
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Class Change (1)

Be it a virtual or a biological human body, this kind of incredible feat should be impossible.

There's no existing technology that was able to accurately create a perfect replica of the human body.

The human body is far more, more complicated than everyone thought and there are more hidden functions that the humans had yet to use and discover.

Their Silvia Clan's biotechnology has not even managed to progress that far and could only modify the genetics of a baby that is yet to be born to some extent.

They just did not have the time, knowledge, and capability to be able to modify the trillions of cells in the human body nor could they change the whole composition of the human body.

Their Silvia Clan would be called Gods if they were really able to do that kind of divinely shocking feat.

He did not know much of the details behind his sudden inexplicable transport, but he felt that this mystery should be related to the unknown technology that the game capsule had used.

The third and the last clue that he gathered was related to him almost dying earlier, he just felt that the death he felt at that time was too realistic and lifelike.

It felt like he was really about to die for real and the way he suddenly woke up inside that mysterious grey space made him even more certain of the plausibility of his deductions.

He had even received a notification like this.

[ The consciousness of the player is forcibly extracted out of [??] to return to your last spot. ]

How could one's consciousness possibly travel in the game when they were on the brink of their real deaths?

Shouldn't they go back to reality? Could you simply call that place as a mere hallucination? Or was it a lucid dream perhaps? Of course not.

How could a hallucination produce such vivid images in his eyes? How could a simple lucid dream possibly produce the things he had experienced in that mysterious space?

It's not like he had dreamt of his past or future for him to be able to see those vivid and lifelike things.

And even the game system itself had confirmed that his consciousness has unknowingly entered that mysterious grey space.

Even though he had only managed to collect these few clues, his thoughts of being transported to this game still remained firm.

And having experienced near-death himself made him really furious and murderous, if he had indeed died earlier then that could only be called as his end.

He would not be able to wake up ever again. He's dead. That's it!

How could he possibly remain calm when he saw the one who had almost killed him still emit such a murderous aura?

In almost an instant, Mirage's emerald green eyes shone with bright decisive light.

He swiftly opened his game panel and went to his notifications and found the notification that he was looking for.

[ You have successfully reached the class change requirements. ]

[ You can now change class any time. Would you like to change class now? ]

Beneath that notification were 2 buttons of YES or NO.

He unhesitatingly pressed the YES button and he received another notification as a result.

[ The 1st Golden Class Card Change is now commencing! ]

There was a condition that stated that Mirage had to talk to the Starter Town Protector first before he was able to change class.

Yet, when he woke up from that mysterious space he was suddenly notified that he had somehow completed that requirement and was now able to change class any time.

He had initially assumed that it was due to some sort of bug that affected his class change, but he suddenly had a thought.

What if he was able to initiate the class change as long as he was permitted by a high-leveled NPC?

He did not know about Undine's strength but based on the paintings it was quite obvious that she was strong.

He also did not know of the exact strength of Logan but he had also assumed that he had great strength just based on his ability to open a door of teleportation.

He and Undine should be, if not, were at the same level of strength.

He received various notifications after he received the first.

[ You are eligible to choose a class of your choice. ]

[ The player is advised to make a careful choice as the class change would be an irreversible process! ]

The warning appeared on his notification three times before it stopped and then suddenly, a brilliant glow of golden light appeared out of thin air.

The golden light slowly morphed into a mini door and various golden balls of light rapidly came out of that door.

There were a total of 10 Golden Orbs that slowly circled around Mirage, they were slowly changing into a hand size golden cards.

The three people aside from Mirage were shocked by the sudden appearance of these golden cards.

The golden cards stopped rotating around Mirage and remained in their places while floating silently, it was as if they were waiting to be flipped open by Mirage.

Under Qianna and Aaron's shocked gazes, he nervously reached out his hand and flipped the golden card in front of him.

The contents of the golden card were then revealed in front of him, neither Aaron nor Qianna could see what was inside it.

Mirage could see that inside the card was an unknown man that stood proudly on a flat and seemingly endless grassland.

The face of the man could not be seen but he could feel the aura of the man from the card.

The man emitted a fearless and valiant aura that could make one feel his indomitable resolve and firm will.

The unknown man tightly held the hilt of a jet black long sword that was firmly inserted to the ground in front of him.

The sword was extremely sharp and it faintly shone with a cold and murderous light.

The unknown man just stood on the flat ground yet he was impressively valiant and strong while he holds the black sword, it was as if he could easily break through any entrapment and cut anything and everything that blocks his path.

Mirage took a deep breath after seeing the card as he felt shocked because of the strong pressure that assaulted him when he opened the card.

He silently thought to himself while trying to relax his chaotic state of mind.

'How could a card emit this kind of pressure?! It was as if the man in the card was real and is not a mere drawing!'

He then received a notification that contained the information of the class card.

< Warrior > [ ☆ ]

• Class Description •

- The most popularly used class that are able to wield different types of swords such as a long sword, short sword, saber, etc...

- The Warrior class is known for their fearsome strength and seemingly limitless stamina.

- They are not as fast or as agile as the other classes but they are nevertheless feared for their terrifying close-combat capabilities.

• Class Details •

[ Class Difficulty: ☆☆ ]

[ Offensive Rank: ☆☆☆☆ ]

[ Defensive Rank: ☆☆☆ ]

( Additional Card Note: The data presented on this card is in no way accurate and is only based on the average statistics of the class based on history. )

• Stats, Weapons, and Armor •

[ Main Attribute/s: STR ]

[ Main Weapon/s: Sword ]

[ Secondary Weapon/s: - ]

[ Armor Type: Heavy Armor ]

( Additional Card Note: The data presented on this card is in no way accurate as this data is based on the popular preference of the said class alone. )

[ Change Class to Warrior? ( YES | NO ) ]

He saw its contents and unhesitatingly pressed the NO button as he had no plans to become a Warrior at all.

The golden card flipped back and returned to its initial golden ball shape and rapidly flew back to the mini golden door above.

[ You have declined to become a Warrior. ]

[ The Warrior Class has been removed. ]

[ You may now choose and open another card. ]

He saw the notifications and he chose to open the golden card to the left of the Warrior card from before.

The golden card flipped open and revealed its contents to him.

The background of the card was a slightly dim and vast forest, in the center of the forest stood an unknown man.

Upon a closer look he could see that the man held two short daggers in his hands they shone with sharp lights that made the daggers look fearsome and lethal.

There was a utility belt on the waist of the unknown that displayed various tools such as lockpicks, small black bombs with unknown effects, ropes, and many more.

The man emitted the aura of a conniving thief and terrifying killing intent of an assassin at the same time.

He was just obviously standing silently but Mirage could feel his back feeling cold all of a sudden as if the man on the card had the ability to kill him any time.

Then he received a notification.


ldhooniecreators' thoughts