
Chapter 2: The Adrenaline


It's my first day that I'll be staying in this ridiculous place. When the gorgeous middle-aged woman said I'm very important, I thought that she was just kidding. But then they started treating me like a VIP that the others just looked at me with envy and jealousy.

I'm Mila Wei and I'm only half Japanese, well that is according to my parents, my foster parents to be exact. They said they have adopted me when I was only a few days old. But now, I'm already 20 years old at the moment.

I was abducted by them, by these people here. But I don't care anymore, since my parents I mean my fake parents, were just using me to make money. I'd rather stay luxury in this organization than have my body beaten up in some contests.

I join in mixed martial arts contests ever since I was like 10 and since then I'm very good at it, well... they said they will disown me if I don't do it right and make their money so I have to always win in those contests. Though I always ended up with body aches.

Then these 'parents' of mine would just spend the money I've won on some drugs or just spend it on liquors or cigarettes. That is one of the few million reasons why I don't want to go back. Because even though they don't beat me up physically, cause they know what I'm capable of, they tend to hurt me emotionally which is way more painful than the physical wounds and bruises.

The gorgeous middle-aged woman or should I say Mrs. Hinata asked these people to escort me and to make me experience what it really is that they're doing to skilled recruits.

I walk through the hallway following the one who looks like she's got a high position in this organization. "Are we there yet?" I asked.

"Be patient, okay? That's the fifth time you're asking me." She said. "Oh okay." I simply answered.

After a few more turns from hall to hall, we then arrived at an arena and it was surrounded by agents whose watching a fight.

I look over to the ring and saw a girl kicking a guy's butt. I mean literally. She's kicking, punching, and head-butting the guy until he passed out.

"The winner Krystal!" Said the commentary. "You're next." Said the person I'm with. "Wait you mean... I fight her?!" I exclaimed over the cheers of the other agents. The girl looks like she's been fighting her whole life, while I only joined competitions that don't really allow the fighters to hurt each other this brutally. Which means I'm toast.

The person I'm with just nods her head putting a vest on me. She also gave me a container that contains a mouthpiece. "Oh no no no. I am not going in that ring." I said backing up so she can't make me go there.

Well, I tried but failed. When she got a grip on me, she gave me the container, put a helmet on my head then took an injection and injected it into my neck. "Here, it's adrenaline. All first-timer fighters must have this to speed up the match. Don't worry it's not drugs." She patted my shoulder.

"Oh... Kay...??" I said, I cringe as I feel the adrenaline kick in my veins. I was pushed into the cage-like ring and then I just stand there still getting used to the feeling of the adrenaline washing through my whole body.

"New challenger, Mila Wei!" Shouted the commentator. "You better start running." Said Krystal. She charge at me but failed so she bump on the steel cage because I dodge her so easily.

She keep on punching and kicking but it was too slow for me so I managed to dodge all her attacks and offenses then when she seems to be tired I gave her an uppercut, making her fall to the floor.

"I see your in adrenaline as well." She said spatting out blood from her blooding gums. "Oh I didn't put it, she did," I said pointing at the person I was with a couple of minutes ago. And so she smirked before standing up.

I observed that there are no rules in this rumble, so I did what I thought was going to make this end quicker. This time I was the one who was on offense but she got even faster than she was the time she was attacking me.

"Oh so she thinks you're like me aye? We'll see about that." She said wiping the blood from the corner of her lips. Then charge at me again.

This time it's not slow, she's much faster now and she keeps on hitting me. When I had enough of it, I blocked her last attack then I return her punches and kicks.

She keep on backing up from me until she reached the cage behind her. I cornered her so I made sure she won't be able to escape from me so I punched her til she passed out.

When she was on the floor unconscious I looked around the crowd who are in silence at the moment. I even heard someone gasp at how quiet they are. Then the commentator spoke, announcing the winner of this round.

"Your new winner, Mila!!" Said the commentator and a referee held my right arm and raise it up.


Well, that was an eventful first day. With all those actions from the earlier fight, these people are starting to get on my nerves, I mean I'm grateful for their compliments and all their attention but can't they just leave me and my personal space alone? Isn't this a common sight to them?

"Hi! I saw how you knock Krystal out in just a few minutes, that's really cool!" She said. I don't know who she was but she seems to be the most friendly one out of all of them, and the most annoying also.

"Hm, thanks I guess..." I said, continuing with eating my food. It's currently lunch break and I'm left alone by the agent who was leading me earlier.

Which is why people started approaching me.

"So, what's your code?" I raised my eyebrows questioning her silently. "What?" But then she's clueless so I have to voice it out.

"What code are you talking about?"

"Oh! Yeah, you haven't known that yet. Well, lemme explain it to you. There's a coding to every agents that are recruited."

"Oh really wow, I haven't heard about that." I nonchalantly remarked. "Haha." She rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, there's five color coding for newcomers: there's yellow, orange, red, blue, and black. Yellow has the lowest possibility of involvement with the criminals or the illegal high-profiled names, then there's black the fully involved persons to the criminals. An example of that is Rika from the Trio group who took you in."

My brows creased at the new information about how their system works. "How did you know about that?"

"Well, I was supposed to be one of them, but I rejected the mission so I'm left here. Though I have to do something different to make up for it." She rolled her eyes again.

"So what code are you? Just try depending your code on how deeply involved you are with those illegal people." She asked.

I tried to think about it before answering her. "I guess I'm just a yellow or orange probably? My parents are the ones that are involved in those illegal people, not me."

She nodded before going completely silent and just started eating her food like nothing happened. Which is good cause I need silence for a while. Though I didn't get her name, that's fine with me cause I care more about peace and quiet rather than her name.

Now I'm getting more curious to know about this whole organization and the things that are related to secret agents.