
A Present

While in the middle of dinner,Paul remembered something then said,"Oh,Dean I remember you love sport cars or did your taste change?"

"No,I'm already shipping one of my fav,it will be here after two to three weeks..."Dean explained.He loved sport cars a lot,anytime a new model was introduced,he would be the first one to buy.In Europe he has a full collection of sport cars.His brother was never interested in cars, whatever got his attention,as long as the speed was good,he would go for it.But mostly he prefers motorbikes,brand is Honda and Harley-Davidson.

"I thought you said after two weeks!"Dan was angry,that was a very expensive car that he bought not long ago,he rode it only twice!Now this man wants to turn it into crap!

"Well,I have never shipped anything before,so I'm not sure yet."he replied in a boorish manner.

"I met my friend of mine a day before you arrived and he said that his company has produced a new Lamborghini sports car.It hasn't been introduced in the market yet.So I bought it for you,it is in the garage waiting for you."Paul said.

Dean quickly stood up before finishing the meal,he was about to leave when his mother stopped him,"just sit down and finish eating,the car will be there even after you're done "

"That is not fair.Mum you see how they treat me!"Dan complained

"Well,we always see you everytime and you're always with us."Grandpa said, quoting Dan's words.

"You don't have to repeat everything I said grandpa!"

Paul cut in,"well you don't need a driver for that,you connect it with your phone and watch then you can just command it."He paused for a while then continued,"also the private beach villa on the east side now belongs to you,and the..."

"That's the unfairest,unfair thing you've have done.Maybe I should have just cleaned up my mess by myself, but you saw me incable and send Dean to do it.

Paul became angry,him and Dan were the most impatient people in that house,the two of them are like water and oil,"never cut my words young man!"He raised his voice causing Dan to shiver,"you very well know the reason why I had Dean go in your place,at least with him I was ninety percent sure he would come back safe.He is an international lawyer and mostly deal with with cases of government officials,though no one has seen his face, except those government people,but if Ace knew he is a lawyer and most importantly,the one he wanted to take over his case that he had lost months ago he wouldn't do anything."

He paused for a while trying to calm himself down,he was coming short of breath,"can I get my inhaler?"Stephanie on the other side started to rub his back gently, helping him to calm down.Dean just looked, stunned at what was going on,'since when did dad start having asma issues?'he wondered.

Dan had bowed his head,he was embarrassed.He knew his father was right,"I am still not happy with myself for sending any of you to dangerous place,but at least with Dean I was sure he would come back alive but with you, they would dig every device to get your information.You have lived in this country for too long,so even if you look like Dean still there will be one thing different,and even before they know who you're you'd be dead already."

"I am sorry dad."Dan apologized,it was always the family rule,if you realize your mistake,you apologize.

Paul took the inhaler from the butler and pressed it in his mouth then said,"me giving the car and the villa,is a way for me to apologize because he went through torture for two and half days, though I know those things won't compensate anything.Dan,as I was saying,the beach villa that's on the west side is under your name.Both beaches have a hidden island you will figure out yourselves if you are interested."

"My son,I got new motorbikes for you,they will be arriving soon.I ordered them two weeks ago.One from Honda and the other from Harley-Davidson.Oh,and there is a watch attached to them."Stephanie said.Even though she was far away from him,she still knew his taste and everything he loved.She contributed to buying him latest motorbikes mostly during his birthdays.

"So can we go to the study room and discuss the important matters... like the main reasons why your father summoned you!"Grandpa decided to break the moment with his thoughts.

"you should be sleeping by now grandpa."Dan interfered.

"I am not a child neither am I that old."