
Chapter One Hundred and seventeen

Jay Martins came down as grumpy as always. Dressed up for work, he went to take his breakfast, Stella was already there eating. He would have gone away but then, the previous night, he had skipped his dinner which made his stomach grumble. He took his seat but then, found himself staring at this empty seat in the dining for no reason. It was obviously empty but somehow, it felt like he had been of the habit of watching someone eat there. He decided to try concentrating on his food. He could feel the burning gaze of the woman across his staring at him but he cared less about her. Whatever did she want from him. 

"I'll be going to see the doctor today for my check up, Wanna come along ?", she asked him like he ever gave one bit of care about her. 

"Do your thing woman, do not bother me with such irrelevancies ", he said to her trying not to build up an avenue for them to talk. 

"But you know you will get to see our baby right? ", she asked and he felt new surge of energy. He was really angry and had lost his appetite. 

"Now you've done it, have a nice day ahead and enjoy your meal ", he said to her rising to his feet. He left angrily. 

Stella was perplexed. She could not believe that he had gotten angry at such a little problem. Was he going mad from his amnesia or something. She was supposed to have gotten used to his unnecessary outbursts by now, but then, the prospect of carrying his child made her feel the want for him to at the very least, oblige her. It was hellish now he had lost his memories. She thought it was going to be better now, but making a comparison, she would gladly pick when he had his memory intact and was hating on her. She too had lost her appetite and called on the maids to come clear the table while she went to prepare. She had her bath and put on some makeup. She now had access to his cars as he had given up driving and would go with whichever the driver had ready for him. She could tell that his current predicament was really eating into him, she was also feeling okay with the fact that he had not the time to show off. He had left that part to her and she happily took up the task for him. 

"The baby is doing great as you can see in the monitor ", the nurse conducting the ultrasound told her in the hospital some hours later. Stella was lying there on the bed, her stomach exposed while she watched in amazement the tiny life building up within her. After all, they do say that babies had this effect on women, that even the strongest of them all would mellow down at the sight of their babies. Stella could nearly cry as the excitement was nearly killing her. She was told that everything was okay with her baby, so, she was okay and done for the day. 

She needed sometime to hang out so she called her closest friend, suggesting that they go through the day by going shopping for baby things. Of course, her friend obliged her and they went into action, seeking out things they would be needing for the baby. It was fun actually and as she shopped, she wondered within her if this was the feeling every mother had when expecting. She wondered if this was what she had been about to miss when she said she was not going to give birth to any child. They finished shopping and she drove them to a restaurant where they had lunch. 

"Forget it Graciela, I take back what I said in the past, being a mother is actually a great experience ", she said and Graciela laughed out. She was a single mother of one but then, her baby daddy was taking full responsibility for her's and her child's upkeep. He was married to a really crazy woman and at such, could not bring in Graciela. The least he could do was take care of them from a distance. Stella did not want that for herself and her baby. She really needed to make things work out with Jay, pending whenever Pablo had initiated his full blown plan.