
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs


Thus with the use of such flawed equipment, they forcefully altered the underdeveloped genetic sequence of Ralph to that of a gluttonous gene that would consume any kind of energy which in turn would benefit and nourish the body.

As to what exactly does energy entail? There are quite a number of examples that could be counted as energies.

Poison is an energy that could negatively affect and kill the body.

Nutrients from the food are also considered beneficial energy that could positively help and nourish the body.

There are many more of such energies around them and these were exactly the nutrients that the gluttonous gene would need to consume.

They weren't planning to make their son a glutton though as they were quite worried about what might happen to their son if they entirely changed his genes.

They only altered a portion of his genes and the operation was going quite smoothly but then an accident happened halfway and in the end, they had no choice but to forcefully terminate the operation or both Amanda and Ralph would die of biological injuries.

They had successfully terminated the process but both the mother and the child still suffered a severe backlash from the failure of the operation.

The forceful intervention led to the supposed beneficial gluttonous gene turning into a maliciously poisonous gene that consumes the life force of their baby.

The vicious poison that plagued their baby had indeed been devoured by the gluttony gene and just the consuming speed that it displayed alone made them know of the formidable prowess that their genetic alteration technology possesses.

The effects that they intended to display did not show up though as they instead became like a leech that consumed the energy inside their baby...

This situation still helped their baby to overcome his critical condition though and he even successfully came out of his mother's womb alive.

At first, when things went awry, Matthew and Amanda had indeed thought of aborting the baby to end its suffering, but then they saw him in the monitor stubbornly fight for his life despite his undeveloped intelligence, this made them feel extreme shame and sadness.

They were in shame because they had almost given up on their child and felt sad because they knew that their baby would have to fight and suffer for his whole life just for him to live in this merciless world.

Years passed and the genetic alteration technology has already been perfected but it couldn't change their son's situation any longer as his genes had already matured completely.

One should know that everything has its own limits that they had to follow and the genetic alteration technology wasn't exempted by this fact.

Its altering effect only affects the underdeveloped genes of unborn babies and it wouldn't do any effect on those who had fully developed genes at all.

It is already too late to change or remove the poisonous gluttonous gene out of Ralph's body as he had already turned 10 years old by the time they perfected their technology.

And in these 10 years, their son had suffered unimaginable pain that even his parents could not imagine, they did not know if it was the right thing that they had let Ralph live in pain like this or not, they could only grieve silently for their incapability to take care of their child.

One thing is for sure though, they did not regret the decision that they had made at that time and made sure that their baby would come out of this world alive.

She forced herself to calm down and avoid crying again as her husband might get distressed if she did so.

She could only softly mutter to herself.

"There may be no cure for our baby right now but I'm sure that there would be one in the future. I just hope that that day wouldn't be too long."

Her husband Matthew heard her softly muttering to herself thus he squatted down to gently hug the frail body of his wife and whispered comforting words to her red ears.

"Don't worry dear, that day would come for sure and it wouldn't be too long for it to come."

He then fondly kissed her forehead and gently smiled at his wife.

Amanda looked at her husband with an adoring and loving gaze but she was embarrassed to show it to her husband thus she could only lower her head in shy to hide her blushing red face.


Somewhere on Earth, Inside a certain apartment room.

A splendidly big and long technological capsule could be seen operating at the center of the room and various colors and density of wires were messily strewn all over the room.

At this moment, one could hear a resounding knock at the door of the room and a pleading voice could even be heard behind it.

It seems that the voice got impatient as it turned silent and the door suddenly swung wide open then five men in black suits simultaneously entered the room.

They each found a corner to secure and one of the men possibly their leader went near the large capsule and carefully knocked on it and helplessly said.

"Young Master? Could you please come out of there right now? Your father had already asked us to escort you back to the villa in this instant..."

This young master of his caused them to went through countless difficulties just to locate his whereabouts and yet here he was playing just a few kilometers away from their Silvia Clan.

They were speechless by the daring attitude of their young master as they had seriously thought that if he had indeed run away from home, he should've hidden somewhere far away from the villa or he could even go and hide in some far-off country.

They wasted so much effort only to know that they only had to carefully look at their surroundings to find him.

The capsule flickered with faint blue light and this meant that the capsule is occupied and then the blue light suddenly turned red and the capsule door slowly slid open.

They were elated by this and thought that their young master was willing to come back with them peacefully.

The doors completely opened and thick white mist immediately surged out from within the capsule.

Half a minute had already passed and they still did not hear any sound nor even the silhouette of their young master.

The leader was immediately filled with suspicion thus he retreated and asked a subordinate to go and check the capsule instead.

The man silently affirmed by nodding his head and went to the capsule and he fist cleared the white mist out which thickly surrounded the game capsule.

Then he checked the inside of the capsule and to his shock, he couldn't see their young master inside the capsule at all!

What was inside was only a pair of comfortable cabin clothes and pants as if someone had intentionally left them inside to tease them.

He was still in shock and thus he was unable to react immediately, the leader saw that the subordinate he ordered had suddenly froze on the spot for a long time without moving and he frowned for a moment before calling him out.

"You there! What's happening?"

The subordinate woke up from his stupor and he hesitantly looked to where his leader was and said in a low and anxious voice.

"That... the young master isn't here sir..."

The leader thought that he was hearing it wrong thus he asked again with wide eyes.


The subordinate did not answer his question and just quietly retreated to the side so that the leader could see it for himself.

The leader indeed saw that the capsule was empty but he still went towards it and did a careful scan only to found nothing suspicious.

He was silent and his eyes narrowed into a slit while he was making various deductions of the possibilities inside his head.

'I could only think of two possibilities behind the sudden disappearance of the young master at the moment and I had no way to confirm these thoughts for now as well.'

'The first possibility was that he was kidnapped by the opportunistic local families while he was playing the game thus leaving his clothes behind, but this is quite unlikely as we are closely monitoring the security and movement of the country.'

'The other one was that the young master had escaped by himself earlier upon noticing our movements, he was living near us all this time after all thus this is also quite possible.'

The leader had a grim expression while they were silently waiting for the old butler of the master to arrive, and soon he had indeed arrived and immediately asked the leader what had happened.

The leader carefully elaborated the things that happened as well as voicing out his thoughts to the butler who was silently listening to him with a tight frown.

The butler immediately departed to report to the master after he heard of the things that the leader had to say.

Chapter Edited: 02/05/21

ldhooniecreators' thoughts