
Chapter two

Jay Martins smiled as he got into his car knowing just how devilish he could be. He knew very well that the frail young woman would not be able to get that suit clean, it was one of the highest quality suits and definitely needed the services of a special laundry machine to get clean to avoid creasing or burns.  But spite everything, he gave the suit to her, he had earlier found it hard to control himself in front of her, the scent of her cheap perfume kept drawing him to her, her chocolate colored skin could do well with oil and then some tonguing. So many things he wanted to do with her but he was going to make it hard on her.  Getting to his office, he browsed her on facebook and was shocked at just how few of friends she had, and few likes. He was angry people didn't see what he saw in that frail frame and if fate permitted, he was going to show them just how much that frail frame could radiate power. 

But first, he was going to show her just how much power her held in her, reading through her profile, he saw, Annabelle Skye, 19 year old and a Gemini born. First, he had business to take care of before waiting for his hare to walk into the trap he was hatching. Perfect plan and very much perfect person. 

Jay Martins, a very young man who yielded a whole lot of power over everything and everyone he came in contact with. He was 26 and every inch a beautiful man; at least the ladies thought so and so did the magazine covers.  He was divorced after his ex wife had tried to get him killed so she could control his empire,  but instead of having her killed, he sent her away far away and had spent the rest of his life a big time player which was why seeing Bella intrigued him; it left him curious to whether he had the same power over her as she did him. He had not missed the anger glint in her eyes and he knew he had to show her her place least she over stepped but still he wondered if he had successfully scared away this dream woman but time was all that would tell. 

He was still lost in thought when his friend Alfredo came in with news of the recent exchange,  Alfredo could tell his friend was obviously distracted and this was quite unusual. Knowing Jay,  he was not someone you find distracted by anything. He was usually calculated and Alfredo had to hope and wish that whatever distracting him did not pose a threat to the business cause that's all that mattered. Alfredo had to call his attention severally, and when he saw that the conversation was going nowhere, he found a way to end it, leaving it off for another day but within him, hoping it was not a woman's problem because he remembered the last time with Stella.