
Chapter Ten

Jay was definitely not the kind of man to be kept waiting, he had zero tolerance for lateness and as he say in his study waiting for her, he was visibly swearing. It has been way over 30 minutes past the time given to her and yet she was not there. Was she trying to provoke him or clearly showing defiance as she had earlier. Even if she missed her way, she could easily as any of the staff members, they would comply to her; he made sure of that after all. And so he rose at exactly 40 minutes past the allocated time with a murderous rage and glint in his eyes. His staff members kept scampering away and out of site,  they knew well enough whom their boss was especially in the beast mode. 

When he opened the door, she was peacefully asleep and he was definitely feeling guilty for blaming her. In as much as he was cause of her ordeal he felt for the poor girl. She was definitely going through a lot and moreso, he felt her mother might have been quite harsh, he had expected some amount of resistance from her, instead it seemed like the woman just wanted nothing to do with her. Her step dad was even better and concerned about her safety.  He moved a strand of hair from her hair as she mumbled inaudibly in her sleep, she shook in her sleep, like he had some hold on her, the thought that he could move her like this made him feel bigger and better. She mumbles again this time he heard a little, '....love Jay Marti.. ', and she trailed off again. She was definitely dreaming about him. But wait, what if she said she don't love him, but it was much hope that she loved him actually. He was still watching her sleep when she stirs again, this time her eyes opened, as soon as she noticed him by her bed side, Bella hurriedly sits up with a questionable expression. He asked her to follow him and like someone controlled she found herself slipping down from the bed and followed him barefooted. She had forgotten her flip flops in a hurry to pack up. 

The aroma caught her off guard, her tummy rumbled, he heard, turned and smiled. She gave a shy smile. They were in the dining area, very large, I might add. She didn't want to seem all desperate for a meal but she was loosing her patience so she waited for him. Soon he noticed she was not seated and indicated that she sat down. Before one could say Jack Robinson, Bella was already eating, she was just realizing how hungry she was and what would you expect, after having just bacon and eggs for breakfast, she could wolf down a full cow.  She was caught up with her meal that she had not noticed him watching her steadily and that he had not touched his food.  When She noticed she was being watched, she gave him a upturned eyebrow raise, he smiled, shrugged and started eating. 'What do I care, I'm not modelling for most civilized eater ', she thought but she began to get more careful while eating;  for civilization sake she termed it.  The rest of the meal went without events and when they were done, he rose and asked that she followed him. They were headed to the study, as soon as they got inside, he sat and taking the seat he pointed out by him opposite, she sat while she looked at the numerous books in awe. "You read", he asked her. 

"Very much ", she answered and started wondering if they were having a actual conversation. "Well you ever need a book during your stay here, you come pick up but never forget to return as was seen", he told her. Bella was glad that she was allowed to read, lots of things she wanted to discover but then she asked him to explain exactly what she would be doing for him. He smiled that wicked smile again and passed her a paper, "Sign it", he simply said. She wondered what it was, "Just like the biblical David at his old age, I need a woman to keep me warm at night. Don't worry I'll never touch you without your consent ", he pointed out what hit her like a bombshell. She was not scared of him, she was actually scared of herself, what if she looses her guard. But then curiosity got the better of her, and she found her evil fingers signing the contract. 'I'm doomed ', she thought. Still she wondered why her, because he could obviously get any kind of upper classed woman but then, it was too late as she had signed the contract already.