
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · เกม
187 Chs

Battle Mage, Chosen Members

Although the class had the word 'mage' at the end of its class name, one should not think that they are like those typical fragile mages.

Battle Mages as the name suggests are mages who're specialized in close-quarter combats, they were able to use various buffs and spells that could eliminate some of their weaknesses.

They focused on enhancing their individual combat capabilities instead of the usual mage's group combat prowess.

Battle Mages are troublesome opponents to deal with as they could use their spells instantly without the need to chant to attack their enemies.

The downside of this class was that they would be deprived of using their wide and long-ranged spells with the exception of those close to mid-ranged spells.

But the disabling of some of their skills also means that they were able to enjoy the cooldown reduction of their remaining skillsets.

As for the paintings that Mirage saw in the hallway? All of those were complete bullsh*t made up by painters to romanticize the glorious era of battle mages.

Even Undine felt slight shame seeing those glorified paintings and felt the urge to throw those paintings away, but she ultimately kept them as she truly looked too beautiful and attractive in those paintings.

The blue battle dress rapidly flew towards her and as if the dress was purely made of water, it was able to completely attach itself to Undine's body without encountering any obstacles.

The blue battle dress is an off-shoulder dress that covered her chest down to her legs, the dress came up with long blue boots that covered her feet up to her knees.

The dress that she wore perfectly showed off Undine's womanly charm while looking impressively valiant at the same time.

The crystal blue long sword automatically flew to her right hand and deftly held it in her hand.

Undine was already beautiful to begin with but now that she wore her valiant blue dress and sword, this made her look indomitable yet enchanting at the same time.

She just looks like a legendary undefeated general on the battlefield that had the charisma to make her soldiers feel a surge of passion and high morale.

Undine was now fully equipped thus she unhesitatingly departed to personally greet the 'visitors' with her arms wide open.

She left two dumbstruck people behind.

They were stunned speechless by Undine's bold and rash personality.

They did not know of the exact reason behind her sudden departure but they could still vaguely deduce that it had something to do with Aaron's reinforcements.

Qianna and Aaron bitterly looked at each other before simultaneously thinking to themselves.

'How could she leave just like that? Shouldn't she come up with a plan or something?'

While they were looking at each other, one could vaguely feel the tension around them slowly rise.

Mirage is still lying on the ground unconscious, no one cared for his situation any longer as each were busy dealing with their own problems.


At the entrance cave of the water temple.

Three figures stood there talking loudly to themselves.

One of the figures had a small build like that of a little girl, she had long blonde hair neatly tied into pigtails.

The little girl wore a blood-red robe that covered her from her neck down to her feet, she held a cute white rabbit in her arms.

She truly looked extremely adorable while she's fondly rubbing her pet rabbit, she was exactly Yellow, a member of the Ten Blood Extremities.

She was sent here by Red to lead the spirit capture operation alongside White and Green.

White is a woman in her mid 20's, she emitted a holy and dignified aura, had long silver-white hair that reached her waists.

She wore a thin piece of fabric to cover the lower part of her face but one could still see that she was a pure and peerless beauty just by looking at her exquisite and flawless skin.

She also wore a blood-red robe like the one that Yellow had.

White had a sacred and inviolable temperament that made people have a feeling that she is a woman with boundless kindness and integrity, but those impressions were all ruined by her terrifying blood-red eyes.

Even though she wore a kind and merciful expression in her eyes, one would not feel assured by this at all and would feel unsettled instead.

Green is also a woman in her mid 20's, she had a refreshing and pleasant aura around her that made people and animals alike feel energized.

She had shoulder-length vibrant green hair, a pair of big limpid red eyes that glittered with curiosity, long eyelashes, and cherry red lips that hooked into an amused smile.

She was like a child that had her curiosity piqued by something.

White and Green had their own identities as well.

White was that of a saintess of a large famous church from before and she was also kidnapped by the organization like Blue, was brainwashed, and converted to their side.

While Green's past remains a mystery to the others, but they still have their vague guesses of her identity as a half-elf, half-wind spirit, which was quite a rare combination of bloodlines as elves were known to be extinct long ago.

The higher-ups did not explain much about her identity and only stated that their authorities are not enough to access this classified information.

The members tacitly agreed but even then they were not restricted from asking the woman herself of her identity, but they were instantly at a loss because she said that she could not remember anything about her past at all.

Thus they reluctantly gave up on this matter, even their known information broker Violet still hadn't found out anything about her and could only helplessly give up.

A long amount of time passed and they completely threw Green's identity matter to the back of their heads.

Thus until now, no one could still confirm her identity.


Currently, the three of them were talking among them harmoniously while giggling occasionally as if they were taking a walk in a park when in fact they had been sent to capture or kill and not go on a leisure vacation.

If Red were to see them talking like this, he might pass out of anger and say.

"The situation is already this delicate and hard to deal with yet you girls still had the audacity to chitchat instead of coming up with viable plans?!"

This harmonic situation continued until one of the girls suddenly talked in an obscene and indecent manner.

"Don't you think that Sir Red was so cool and handsome earlier? Haa~ just looking at him made me wet... in tears...Hee hee."

A weird silence descended after this sentence came out of Green's mouth, the other two girls looked at her with an apparent disgusted expression on their faces.

They knew of Green's occasional outburst of indecency and they were appalled each time they heard her mouth yapping about their leader's 'youthful' and 'hot' charisma.

Red wasn't dense and he's extremely observant of his member's subtle actions and the way Green had admired him was obvious to all of them.

But Red chose to ignore her feelings towards him as he was focused on the important tasks assigned by his superiors and had no time to spare on useless things such as reciprocating Green's feelings towards him.

Even until now they aren't still used by her behavior.

Red is already in his mid 40's while Green is only in her mid 20's, their age gap could be vividly seen and one would even think that Red might be qualified for Green to call as her Uncle, and yet here she was, admiring him in a different way.

White gazed at Green coolly, her red eyes had a hint of disgust and talked to her in a mild and coaxing tone.

"Green, could you please not talk to Uncle like that? You're showing an extremely disrespectful attitude towards your senior right now."

Green was taken aback and she asked her with a confused expression.

"Why? I am only admiring Sir Red so how am I disrespecting him?"

She showed an aggrieved expression after saying this.

White and Yellow were speechless by her question, they didn't know why she admired that old man greatly, they thought that maybe this was because of her memory loss or something.

Yellow could not take it anymore and she was about to reprimand the wretched appearance of Green when she sensed a terrifying presence swiftly approaching their position.

The three of them simultaneously looked at the cave entrance, they wore relaxed expressions despite the lessening distance between them and Undine.

Yellow stroked the fur of her rabbit and opened her mouth and said in a nonchalant tone.

"She made her move indeed, well that's to be expected, what do you girls think? Should we lay a trap for her here or not?"

Green was the one who had answered her question.

please do a paragraph comment if you found anything amiss on the past few chapters thank you.

ldhooniecreators' thoughts