
Chapter One Hundred and three

How time flies and they were done with the funeral of the late Miss Clarkson. It all still seemed like a dream to Bella but one thing she had kept in mind was her discussion that night with her father. She played along with the rest of the family including Diego whom had provided them with all the support they needed to get by the trying time they were facing. With his influence, he had made everything really easy for them and for that, she was grateful to him. She had heard nothing from Jay Martins and she hoped he was doing well. It was obvious that he had moved on, and from what Diego had told them, Stella had moved in with him, that news really hurt Bella as she had not expected that he played her so.  It all felt like a really bad dream and she was somehow trapped there. She decided to move on with her life, her pregnancy was doing well, and with the support she was getting from those around her, she was not in the very least worried about anything. If Jay had cared about her, all these while, he would have sought her out, but he had not. Instead he stayed at his end, she too refused to look him up. She had opted to drop school for the time being, promising to continue once she had her baby and was done nursing her child. 

After the funeral and everything, the discussion for her leaving the country was brought up again and this time, she had an already prepared answer. She did not want to run away, at least not yet unless her life was being threatened. She needed sometime to put herself in order and gather her thoughts, so she decided to follow her father home. Diego was displeased at her decision even when everyone seemed okay with it, he had said, "Delay would be dangerous Bella, because it was only a matter of time before he discovers you have a child within you, and no man would want to leave their child, especially the first issue ". There was sense in what he was saying actually but then, she needed time to reorganize herself. With a promise to keep a low profile and always confide in him, she successfully maneuvered the situation to her own favor. She was taking no chances. She had just come out of a supposed relationship which she had jumped into without giving it a full thought, she was not ready to jump into another hasty decision again. Her plan was to follow her father home, register in a local hospital and get a job to support her even though her father was against her working, she felt she needed it more than anything at the moment. She could not let herself be solely dependant anymore. After the meeting, she left with her father and brother. Biding bye to Anthony and Mikey, although she did know she was going to be in touch, so there was nothing to be afraid of. Her brother was actually really excited that they were going to be a big family once again, he actually asked about that friendly dude from time to time, and Bella would always let him know that he was out of town. The boy was no fool, he was certain that something was wrong between them, but then, he chose to continue asking nevertheless. 

How stupid her decision had sounded, Diego wondered. He was really pissed that Bella had turned down his offer. Like who turns down such life changing offer that was so mouth watering. He was upset at the fact that she had nearly ruined everything he had worked for over the years, he could have slapped her if only he was not trying really hard to maintain his composure. He had wanted her out of the country so as to make it easier for her to be monitored. It was an advanced plan at hostage keeping actually. He wanted to use her as leverage against Jay Martins when the time comes but now she had ruined everything by deciding to follow her father home. He needed to get a hang on the situation, so he ordered his boys to follow them and find out wherever they were living while he regrouped. He was so close to victory that he could not bear a loss, not now. Loosing right now was going to cost him not just a lifetime work but his sanity as well.