
Chapter Thirty-three

Bella smiled in her room as she ruminated on the thought of having a baby for Jay Martins. The man obviously wanted to keep her but she knew nothing about him, his job and lifestyle. Besides the kind of people she had seen around him on their few outings together gave her goosebumps. He was definitely a dangerous man, no two ways about it. She wanted to know everything about him, his world outside the bedroom and his past love life if he permitted. The knock on the door jilted her thoughts, he entered, "Here's your drug ma'am, I had the boys go get it for you since you have been up with your attitude ", he was waving the drug at her, she smiled. He sat on the bed next to her as she took it from him, she did not know the drug obviously but she was going to trust him not to lie to her. "I'm taking the two right? ",she asked looking at him searching for any form of deceit, he replied and said, "Yup", then reclined on the bed while his long legs remained sprawled on the ground. She went to the mini fridge and got out a bottle of water, took the drugs and felt her tensed up mind relax. "Join me ", he said patting on the side of the bed he wanted her to lie on, she walked over and climbed into bed, "Tell me about today Bells ", he was baiting his time obviously, "What about today? ", she said giving him a glance that spoke nothing but sincere shyness. He was definitely happy and was enjoying himself, "Am I good on bed? ", he asked suddenly, of all damn questions to ask right now, he had to pick that one, what nerve she thought as she suddenly pinched him hard. He flinched and started laughing, it soon affected her for she too began laughing. "But on a serious note, I wouldn't really say you are that good on bed but.... ", he propped himself on his elbows as she said these words with this look of, 'I'll show you not good if you dare lie to me ',he looked funny and she started giggling, "What's so funny Bella? ", he asked her in a less serious tone, "You need to see the look on your face ", she said, "What look? ", he asked still making her giggle some more, "This look ", she said trying to imitate him. Nasty woman he thought as they both started laughing out loud, "But on a serious note, you're superb on bed probably ", she said in a vain bid to shorten her laughter, he gave a triumphant laugh then as though seeming to understand what she just said, "I know I'm good and there's no probably about it my lady ",he defended, "Maybe a little ", she said showing him her pinched fingers indicating just how little, he smiled and agreed with her saying, "Probably a little until I get to understand every outline on your body sweetheart ".

There was suddenly quietness, she got closer into his arms, she felt safe there and for a while, all she could hear was the steady beating of his heart moving rhythmically. She felt at peace, she was home, a home like no other, a home different from what her mother offered her. This peace she hoped would last but then she was not certain if he would be keeping her after six months, by then he would tire of her and toss her out while searching for another naive girl. She just hoped this was not the case as she was ready to spend even eternity with him. He made her feel complete but she was nowhere near ready to accept it, all she wanted was him to love her and she made a mental note to try to enjoy it while it lasted. She obviously was not his class and would definitely not fit in his world, "A lot on your mind Bella? ", he suddenly asked her, oh, how he enjoyed interrupting her thought flow, he would drive her crazy someday. "Not really, just wondering why you aren't at work today ", she said thinking of a way to build a conversation that would lead to his occupation, "My work is with you today, I took leave of absence ", he said and her eyes widened, "Wouldn't your boss be angry with you? ", she asked sincerely worried and he suddenly started laughing, what was so amusing about what she said now, "Boss? ", he asked sarcastically, "I'm the boss baby girl ", he informed her to her own near surprise. She tried to draw the line for the missing bits, if he was the boss, that means he would definitely control enormous wealth, question is then what he did for a living, she wanted to know , "What do you do for a living Jay? ", she asked.