
Chapter Sixty-nine

Deep down within her, Bella did not feel peaceful. She was probably pregnant and she could feel it. She needed someone to talk to and as she had no one else to call, she dialed Mikey. She needed to say something before she made a mistake and Mikey was her best option. Mikey's warm voice came on air making her feel safe, he was becoming her safe space and she was hoping, she was not becoming too dependent upon him, as soon as she spoke, he detected that something was wrong and inquired of her, what the problem was. She went on to relay her fears to him, "I think I'm pregnant for Jay ",she said and he gasped, "You never told me you guys were sleeping together Bella ",he said and she judged herself, "What makes you think you are pregnant? ",he asked when she could not answer his first question. Bella began explaining everything and after a while of silence, Mikey spoke, "I think you ought to conduct some tests Bella, you ought to have been careful, you know? ",he said becoming the big brother. She was ashamed of herself, even listening to herself made her realize how naive she had been. They hoped that pregnancy was not the case but a big part of her knew something was definitely amiss and it was pregnancy. "What if it turns out positive? ",she asked Mikey, the young man was tongue tied, he believed Jay Martins was never ready to keep Bella, not after what he had seen earlier today, so he moved the subject, "When are you coming to see your mother? ",he asked her causing her to feel bad about herself. She was a lousy excuse for a daughter and she felt self judgemental about everything. She assured Mikey that she would definitely be making out time when she discussed with Jay. When she mentioned the name, Mikey made an uncomfortable sound which made Bella curious, "Is there something you want me to know Mikey? ",she asked innocently and Mikey tried to cover up, "Um.. Oh.. Nothing really, I just feel like beating the jerk to plump ",he said trying to be funny about it, not like he did not wish to beat up the man. This statement led to their usual siblings teasing and chattering, Bella could almost feel very much relieved but as soon as she dropped the call, she began experiencing her torment again, What if I'm pregnant?, she thought. It was at this time of thinking that she received a text from Jay;  Dress up, we are going out tonight, it read. 

It had been a while since he dropped the call with Bella yet Mikey was feeling worried about what she had said, he just hoped that reverse become the case because Bella would be in for some heartbreaking surprise. He could not believe that criminal minded jerk, in return for a common suit, he had taken everything from Bella and robbed her of her future as well. Bella had obviously grown attached to the man, and he wondered how she was going to take the news he was hoarding from her, he did not want her hurting but then, it was better for him that she suffered the pain once and for all, than dying much later. He made up his mind to pull her away from the control, eyes and ears of Jay Martins. It was very dangerous, he knew it but it was time he involved his dad whom he discovered had grown fond of Bella. She was the daughter he never had and always wanted, so definitely he was going to buy the idea of sending her far off and away from the watchful gaze of Jay Martins.