
The Mafia's Trap

Dahlia Rose Romano, lived with her maniac of a stepfather when her mother was supposedly claimed dead after finding her in there hometown Lake. She lived with the "monster" for four years of pure torture until, Percy, her stepfather was found overdosed in their little home She only had one option is to go live her father and brothers she didn't know about, but they did. The boys never stopped searching for her they knew there little girl was still out there alive The cold Romano's, there only light was there girls, not only did they lost them the first time but they will have them all together again Even with Dahlia little secret of her own? WSA THEME: Mafia

PassivePigeon · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


Dahlia pov-

I was beyond furious. He had no right to leave then came back and want to see me after three years. I had to take this off my mind. I noticed they had gym soI decided to go there.

I made my way down to the gym, without even wrapping my hands I started punching the punching bag. It hurted like hell but I was to much in my thoughts to feel the pain. I was some what into this that I didn't feel someone grab my hands

"What the hell Dahlia" it was Rafael. He was looking at my hands like he cared. I snatch my hands away from him

"It's nothing" I said

"What you mean it's nothing, you didn't wrap your hands, and it's bleeding"

"It's nothing like I said before" walking away from him

He spoke out

"Dahlia come back here" I stopped in my steps, he sounded just like Percy


I walked around the corner to see his car in the drive way fear come over me, wishing he was at the bar like he usually was. I came was coming home late because I had detention Ms. Walker gave me she was a total bitch to me so I threw a book at her. It wasn't my fault she pissed me off

I walked in the "house" and I was met with a angry drunk Percy it reek of alcohol so I was knew it was going to get bad. His beatings where always bad, but when he get drunk it's the worse

Hoping he would of left me alone I had my head down and started walking to my room. But I got my hopes up

He pulled my hair dragging me towards the kitchen, my screams was joy to his ears. He grabs a knife and started walk towards me

"Aahhh" I screamed loud for anyone could come save to me from the harsh beating I was about to get, He stab me in my leg, he took it out my leg making me scream

I tried to drag myself away from him and ignoring my hurt wound. But that didn't work.

"Come back here you bitch" he grabs my leg dragging me back in the same spot I was trying to get out of. He started punching me and kicking me over and over again

"I give you a roof over your head and now your slutting around" he said giving me one last punch

"Next time follow the rules and I won't have to do this Lia" he said squatting down to my level and moving the strands of hair out of my face behind me ear. I shivered in disgust of him touching me. He didn't even let me explain why I was late but I would of got the beaten anyway.

*flashback over*

"Hey Dahlia you okay, and what happened to your hands" I looked up to see Leo with worried and confusion expression. I look down at my hands that I forgot about.

"She was punching the punching bag and didn't wrap her hands" Rafael said from behind me

Leo grabs my hands walking me towards the kitchen, he patted the kitchen counter for me to get on top of. He took out a kit, he clean and wrap my hand up. I didn't flinch even tho it hurt like a bitch

He look at me and his face softens.

"Go get ready we are going shopping"

I nodded my head and went upstairs to my room. Let this day begin....

Leo pov-

I couldn't help but know what happened with that conversation between her and friend. She was crying she looked hurt and infuriated, I wanted to ask her what was that all about but I know she would probably of dodge the question

I'm pretty sure my father and brothers are curious of what happened it breaks our to see are baby cry. But whatever made our principessa upset it won't happen again

Our sorella means everything to us she literally has us wrap around her little she was the most precious thing. And from this day on she still do. Yes, we miss most of her life but all it matters that she is still here now.

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

Dahlia pov-

I wash up and got ready to going to the mall with my brothers I made sure to hide my bruises so my brother wouldn't notice. They hadn't give me any reasons not to tell them except for Victor and Rafael it hasn't been a day and all they do is fuming me with there hard glares

I haven't given them any reasons to hate me that's why I can't get to attach they might end up like Percy, I hate the thought of them ending like him. It seems like they won't hurt me but I can't be to sure

I walk downstairs to see all my brothers except for Mateo, Leo and dad. The twins were the only ones looking at me. Victor and Rafael are looking at the phones like they don't won't to be here

Oh wait they don't

"Took you long enough" Victor snared out

They all walk out with me following behind them we all get car with Rafael driving, Victor in the next passenger side with Rafael, and that ended up with me between the twins in the back


I was tired just from walking, we walk from store to store ending up with alot of bags. I didn't really need anything I had my own money and I could pay for my own things. But whether I look something or pick anything up and puts it back the twins would pick it up right back up

"Hey- uh- do you need any you know" Ricardo ask. I look at him confused not knowing what he was talking about

"Bra- and-" he circled around his private area

"Oh uh yeah" I said, both of us getting red

"Do you need us to come in"

"No I got it" I said

He gave me the card I went in the store and gotten a few undergarments. I payed for it and left, but while paying for it the lady behind the cash register kept giving nasty glares

What's with people giving me fucking glares

"You got all you need" Arturo asked.

"Yes I did"

"Okay, let's go we are going home"

Finally at last, we were going home.