
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Mysterious Organization and the Sudden Change of Qianna

Her fame eventually died out until only a few people could remember her.

The once hailed as the bright rising star suddenly become crippled and lived an ordinary life, she could not even end her miserable life. How pitiful was that?

She silently lived like this until someone from an unknown organization sought her out and asked her to join them.

She was told of their grand and shocking ambitions and the price for attaining that dream would only result in endless bloodshed to the point that this wild ambition of theirs alone could possibly incite another Great War that would take billions of lives.

Qianna didn't want to join them because she got already used to her peaceful lifestyle, but the messengers were extremely persistent about recruiting her, they gave her a promise that they would give her the cure for her curse after she joined them.

She was indeed tempted by their offer but she still held a clear conscience inside her to not kill a life just to attain what one wants, so she instantly made the decision to reject their offer with a firm stance.

The organization was angered and called her actions foolish and she did not mind this and even forgot about that matter, but who would've thought that they would send an assassin to kill her dead in the middle of the night?

Were they thinking of silencing her? Qianna was extremely angry but she did not even have her peak strength from the past so she could only run away from her killer miserably.

She had managed to chase away the first assassin using her own potential that she burned to temporarily wield a power that forced him to retreat.

But after that would be difficult for her as she would suffer a period of weakness for 48 hours that made her run away from her cozy home lest they would send another to her house again.

She would find a place to recuperate and the organization sent another batch of assassins to kill her while she went to retreat yet again, this situation continued for months until she accidentally entered the Temple of the Water Spirit.

In the temple, Qianna found that she was able to wield her peak power again and this made her extremely happy to the point that she bawled her eyes out all day, and after she woke up the next day she immediately decided to make this empty temple as her base to fend off the assassinations coming for her.

She knew that she would only be able to force them back by at least 2 times before they would get impatient and send stronger assassins to chase after her.

Thus she had to manage herself very well and hide for as long as she can in this temple, the temple was quite empty and desolate thus she designed and changed most of the temple structures inside to suit her living conditions.

Qianna also found out that she could not touch nor move the things that were already inside the temple thus she just left them aside to manage her own space.

The peaceful life she once had come back again and this continued for weeks until she felt the disturbance of an unknown person appearing within the periphery of the temple and she knew that only those who successfully passed the temple's trial could enter here thus her curiosity towards the mysterious person was incited.

But then, Qianna suddenly had a thought that maybe that person was another assassin sent by the organization it was better to be careful after all, thus she secretly schemed and disguised herself as a trapped templar to probe the youth of his intentions.

The plan did go on smoothly as he was indeed deceived by her lies and she was about to see his attitude when she attacked when the youth's shadow suddenly transformed and attacked her.

Qianna then thought to herself that she was indeed right in her assumptions that the youth was an assassin sent to kill her thus her fury soared as defended the shadow's sudden attack.

She gave a furtive glance at the youth and saw that he was shocked by the sudden appearance of the shadow as well.

It was obvious that he also did not know of the shadow who attacked her, Qianna was surprised then she felt shame and apologetic as she almost killed an innocent person because of her wrong assumption.

It was fortunate that she had not really killed him or she would've been ridden with guilt all her life if she had indeed killed him because of a misunderstanding.


Now that the youth was behind her, Qianna suddenly felt shy for some reason as it was her first time to be hugged by a man like this, but somehow she felt a weird feeling coming from the youth behind her.

She felt an unknown and terrifying force from him that made her heart quiver in unease and this dreadful feeling only sprouted when the youth had hugged her.

The ever silent curse deep inside her also behaved strangely as she felt that it emitted a faint sense of restlessness and panic deep inside her.

This was the first time that she felt the curse react like this and it seemed like it was deeply afraid of something, and the possible culprit behind this was possibly the azure-haired youth behind her as the annoying black-clad man had already been blasted by her torrent up in the air.

Qianna got momentarily distracted as she saw him flying in the air, her eyes shone with bright lights as the spell displayed its effects right in front of her.

She wanted to take a step forward to study the profundities of her newly created spell further only to feel the tip of the cold and sharp dagger pointed on her neck.

She felt anxious and her back sweated in trepidation as she was afraid that the youth might accidentally push the dagger to her neck, thus although Qianna was curious by her spell, she could only hold herself back as she stood still without moving an inch because of the severity of her situation.

She wanted to explain to him that it was just a misunderstanding and she had no plans to kill him, an innocent man, as she thought earlier that he was an assassin that was sent to kill her.

She wanted to do this but was unable to do so because her mind was being slowly affected by the curse as it made her feel various negative emotions.

Qianna's emotions were on the brink of breaking down and no one knows what she would do if that happened.


Meanwhile, the man in black was currently feeling aggrieved.

He was only momentarily distracted but he had flown up in the air all of a sudden, though the water torrent did not do much damage to him, it nevertheless made him feel shame and embarrassment.

He blamed Qianna for this so he fiercely glared at her, he saw her being hesitant then she had suddenly became absentminded, staring dazedly at empty air.

Although he had no idea why she was being like that, he still knew that the chance to kill her has come so he immediately reached his hands towards his back pocket and threw some of his emergency daggers towards the unguarded Qianna.

Mirage felt the vibration of the air and frowned as he hurriedly looked up towards the source of the vibration.

He could see five daggers that were flying at extremely high speed and were approaching them fast, he knew that he had to dodge these thus he pushed the woman away and hurriedly rolled to the ground to dodge.

The woman came out unscathed but he himself still moved a hit late as he was grazed by one of the daggers on his left arm and drops after drops of red blood continuously flowed out of the wound which dropped to the ground with a splat.

Yet somehow, his blood did not accumulate to form a small pool as it was all absorbed by the cold floor instead and it glowed a weak white light after it absorbed the blood.

No one noticed this anomaly as they were too busy maintaining their vigilance to each other now that someone took the initiative to attack.

Mirage had no idea of the feud between them to the point that they wanted to kill each other so badly but he still felt disgruntled about the man's actions thus he chose to protect the girl instead of just standing idly at the side.

He looked at the woman who was lying silently on the ground and he saw that her face was blank and looked unfocused as if she did not notice anything around her.

Mirage found her behavior strange but did not delve into the matter any deeper as he first had to deal with the most urgent one in front of him.

The man finally finished his fall and landed on the ground gracefully, Mirage deeply stared at him and asked with gritted teeth.

"Who are you?"