
Chapter Seventy-nine

He had woken before her, quite early. It was unlike Bella to over sleep but then probably the vigorous activities they engaged in had consumed every ounce of strength she had within her. He got up silently trying not to make a sound, although she stirred a little in her sleep, she kept on sleeping. He went to the little refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water, he took a sip when he turned and she was wide eyed watching him, "You up already? ",he asked her and she nodded, "Here ",he said offering her the drink, she took it and just as he expected, she was very thirsty and gulped past half of the content in one swallow. "What time is it? ",she asked and when he turned his head towards the direction of the clock, she followed his gaze, "Oh shit!!! ", she said in a haste, "Madeline would soon be here ", she said getting off the bed. He held her and tried convincing her to forfeit classes that day as he would call her tutor, but she refused saying she was already lagging behind. Besides she would be going to see her mother the next day. It was enough day off for her. So, he suggested staying with her through the whole activity, she eyed him suspiciously, "You would not even notice that I am there, you know I would get tired and bored Bella. It's my day off ",he said putting up his baby like face. "Just make yourself as barely conspicuous as possible ", she said trying to make her way to the door, that was his cue. He grabbed her, "I promise to adhere strictly, your honor ",and before she could chuckle, he planted a kiss on her full lips. Lifting her up bridal style he pecked her forehead and moved upstairs. Her arm stole up around his neck as if of their own control, nestling her head closer to his chest, she relaxed. 

Jay did not drop her in his room, when she tried to grumble, he said, "This time, we bath together ", he said and she made some mumbling about being late if they were together. He smiled and moved her inside. It was easy to strip her, as she was on his big polo he gave her the previous night. She was bare beneath it and he was on his shorts, so much easier. To save time, they used the shower instead of the bathtub, he scrubbed her back and she was very shy, especially when he tried to wash inbetween her legs, she hurriedly closed her legs shut and looked up at him extremely shy. He chuckled and left her to do her thing her own way, it was fun watching her childlike glee. After bath, they both went to dress up, he insisted she put on his polo with any short she chose, to humor him, she did so. After preparation, they went downstairs for breakfast, it was more like a newly wed couple settling down  to their life after marriage. He finished first and had to rush to go tidy up something in his study, it was all about Stella and her recent movements. Alfredo already had new reports and tabs on the activities of the duo, so he had little to worry about. He rounded up his series of calls and then went to see Bella. Madeline was already there, she noticed him standing by the door by made no sign as he hinted her with a sign of 'Shhh'. Bella was eager to learn and from time to time, she asked questions. It was not long before she noticed his presence and her shy demeanor came up again. He made the remaining of the session, uncomfortable for her and she could almost smack him. This was the peace he sought after and wanted. A peaceful life with the one he loved.