
Chapter six

Jay Martins smiled in his car as he watched the high school girl do her thing. Ever since he got her file with the help of Alfredo and the school management, he had been monitoring her during his free time. He was initially angry at her deceit but during the course of monitoring her, he had decided to let himself be amused by her little gimmicks.  He could feel a strong pull in his guts to step out, pick her up and take her home where he would demonstrate to her that he was the boss.  But for now, he wanted to give her enough time to feel relaxed like a stupid rabbit that she showed and then like a lion, he'll sprang from nowhere and bring doomsday to her doorstep.  Jay was a patient man,  he usually took his time doing what he knows bestbto do and was always on time with his plans. He went late only when he felt the coast was clear or that he would make profit and went early at likewise situation.  Right now, he knew he didn't become the most dreaded man in the city by being rash and he was going to prove to that simpleton of a woman that he bids his time. 

On his own part, Alfredo was not really cool with the fact of little Bella, putting his friend on the road. It was a dangerous place and these were dangerous times. He hoped that this whole sickness as he termed it ends within a flash, if only he could read minds then he might have known that this was only the beginning of such madness,  But to make sure that Jay did not stray,  he made available lots of paperwork for his friend and boss but Jay being Jay read into what his friend was playing at,  ensured that he finished whatever ever task early and made time to go see Bella. 

He started making a draft of list of things he planned on doing to her,. At first, he had thought of openly kidnapping her on the way but then, that would cause a strain on both his reputation and her dignity. So he kept making plans and re-making more plans. He was a friend with the law enforcement agencies but that was only if he kept away from public confrontations but this time, he seriously had to think of a way to legally keep Bella close enough with him.  He soon returned to his office to make more plans and soon, he dialed his lawyer Sammy; one of the best the country had to offer. Sammy had never lost any case in court since he started winning, he kept getting better and better. Jay had known him for years, and kept feeding his bank account so as to make sure that he kept his profile clean, without blemishes and out of trouble. 

But also, he knew the middle aged lawyer at 52 would have a better idea on how to get Bella so he dialed him. He asked that they met at the usual spot in one of the casinos. 

Once it was time, Jay met with Sammy and explained everything to him; Sammy could feel the gravity of love in the youngsters eyes and gave advice that he involved her parents. So in summary, Jay had to go to her home and table her offense although in a gratified manner so that they had no option but to lease the stubborn daughter into his care.  This was the brightest idea he had gotten in a while and he was definitely not ready to compromise it.  He decided to give her a full week to feel relaxed and then, cut into her dreamy paradise.