
Chapter Twenty

Bella had watched him play with eyes intently fixed on him, as soon as he was done, he started moving towards her to drop his equipments, clicking his fingers for a bodyguard to step forward, he gave instructions for him to step forward. Charlie also fell in with Jay as they took a walk around, there seemed to be some sort of deep discussion going on and she was being a hindrance to its FG flow. She confirmed this when they got to a spot and he suddenly turned to her, hands in hers he said as though it was a life and death affair, "Bella, there's an urgent matter that needs my attention, I want you to sit on one of the tables and do not go anywhere. It's dangerous, here's my card, it got access anywhere, order what ever you crave for but stay here ", emphasis on 'stay here ' caught a lump on her throat which made her quite unwilling to find out what would happen should she disobey. He handed her the card, directed her to a table, called for a waiter, he asked the guy to give an attention to all her needs, "All you need do is raise your hand and he'll come running. If he doesn't, let me know and I'll take care of him", the waiter shook visibly at the last statement and with a kiss brushed across her cheeks, he left with Charlie. The waiter asked if she needed anything at that time, she said nothing, he pointed out that she might need a drink, that's when she ordered for some strawberry juice which she started sipping on lazily. She was there watching people go in and out of the place, she soon became bored. It had been straight one hour and she began to feel uncomfortable so she called for Marx who was the waiter as she had asked him hid s name. "I'm bored ", she purred, he was definitely looked alarm probably fear of Jay Martins which made her ask him, "What do people do here for fun Marx, I can't keep looking at people you know ". He understood her plight and the fact that she was lonely, so he began enumerating this she could do to keep herself busy, he mentioned games, the birds, dance and more but what appealed to her were the horses. Bella had rode one once with her father, that was years ago but she seemed to love horses since then as they somewhat gave her a boost of confidence, and also a boost to her 18th to 19th century imagination. She pleaded with Marx to take her to see the horses after all, she was sure he must have left a bodyguard watching her, so she was safe. They got the the places, it was somewhere around the back of the large building Marx had pointed out to be lodges, would she be able to lodge her someday cause the place was simply Magnifique. The horses in their shades and colors looked majestic and soon, she was carried away with them. Marx excused himself to return to work but not without properly handing her over to a guide, he told him she was Jay Martins girl and that seemed to bring the guide to focus on her. The horses came towards her and sniffed at her hands, one even started licking her hands, must be the strawberry juice while others turned away. "The secret to being friends with horses lies in sugar cubes ", a man said. He looked beautiful as he approached her, handing her a pouch containing cubes of sugar which she started feeding the horses. He was shirtless but a piece of art, he introduced himself as Diego and he managed the horses. The guide came in and whispered something in his ears, but he simply maintained his cool. At least someone would treat her normal not because of Jay, she introduced herself with a smile, she was getting sick of the favouritism given her because of Jay. "You ride? ", he asked her with those heavenly lips, she said no and explained how it was only once. He offered to take her for a ride with the horses if she approved , without a second thought or glance, Bella said yes.