
Chapter One hundred and thirty-two

He had just woken up that morning to discover that Stella was on the bed with him. The bitch sure did have a rather growing nerve. He must have been really asleep for her to slip into his bed like that. He actually thought of slapping her to wake her up but then, he needed to get something straight up into her head which was that he would never care about her, even if she super glued herself to him. He belonged solely to Bella and that was final. He had actually decided to go out for a little run that morning, in the pretext that he had not gotten back his memories. Careful yet, not to wake her up, he moved out of the room in his jogging gear. He had just come out of the gate when he caught sight of someone sitted out there in the morning cold. He could not understand why whoever would be there at that time and in front of his place and decided to go check out whom that was. He was rather shocked to his marrows when he saw that it had been no other than his old driver, Jake. 

For some reasons actually, he had not been seeing him and had sincerely wondered what happened become of him when he had driven himself yesterday. The elderly man looked rather worn out and scared and rose up as he saw Jay approach. The latter asked him what he wanted and his crazy eyes signified that he was rather scared of being watched. Jay knew that definitely, if Stella had spies in the house, they were bond to be keeping an eye on him, so he began jogging on the spot to show his impatience at being encountered by a stranger. He asked the old man to play along and went to his gate, he demanded to see the nearest guard and asked if they knew the influence old man whom was claiming to have been a driver there. The guy explained that he certainly did and when asked why he was not working anymore, he had confirmed his fears. Stella had fired him with excuses that he was too old for the job. Jay could not believe the power she had been exerting in his home. He sure was going to clip those wings she had been sprouting. 

The guard however confirmed that the old man had been coming around for sometime now but the lady had refused granting him audience. According to him, she had refused paying him his salary for the time being, how pathetic was that. Jay decided to use the opportunity and cancelled his morning run. He asked that Jake followed him to his study and closed the door behind him firmly. They needed to talk. Jake began explaining to him how the woman had shut the gates to a number of his original staff and threatened the rest. The old lady Theresa had even taken ill in that period. He had actually hoped to see Jay someday and continued coming everyday. That day when Jay had fallen, he was actually few steps away from his place as he was done waiting and had seen him fall in pain. He had actually noticed the phone he had been with and guessed that whoever that was must have been really important, so he had pocketed the phone and ran off when the ruckus was heated. 

Jay could not believe his ears, he actually had such devoted staff on his side and asked whether or not he had the phone. The old man produced it and Jay decided to be open to him. He informed him that he had recollected his memory and would want him to search for other staff members affected. He also transferred him a rather huge sum of money for both his upkeep and treatment of Theresa. 

The game was finally ready to roll. 




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Remember to check on my other books :

Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

More chapters coming through as daily updates continues. 

On facebook, I'm authoress shalom amarachukwu.