
The Mafia King Who Saved Me

Jessica_Wagner_3102 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Party Time

Jasmine POV

Brittany met me in Mark's room as promised. I was already picking out my dress for this evening and it was a blue dress that faded into green followed by turquoise. I hung my necklace up with my dress, pulling all my hair down as I hopped into the shower. I scrubbed my hair, face, and body. I shaved and then rinsed and went out drying myself off. I put on my mask and sat on my chair that Brittany had left in the bathroom for me to use for getting ready.

She came in just as I pulled off my mask with the rest of her beauty kit. She began wiping my face and picking out my colors to match my dress and skin tones. As she began to finish my makeup and hair, in came Mark. "How's my best girl doing tonight?" Asked Mark as he gave me a kiss. Brittany giggled every time he said that because she had been around for a while, so she found it kind of funny the change she saw in him. She had pulled me aside a few days ago and told me she had never seen him this happy.

I smiled when he came into the room. He brightened up my day. Coming back from that memory, I'm great, but I was getting ready to get dressed. " Well I hate to ask you guys, but would y'all mind finishing in the bedroom. I need a shower to get ready for the party myself. Tim is outside the bedroom door. He can grab whatever you and Brittany need,"Mark said softly with a smile in his voice.

Yeah no problem, we just have my hair and makeup to finish and you gave me a little privacy divider for when I get dressed and for a makeup area with a mirror in the bedroom. Brittany and I quickly grabbed everything out of the bathroom, and I grabbed his clothes, setting some on the counter top and handing the rest. I sat down in my spinning chair so Brittany could spin me whatever way she needed me. Once she got my hair and makeup done, it was time to get dressed. I went behind my divider and began putting on my clothes. The only problem was the bra didn't want to latch and the dress didn't want to zip.

I began to squeal in frustration and that was when Brittany poked her head behind my divider. She put her hand on my shoulder and giggled a little. "Do you need help with anything or are you too stubborn to ask?" she said while laughing. I finally gave up after struggling for a few minutes before I let her take over latching my bra and zipping my dress. Finally, I was dressed and now all I was missing was my heels. Just as I sat down, Mark came into the room looking amazing in the tux I had picked out for him.

He gave me a stunned look when he saw me like I was a whole new person. He looked handsome and I hoped he would go slow since this was the first time wearing heels, and I didn't know how to dance. I tried to put on my heels, but they didn't like me very well, then Brittany stepped in and began to work her magic on them and, after what seemed like forever only being 10 minutes, actually she was able to get them fixed so I could wear them. I stood up very unsteady and, of course, who just so happened to catch me, but my night in shining armor, of course. He smiled at me so broadly as if there was another surprise in store for me. Before he finished getting ready, he dismissed Brittany and told her to go get ready for the party.

Tonight was to be a much-needed fun night in a while. She grabbed as much as she could until Mark called in Tim to help her take her stuff to wherever she needed to be. They both grabbed and ran out of the room. He pulled out a box with a necklace that he thought would look beautiful with this dress and on me. It was sterling silver with a pendant that was blue and faded into green. I had only been here for a couple of months but I had fallen in love with this man.

I have never had a boyfriend, or any relationship outside of a family relationship. I always hoped he would feel the same as me as far as feelings go. After a few moments, I was able to find my voice. Thank you so much for the gift, but you didn't have to get me anything. Just being safe is enough for me. I watched as his smile grew bigger and bigger.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to because you mean the world to me. I have not felt happiness in a while and I feel it with you. I know you have seen darkness in your life, but you are my sunshine," said Mark. I could not help but grin from ear to ear as he told me this, so I decided it was time I told him how I felt. Mark, I have actually wanted to tell you this for a little bit, but I feel like I am falling in love with you. It's either that or I ate something with butterflies in it.

He smiled and shook his head as he chuckled a bit at my comment. He kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear "I love you too, Jasmine and I have loved you since I found you on that park bench that night." he whispered softly. Now I was never one to believe in "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT," but this was something different, and I could feel it. We walked down the hall and I heard music playing. I had never heard music till I ran away and would go into random places to warm up.

The doors opened up and the room was beautiful. They had incorporated greens, blues, and turquoise colors. Balloons hung everywhere, servers, and signs hand made from all the workers with their handprints on them saying Happy Birthday!!! Since I chose to leave my family, I found something better. I found family, friends, hope, joy, and I had Mark and his employees to thank for all of this. Evan had a 7 tear cake made and it was so beautiful I was afraid to cut it when it came time.

It was time to dance and I sucked. Mark of course led. At one point I took my heels off and he lifted me off the floor and put my feet on top of his dancing round and round with me only having me get off to twirl around. I had started to gain weight since I had lived with him. I was like 95 pounds when I ran away. Now I am 110 pounds. The doctor said I should weigh at least 125 to 135. I was happy with how I looked and I finally didn't look like bones with skin slapped on.

All I could do was grin as everyone took turns lighting the candles and gathered around me and Mark. Everyone began singing Happy Birthday, even the servers. Tonight was going to be a blast and there was more. I had no idea how to feel about all of this and a lot of this was something I have never really gotten to experience. The room glowed dim from the lights hanging up in the room and all the candles lit..

Everyone finished singing so I did what they said. It's called, make a wish, I believe. Everyone shouted and cheered. All I wished for was to stay right here where I was loved. Mark grabbed my hand, spinning me around just before kissing me. Everyone hooted and hollered about the kiss.

While the servers cut the cake and got the rest of the food set up and ready, Mark walked over to the Dj that he had hired while I sat at our table debating on what I wanted for dinner. When I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Mark. He pulled me from my chair, taking me over to the dance floor for my first dance. He requested a song I had just listened to and decided I liked. It was called Perfect, by Ed Sheeran, and all I could do was just try to dance with the motions and he held on tight to me. As the song began to wind down, everyone that had joined us finally began to take their seats.

Brittany walked over to our table, gently placing a crown on my head and a sash that said birthday Queen. I smiled at her and hugged her before sitting back down. The waiters brought me something with chicken in it, and of course I asked them to surprise me, but I wanted chicken. They brought me some killer chicken Alfredo with some shrimp on the side and garlic bread. I never knew how great their food was, because for as long as I can remember, I never got food like this and even when I did get food, it was hardly enough to survive but enough to keep me alive. My body has grown weak over the years, but since living here, I have gotten stronger each day, each week, each month. I desperately needed this party, the friends I made and Mark.

I just never knew what I needed until now. I had trouble eating all of my dinner but it was sure worth it. Next was the opening of presents and I did not move. Everyone took turns bringing me presents, and I felt kind of out of place. No one had ever done this for me, so I felt like it was too much. Even though it felt like too much, I still enjoyed it.

Mark handed me a sizable box and when I opened it, there it was a phone. " I hope you don't mind, but I thought it would help us keep in touch even when I have work, and you can even use it to Google photos if you want to sketch them. We all take turns and put the main people you hang out with on the phone. We thought this might make you feel more comfortable too," Mark said as he smiled widely. Mark took the phone and Evan took a picture of us and then showed me how to make it my screen saver and background on the phone. Since it was the first present, Mark was able to take it and Evan handed me my next gift.

Mark POV

As I sat and took pictures of her presents with her new phone, she paused at each one like she was uncomfortable getting this many gifts from so many people, but it was things she would never have gotten herself but wanted. I know the lifestyle she grew up with and I hoped she would do OK with this. She smiled, though the more we went on, and she knew this was what she needed. For once, she needed to get spoiled. I could tell she was enjoying the party and when it was time to have cake, she picked vanilla for her ice cream to go with it. We had several more dances, and celebrated as long as we were able to.

Before we knew it, it was past midnight when we had the party shut down. Jasmine was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open and walk. I picked her up and carried her to our room with Brittany shortly behind me carrying her sash, shoes, and crown. She slept in my arms with her head buried into my neck. Brittany helped me get her settled in for the night and even wiped her face down with a hypo-allergenic face cleanser to remove the make-up. After she got settled in, she was out for the night.

She seemed at peace. Since she was asleep, I left the room to make sure all of her gifts made it to the bedroom as well. When I came back she was still asleep. She looked so peaceful and I was ready for bed. After changing I laid down next to her and she automatically curled up in my arms. She scooted as close as she could and I was so happy to feel her next to me.

I felt her roll over in my arms and burry her face in my chest. She smiled and I couldn't help but smile to. She became a part of my life, and to be honest I wanted to have her as my wife. Although I don't know that she would want me. I was known as the Mafia King, and a wealthy one at that. As the thought of asking her to marry me ran through my head I fell asleep, knowing she was safe and I got to sleep next to the most beautiful woman in the world.