
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Mana Surge

Upon pressing the [ Talent Tree ] icon, Mirage's surroundings became distorted into a blur in his eyes and before he knew it, he was already standing in a vast and flat grassland.

There were no wind nor sun in this place yet strangely enough the place was brightly illuminated and refreshing.

There was a huge barren tree in front of Mirage that stood tall like a towering mountain. The tree was devoid of leaves and it was a few hundred meters tall as well.

Its branches were blood-red in color and were intricately spread out like a spiderweb despite it being empty and devoid of a single leaf.

Its blood-red roots were numerous and spread out in all directions, they were extremely huge in size as well, like huge blood dragons hidden beneath the earth.

The [ Talent Tree ] itself looked splendid under the illumination of the bright light in the space. It was like a huge tree solely adorned with shimmering red ruby crystals from its top to bottom.