
Chapter One Hundred and thirty

"That had happened rather faster than I had anticipated ", Charlie said to Jay looking at him rather excited. 

"I had to come back to my senses as you were obviously crossing your boundaries and bullying me. I cannot permit that right? ",Jay replied. 

It was true, his friend was back as the man before him no longer sounded like a stranger or looked at him as one. Charlie had to come over quickly around the table to where he was seated. He clapped him in the back and Jay rose up and hugged him briefly. He had broken the hug reminding Charlie playfully that he normally does not give out free hugs to men. Charlie was excited and sat down next to him, they turned their seats facing each other. Charlie felt really excited as he had actually thought that his comeback might actually take a lot of time. He felt rather glad that it had not taken up all the time in the world to happen. Time was no longer on their side and on his own, he had made some rather mad discoveries. 

He began briefing Jay on all the fishy movements and business he had discovered about Stella and Pablo. It was obvious that they had been working together and even the latter confirmed it. However, Jay informed him that he was actually the only one who had any idea that he had his memory intact right now. Charlie told him how honored he was to be his anchor. Jay nearly boxed him playfully and told him that he would kill him should he ever think of bailing out on him. He had decided to keep up the act while they gradually covered things about Pablo and Stella, and their cronies. It was obvious they had assistance too. Jay needed to also get hold on Bella and wondered if Charlie could assist him in checking on her to see how well she was doing at her step fathers. That was when Charlie broke the sad news that she was no where to be found at the moment. 

"That explains it Charlie, Bella had been the one calling me the day my memories hit me ",he exclaimed. 

Charlie obviously did not understand and demanded that he gave him a clearer explanation on what he was talking about. Jay began explaining, the events and things that had taken place that day. Charlie listened with rapt attention and demanded that they go traced the number on his phone. Now that was the bigger problem, he could not tell where and whom had his phone. He had gone unconscious and his phone had fallen away, he had not been able to find it and had not wanted to make it seem that urgent so as not to get the wrong eyes on the issue, hence, he had not asked about it. 

"Man, you really need to get that phone. You do realize she is pregnant and I wonder why you... ", Charlie began saying when he was cut off. 

"Pregnant? ", Jay had asked. 

Noticing that he too was unaware of the state of things, Charlie began explaining to him about Bella's pregnancy and why it was a matter of urgency that they found her. They did a little math and discovered she must be about six months gone. Jay was actually sad that he was not aware but excited at the thought of being a father. Charlie teased him of being expectant from two women and demanded to know what had brought about his romantic journey with Stella that had led to the current state of things. 

Jay was actually rather too ashamed and simply admitted that he had really messed up. He sincerely pleaded with Charlie to help him as he now depended on his flexibility while he did the little he could. Charlie understood his plight and reassured him of doing his best. 

Their meeting ended and Jay stood up to leave by the door after getting the said signature. On his way out, Charlie said something that brought him aback. 

"Trust no one, not even Alfredo or whatever it is you call him ", he had said. 




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Check out my other books, 

Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced. 

More chapters coming through as daily updates continues.