
Sleep Together

"Sir we are here."the driver broke the silence.

"Where are we?"Dean asked

"At my villa."He looked at Dean who was about to complain then said,"Not the one with Gail."He watched as Dean's frowning face went back to normal and he sighed,'the man can hold a grudge for a long time.But he should be mad him,not Gail, Gail was just following orders.'he wondered.

"But why didn't you take me to my villa?"Dean pouted

"Where's your villa,I can take you there if you want!"Ace said, although deep inside his heart he wished he could stay here for as long as he wanted.

"My villa...?I don't know where it is"he said as he opened the door of the car.

Ace twitched his lips,'Dean is very tricky and clever.'He also got out of the car and led the way.Dean was following closely.After they entered the quite villa, Dean spoke,"where should I sleep?I also need to take a shower

"Just choose any room you want,as long as you like it."Ace said.

Dean ran upstairs, checking into each room,then he opened one large room that was very well decorated.He chose the room, not because it was large,but because it was decorated with his favorite color.Green.He even forgot to take a shower and jumped straight to bed.The sheets were also green.Ace did not follow him, instead he went to the study room and the first thing he did was make a call.

"Hello,boss?"Jim answered.

"How many did you catch?"he asked

"Seventeen,one ran away and two shot dead on the spot!We already burned their bodies, the rest are with DM at the Dungeon."Jim explained everything.

"I don't want my dungeon to be filled with useless people,execute all of them after they give you the name of that fool."He was about to cut the call when he remembered something,"Leave the young boy.Bring him to Green Villa in the morning."

"Yes sir.!"

After Ace cut the call,there was another incoming call,he answered and the person on the other end went straight to the point "The Jameson's are making their move tomorrow morning."

"Go on..."Ace had a rough idea of what the man wanted.

"Help me get to them, especially their son,he has been crossing my limits lately."the man on the other side spoke.

"That is none of my business,I have no grudge with them.Unless they cross my line, I can't help you for now..!"Ace didn't like to meddle in other people's business

"I got an intel on the Carters, don't you want to know?!"the man knew the animosity between Ace and the Carters,but Carters weren't the only people against Ace.He knew Ace wanted to deal with the Carters first and then the rest will follow later.His list will forever be endless

"I can find it by myself."he was about to cut the call when the man spoke again.

"It's about the Blackbook,"he paused for a while, waiting to hear whether he will hang up,but he didn't and he knew he got his attention."I know you have been looking for the Blackbook.It has every information you need.Well if you need it, I can tell you where it is located.But first you have to help me."

"So you want to betray your friend,Jason Carter,in order to seek revenge."Ace asked.

"Their is neither relationship nor friendships in this businesses."He smirked and said,"you should know best what I mean."

Ace frowned,he hated to be reminded of the past,a few of them know it but they don't know the whole story about it, and him being one them,"Tiger, don't cross the line.Since you know how far I can go,then you should be careful,accidents happen."

Tiger became silent for a while,he knew he had crossed the man limit,"That was a slip of the tongue Mr Ace.So do we have a deal?"

"What exactly do you want?"Ace asked

Tiger smiled to himself,'that was more like it,' "A few of your men who can complete a task within twenty to twenty five minutes,and some of your resources.Just a few."

"And when will that be?"

"The day after tomorrow."Tiger replied,more relaxed now.He can't wait to get his hands on that Nicholas Jameson.

"Don't think of double crossing me.I can destroy you on the spot!"Ace warned.

"Never thought of.Mr Ace,it was a pleasure talking to you."Then the call ended.

After he was done he went upstairs to his room,and when he opened the door,he was surprised to see Dean sleeping on his bed.He smiled to himself,then walked to the bathroom.

He walked out of the bathroom and then went to stand next to the bed, staring at the man who was smiling in his sleep.'You are happy even in your sleep."He then bent down and took off Dean's shoes and socks,then he unbuttoned his shirt leaving him shirtless and covered him with the heavy duffel blanket.The bed was so big that several people could sleep on it.He went to the other side,got in the blanket and looked at Dean,then he chuckled,I wonder what will be his reaction when he wakes up."