
Chapter Thirty-two

The morning was going like some sort of midnight summers dream and Bella did not want to wake from it. She promised that she would hate to wake up and find out that every activity that morning was nothing but a dream so from time to time she pinched herself just to be sure of reality. He had given her one of his big shirts that was her thigh length although if she bent, it was going to be her ass in the open while he put on a pair of shorts. When she had tried to protest, he started kissing and fondling her, knowing where this was going to lead to, she hurriedly said, "I'll wear it ", he laughed and they went downstairs for the meal. He had ordered the preparation of enough food for them both and she was more than happy to see food finally. He had drained her like a vampire would it's victim and she was soon engrossed with her meal. He was not spared by the pangs of hunger either as he too ate but not without occasionally taking glances at her. She looked so beautiful and real as she ate that he secretly clicked a photo with his phone. He was going to put his efforts to make this work out for real but something bit him at the back of his mind, how to protect her from the things he did. She was just so naive and innocent with no care at all to the world and it's vices of which he was the king. Yet, he was not willing to let go of her, instead the thought of protecting her seemed to boost his ego, he had marked her and she was he's. He remembered what she had said to him after sex about releasing into her and almost chuckled out loud at her anxiety. If getting her pregnant would keep her by his side, he would glad fill her up with his sperm until she leaked of it and was more than willing to accept her and the baby. He began counting how many months she had left in school and saw that it fell in place, "I'll be needing some contraceptives ",she said cutting into his thoughts. Like she knew what he was planning for her, he looked up to notice that she was no longer eating but looking at him with all seriousness, was she that eager to detach him from within her, "I cannot get pregnant now Jay and you know that, I have school to worry about ", she continued, "But you would soon be done with school Bella and we could plan everything right ", he said with a boyish grin. Her eyes darkened with anger, her hands balled into fists, was he considering what she wanted at all, "Alright, you'll get the contraceptives. It doesn't start processing until after 78 hours so no rush darling ", he said noticing her change in mood. She relaxed but not without spitting out, "The earlier, the better you know Jay ", and he chuckled. He was beginning to admire the stubborn woman, she was one heck of a hot head. He began to understand her, she was someone who what ever she wanted, she intended to achieve. This was one of the qualities he admired in people, he did like some atom of defiance and not some fearful loyalty. Not that loyalty did not appeal to him or the fear he brought but then, he needed a challenger, someone to prove him nothing but human, that person who reminded him that he was no god but a human filled with blood and sinews and that person would be Bella. She just needed the right touch and finishing, then she would fit into his already prepared castled and he was more than ready to mould her into his world.