
Chapter One hundred and ten

Diego had not missed the silly show of seduction the woman was putting up and he refused giving her any slightest bit of attention. She approached him, showing off her well shaped body, smiling from ear to ear and he wondered if she was even really pregnant. He might have doubted the possibility of that had he not seen the test results himself. He acknowledged her greetings and began wondering where Jay Martins was, he was about to ask her when she suddenly asked him if he craved for anything. Approaching her and bringing his voice as low as possible, he said to her, "Don't you ever get tired of this game Stella? ". She looked at him wide eyed and as soon as she saw the look on his face, she brought her head down in embarrassment. She mumbled where Jay was to him and Diego was about to walk inside when someone came inside looking really worried. It was Charlie from the golf club. One of the never failing friends of Jay. He needed to tread with caution. The two greeted themselves briefly as they were not that close and Charlie asked one of the maids that was passing where Jay was. He had completely ignored Stella as it was never honey and sweet between them. Charlie was one so loyal to Jay and he was always on the lookout.

Their friendship dated back to their childhood when the two of them sat for exams together. They had been this sort of non clinging friends that respected each others privacy yet there was none so full of love for each other and loyalty as they did. Charlie had assisted in uncovering the plot of Pablo and Stella the first time. He seeing her here today really smelt trouble as he could not fathom what the snake was doing there. He believed that she probably was weaving her way into Jay's life because he was down and she felt she could manipulate him as she pleases. He was about going up when she rushed over trying to exert her authority over the house, "How dare you? ",she asked him, a dangerous glint of anger in her eyes, it seemed to disgust Charlie whom had never wanted to exchange words with her. He tried taking the other open space but she intercepted him there, "I will not have barbarians like you bully me in my husband's house ", she said trying to manage and control everything. He stopped for a while, looked her directly in the eyes, then pushed her away. She landed on her bottom and whimpered. He continued on his way while she looked up at Diego for assistance. "Never again try to trifle with Charlie, unlike me, he's got zero tolerance level for whores", Diego said to her and made his way upstairs. The maids were there standing and watching. It would be really funny if one could see them trying to control the laughter in their mouths. She felt humiliated and seeing them standing there idly, she found a way to lash out. "What are you doing there standing, get out of my sight!!! ", she yelled and they scampered away. 

She could not believe what had just happened, she had been humiliated beyond control. She got up and went upstairs after them. The both of them were both friends of Jay Martins and she could not risk anything. She needed to be there so as to direct the situation to her favour. 

Jay Martins stood facing his window staring at the empty space. He was having this feeling that he was forgetting something or someone really important and he could not place his head around it. The door happened and he thought it must be the fuzzy woman who introduced herself as his wife. Was she that clingy, turning to yell at her to leave, he came face to face with two men. The first guy he admired and felt like they were bonded brothers and the second, although he was all smiles and stuff, Jay could feel this feeling of difference between them both. He demanded whom they were, they stared at each other and understood what had happened. The first introduced himself as Charlie while the latter Diego. 

Charlie looked around and said, "But then where is Bella? ", he asked and somehow Jay felt like he must have said that name a thousand times over but then he could not even remember. He felt strong feeling that she was the name he had been trying to remember, he was about to ask whom she was when the door flung open and that woman came inside. 





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