
The Mafia King Who Saved Me

Jessica_Wagner_3102 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The Start Of A War

Jasmine POV

Jack, Robert, and my dad came looking to get me back, so Mark placed a guard in front of his office door knowing that I was still not wanting to go back. What a way to start off the day before my birthday. I had looked pail, weak, and exhausted due to the lack of sleep. I haven't been feeling good and I am 18 tomorrow. I couldn't believe that this is how the day before was going to go. I could hear them all yelling down the hallway and I was so scared all I could do was hide in this secret spot hidden in the closet of Mark's office and cry.

I wanted to run to help, but I knew I would only get hurt more than anyone if I left this spot, still I couldn't help but want to leave. I poked my head in the hallway to see his guard still standing there. Ummm.... excuse me sir, should I go up there and see if I can end this sooner, or should I stay here? " No miss, please stay here and go back to the hiding spot. Mark has this covered and he never loses. You'll be safe as long as you stay hidden, trust me no one is going to get to you especially with me here." Softly whispered the guard to Jasmine.

I made my way back to the hiding spot as I heard running coming in our direction. I couldn't tell if it was mark or someone else, all I knew was I was not ready to find out who was on the other side of the door. When I heard the lock moving I hid even further in the hiding spot. I didn't know who it was, but I wasn't coming out till I knew who it was. I heard a muffled voice but I was able to tell who it was. I moved closer to the door and listened and when I heard Mark's voice I burst out of the room.

His suit was ripped in various places but I knew how to fix it and no one would know it had been torn. I rushed over hugging him careful of his cuts and scrapes. I squeezed him tight and kissed him for so long I got light headed. I loved this man and I couldn't wait to know how he felt about me. As I put my forehead against his he smiled and squeezed me tighter into his body. I could feel every muscle through his clothes as he kissed me back rubbing his thumb back and forth across my cheek.

Feeling his touch calmed me down, but yet I got excited at the touch of his skin on mine. Even if it was just his hand on my cheek. I could feel the heat pool between my legs as he depended the kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist crying. I relaxed beneath his touch as he held me tight.

Next Day.....

It was my birthday and Mark and I had slept together side by side. When I woke up I was laying in his arms still skin on skin, loving how he felt against my cold exposed skin. After about half an hour I woke up Mark so we could get up and begin getting around. We took a hot shower to warm up and then got dressed. I picked a pretty green dress that made my eyes pop. spring was here, and I wanted to feel happy and lighter.

Mark told me my brother, father, and unknown friend wouldn't be back any time soon. Mark came up behind me with a beautiful silver necklace with an emerald and a diamond on the center of the hearts. He moved my hair out of the way as he gently put it on me. He watched me as I put my wedges on that matches my dress. We left his room as he walked with me, and we headed for the kitchen.

Evan had my fruit salad made with some chocolate chip pancakes made with peanut butter spread on top. I loved how he knew me so well. Mark smiled seeing me eat so well. I had been with him for a couple months and I loved my birthday breakfast. Mark had made plans with Olive Garden for tonight's big party. After breakfast was over I decided to go to the library that mark had and found some new books I had been interested in reading.

Tim, Mark's security guard had surprised me with a spot in the corner with a beautiful love seat with a reading lamp and a table beside the chair. He wanted me to feel at home here and comfortable. I gave him a great big hug after he had taken me to the corner where he had put it with Mark's permission. I was so lucky to have everyone in my life that I had. I couldn't believe that I was 18 years old now. I climbed up in my chair and began reading my book with a blanket one of the maids had hand made for me.

The blanket had my name written on it and said from Brittany, she is the maid. I loved her she was such a sweet girl and she helped me a couple of times when Mark was unable to. As I sat continuing reading my book in my new chair Tim came into the room and sat down on the couch across from me reading his own book. While I was reading I began to doze out, and eventually everything went dark. When I woke up a couple hours later I was being covered up by Mark.

"SHSHSHSHSHSHSHHHHSSSHHHHH.... It's ok sweet heart You can rest a little longer. I'll come wake you up when it's time to get up." whispered Mark.

Falling asleep deeply and dreaming of what my birthday party would be like was fun to dream about. Before I knew it I was being woken up feeling gentle, soft touches by rough hands that I recognized as Marks. MMMmmmmmmMMMmMMMmmmmMMm.... What time is it? " It's time to get up princess, it's time to get ready for the party. Go freshen up sweetheart. Brittany is waiting in the bathroom to help you with your hair, makeup, and putting your party dress on." Mark spoke ever so sweetly. I jumped up out of bed so excited to have a party for the first time ever, but I was nervous at the same time.

Brittany was about the same age as me and her mom is the one of the older ladies who took me in like a daughter. She had a very loving motherly personality and Brittany in a way became my sister. Today would be a good Day Brittany and I sat in the bathroom repeating it several times as part of my preparation for the party. I was looking so much for this party, and getting to see my friends at the party made me so happy. Even the friends I made in school got to be invited and were coming. I was so ecstatic it was hard to sit still for brittany to do my hair, nails, and makeup before putting on the strapless dress that I had found.

Mark POV

It was the day before Jasmin's Birthday and Jack, Robert, her father, and an unknown friend decided to make an unwelcomed visit. Jasmine was in my office and I had her sitting in my chair when Tim my guard came knocking on my door out of breath. Jasmine hide right now, they are back. I watched as she went into the closet to hide in the secret spot I had shown her only a few days before hand. I quickly locked my office door and ran towards the front of my house.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! You are NOT welcomed in this house. " I came for my daughter Jasmine as she is very important to us, and has debts to repay to us." said the older man whom I assumed to be her father. NO she owed you nothing. She wants nothing to do with you guys, and the fact that you came back here to try and get her back disgusts me. She told me what you guys have done to her, and you are no family of hers. She is staying here and if you don't like it then you're going to have to come through me.

They all came running towards me and me and my guards were ready to fight. On top of that Tim told me that Jasmine could hear us and was worried about us and offered to come and help. I was pleased that he told her no and that I never lost and he is not wrong. When the fight was over Jack had to drag two of the men out of the house and his father could barely walk on his own. I hoped they wouldn't come back at all but I knew that would be far from it. Once they left I ran to my office to check on Jasmine worried about how she was especially since Tim had already told me she was pretty scared.

Out of the closet came Jasmine, with tears streaming down her face. My suit was ripped in various places but I didn't care. She was all worth it, and besides I had seen her sewing skills and she was amazing. She had learned how to sew without leaving any traces of a seam. I picked her up off the floor spinning her around as she wrapped her legs around my waist and I kissed her soft sweet lips, red in color, but tasted like chocolate covered strawberries. As I deepened the kiss I couldn't help but gently hold her face in my rough hands deepening the kiss so much more.

I could feel the heat between her legs that was pooling in her core. I put her down only to pick her back up and carry her like she was a princess. When we got to my room I couldn't help but slowly undressed her. First her shoes went, followed by her dress, then her bra and panties. She had soaked her panties just being near me and I couldn't believe that. We made love for what seemed like forever. Kissing and nipping at each other, and with each thrust she arched up and moaned loudly.

She had her hands tangled in my hair, with each thrust I made into her, making her gush. I leaned down to put one of her pink rose colored nipples in my mouth, making her go even crazier and my tongue flicked back and fourth. She arched her body up into mine even more so. The further I Pushed in the louder she got. Finally after a while my body felt her release all of her hot liquid all at once. That made my body so happy I released my hot seed within her feeling my dick pulsate with each release.

I gently rolled off of her and we laid there holding each other for a good hour. Jasmine decided she wanted a shower, and I wanted to join her. She was a virgin and I was her first ever so I knew she would need support. She of course wanted me with her either way. I slowly washed her body starting with her hair slowly working my way down to her feet. When we were done we decided to put pajamas on and lay on the bed to watch a movie.

I let her pick and of course she wanted a cartoon. She picked Lion King because she remembered loving that movie and watching it with her mom. She fell asleep about halfway through the movie. I however had to have one more movie after Lion King was done. It was midnight before I was comfortable enough to fall asleep. I whispered happy birthday, my angel.

Jasmine smiled in her sleep. I snuggled up to her and before long I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up it was because Jasmine woke up and she was waking me up. Her beautiful bright green eyes staring into mine was enough to make me go crazy with excitement. Happy birthday my sweet angel I whispered. Are you hungry, want to get breakfast?

She nodded her head and when she stood up she was in a beautiful dress that was green and turquoise. It made her eyes pop and I swear they looked even more gorgeous than before. I quickly got up and dressed so we could go eat. I had a few things I wanted to get done before the party tonight. She wanted to sit in the office with me so Evan and Tim made some changes in my office for her to be able to join me. First was going to be breakfast though.

After breakfast we made our way to my office when she found a desk. All three of us picked it out, and we made sure it had a ton of drawers. She began exploring the new desk finding each draw filled with paint, pens, sketchbooks, and pencils. She had a desk lamp clamped to the side of her desk, as she was able to look out the window and had a choice of a chair or a stool to sit on. She pulled out her sketchbook and pencils putting them on the side of the table. She began sketching and I had no idea how well she could sketch.

I decided to take a break and see about us getting some lunch. When I walked up behind her she was sketching me when I was sitting at my desk. She was just doing shades and beginning to paint. When she looked up she looked surprised that I was behind her. She smiled at her picture as she pulled from the desk to show me. Ready for some lunch, or do you want it brought here and finish your work of art?

" Hmmm well I say let's have lunch brought here. We can turn on the TV and watch something while we take our break." said Jasmine all excited. I walked over to my desk, and called the kitchen. Hey Evan, Jasmine and I are in my office would someone by chance be able to bring us some lunch? " Yeah we can do that, do you guys know what you'd like?" asked Evan. No we don't let me call back when we do. After about 10 minutes of figuring out we called back and put in the order.

She went back to her sketching showing me the bird sitting on the bird feeder that she sketched while we waited. Once her chicken Caesar salad came in she paused and came to sit on my lap as she turned on the t.v. We sat in my chair eating lunch as she fed me some of my food every once in a while. Once we were done I went back to work and Tim brought her a blanket and pillow so she could take a nap on the couch. She looked exhausted and while she was asleep she looked so angelic. She started to breath heavily as she looked overwhelmed and like she might be running.

I walked over and gently put my hand on her forehead and whispered it's ok your safe. She settled down for a while and slept for about an hour and a half. Brittany came knocking on my door looking for her to help her get ready for the party tonight. I woke her up and had Tim take her back to my room and had Brittany meet her there. She left half asleep still, but was excited. I smiled and watched my time as it was growing closer to time for me to get ready.

Tonight is the huge Party and it would be the best first party EVER!!!