
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Meeting the Great Illusionist Mercedes

Earth, Inside Matthew's Office

Matthew was blinded by his rage and anxiety, he was unable to control himself from throwing the various important papers on his desk.

He was huffing in anger at the moment and was coldly staring at the shivering old butler, he forcefully calmed himself down and asked.

"Say that again? What do you mean that my son had suddenly disappeared in that damned game cabin leaving only his clothes behind?"

He still couldn't fully control his emotions thus by the end of the sentence he was trying hard to grit his teeth and not lash out.

The old butler didn't dare to meet the cold eyes of his master as he had indeed disappointed him greatly and he could only lower his head in shame.

Matthew seldom lost his cools when dealing with the clan's various affairs as he always maintained his dignity in front of his subordinates and even his family only knew of him as the cold and emotionless dad with the exception of the wife who knew him very well.

He could not maintain his cool this time as was suddenly informed that his son had disappeared again.

There's even the possibility of his son being kidnapped by the local families targetting them so how could he possibly keep his emotion in check when his son is possibly in danger?

The butler did not reply to his question and just remained silent and although he was quite angry he thought that he should maintain his rationality this time and deal with the matter of his son with great care.

He opened his mouth and gave an order to the butler.

"You go and secure the perimeters of the country and have them capture all suspicious individuals leaving the country. Also, carefully monitor the activities and movements of the local families, they might have something to do with my son's disappearance."

The old butler immediately replied.

"I understand. I would do as the sir had told and I would make sure that the young master would come back to the villa safely."

With that, he bowed towards Matthew and quietly and swiftly left the room.

Matthew bitterly sighed to himself after the old butler left, he's extremely worried for the safety of his son and if not for him unable to leave his villa then he would've even personally searched for his son.

But he couldn't do this as he needed to be level-headed when it comes to dealing with matters related to his family.

He kept this matter to himself and did not inform his wife about this as he didn't want her to feel worried again.

Matthew could only wait for his son to come back fast and in safety.

He gazed outside the window while thinking to himself.

'Ralph, just where had you gone off to? Your mother would be worried sick if you won't immediately come back son...'


Dystopia, Misty Town

Mirage could only reluctantly move on and accept his fate of being trapped inside the game while consoling himself that he could live as an immortal here at the same time.

He had already completed all of his quests thus it was time for him to personally claim the rewards from the NPC's.

[ A quest has been completed. ]

[ A quest has been completed. ]

[ You received a total of 2 silvers and 100 EXP. ]

He had only completed 2 quests with average difficulties and had instantly managed to receive 2 silver coins enough for him to live his life cheaply for at least a whole week.

The rent fee of the room usually costs 15 coppers a day and the food expenses would cost him, 5 coppers, for a whole day if he only ate stale bread for his meals.

The life that he had before and the life he had now were two completely different things as he was living a luxurious life before while he was living a dirt-poor life right now.

He subconsciously gulped at the thought of the premium juicy steaks that he had been eating back home.

He did not know that a steak that he used to ignore would suddenly become so appetizing in his eyes.

Then his face darkened a bit after he thought of the cold and emotionless old man back home.

"Hmph! That old man must be worried sick by now he-he, worry some more because you wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore..."

He had wanted to make fun and mock that strict old man of his only to feel sad and lonely all of a sudden.

His emerald green eyes lost a bit of their luster and looked quite lost and muddled while at the same time he looked up towards the bright blue sky and a tear of sadness trickled down his face.

"I... want to go back..."

When he was about to silently cry some more he had suddenly heard someone talking to him thus interrupting him out of his sentimental thoughts.

"Poor thing... why are you crying by yourself? Come and let this big sister hug and comfort you."

The voice was sweet and cheerful and a bit childish to hear thus he looked around him to see who was the one who had talked to him.

There was no one in his front, neither on his sides nor his back, he was instantly confused and silently thought to himself while slightly frowning.


Then the voice talked to him again and this time he had heard it quite clearly, it had an angry and exasperated tone while talking to him.

"Y-you! Where the hell are you looking?! This big sister is standing in front of you all this time, you know!"

He looked in front of him and still saw nothing until he lowered his gaze for a bit.

There he saw a little blonde girl that had her arms crossed, puffed chubby cheeks, and stomping little feet while angrily looking at him with her clear and bright purple eyes.

She looked extremely cute and adorable that he had unconsciously bent down and reached a hand to the girl.

He was about to pinch her cheeks when his hand was slapped away by the little girl herself.

He looked at her in shock and saw that her eyes were wide open with fear and horror apparently displayed on her large purple eyes.

"Y-you! You pervert! How could you molest and touch my chest?!

Her fearful and angry voice was extremely loud to the ears that it had attracted the attention of the people around them.

He suddenly froze and was unable to react temporarily when he heard the absurdity of the little girl's false claims.

'What did she mean that I had touched her breasts?'

'Did she really take me as a child molester? How preposterous!'

He was extremely embarrassed by the disgusted glares that the onlookers directed towards him.

He looked towards the girl who was covering her nonexistent chest and felt embarrassed yet again.

He calmed himself down and directed a cold glare towards the girl before saying.

"How could you, a little girl, viciously slander me like this? I only wanted to touch you-"

He hadn't even managed to finish his sentence when he was interrupted by the scream of the slanderous little girl in front of him.


"H-how could you? You said it yourself that you WANTED to TOUCH my BREASTS!"

She said this and even managed to accentuate the keywords while profusely crying to herself so that the people around them could hear her clearly.

He subconsciously took a step back and he even had the urge to run away but then he remembered that he wasn't guilty of what was being accused to him at all thus he retorted the girl.

"That's not true! Earlier, you said that you wanted to hug-"

He was yet again interrupted by the treacherous little girl in front of him.

She 'weakly' dropped down the ground and looked at him in 'horror'.

"You pervert wanted to hug me as well..? How perverse could you possibly get?"

This time the people around the couldn't take it any longer and they openly condemned him of his 'atrocities'.

"How could he do that terrible thing towards a little girl?"

"He's obviously so young and handsome yet he seemed to like to molest little girls, how disgusting!"

"What a pervert!"

"He must be sick in the head!"

He fell into the abyss of despair after hearing the hateful comments of the crowd around him, he did not even do anything to her and only wanted to pinch her face, yet why had he suddenly became a molester now?

He was aggrieved and at this moment he did not know what he would do anymore, he felt lost and even questioned himself on why he was here.

He wanted to get out of this place but he couldn't due to how the people were crowding around them that prevented him from escaping.

Chapter Edited: 02/05/21

ldhooniecreators' thoughts