

"Greetings adventurer and welcome to my humble abode. I see that you have managed to pass the trial I had placed on the cave."

He was unable to react in time as he couldn't identify where the voice came from even with the sonar tracker skill that he had was rendered useless.

It was strange, to say the least, as the voice could be clearly heard and it was obvious that it was just near him, but he couldn't even find anyone inside the room as it was completely bare aside from the huge throne in front of him.

Thus he could only frown and reply to the air with uncertainty in his voice.

"Who are you? If you really are Undine then show yourself!"

He waited for a response from the voice but did not receive anything even after 10 seconds has passed thus he opened his mouth with displeasure and was about to talk again when he was interrupted by her reply.

"I am but a servant of Undine, you can think of me as one of her templars that got unfortunately trapped in this temple."

The mysterious woman said this while calmly explaining her identity without clearly stating her name.

He was surprised and asked with curiosity.

"Where is your temple master then?"

The voice of the woman did not reply for a moment before saying with a slight melancholy in her voice.

"I don't know. She had disappeared for a long time already and no one knew where she had gone to as well, some say that she, unfortunately, died somewhere while others say that she was just trapped somewhere."

Mirage was just silently listening to her words as she continued.

"This temple was quite a hot spot back when the Water Governess was still around and managing its affairs, but then it became desolate and empty after her sudden disappearance."