
Chapter One Hundred and seven

She was really sad about how everything had turned out. Her brother began showing her his stuff and different things she had not seen. The two siblings sat in his room talking and reminiscing over old times. It was going down well and everything had been so smooth. They were waiting for her father's return much later that evening. She excused herself to go tidy up somethings in her room. She needed to rest as she was feeling tired and bored. Getting inside, she layed down on her bed and for sometime, the only thing on her mind was what was going to become of her now she had left with just her and her family. She needed to come up with an idea as soon as possible. 

Stella stood there watching him steadily. She had successfully moved in with him even though he was in a coma. Using the guise of wanting to take care of him and being pregnant, she had worked herself into his life. She was happy that Alfredo had insisted that he be moved back home and his treatment be administered by the doctor at home. All they all wanted was for Jay Martins to come back to them, this coma of he's was just not working for her. 

Actually, that day when he had smashed his phone angrily, he had droven off angrily to go get it fixed. He was really fixated and the only thing he wanted was to call her as soon as possible. He had not see the stop sign, neither did he notice the truck that was coming from that other side. It was suddenly a really huge clash, he hit his head hard on something. There was suddenly a tingling sound in his ears, his vision began to dim and everything went dark. He was suddenly plunged into absolute darkness and that was how he went into coma. 

The news had spread like wildfire but somehow, it was prevented from getting to Bella, someone was making sure that she did not hear of it. 

That by the way, Stella had heard the news and began scheming with Pablo and the anonymous person that had been giving them information and sufgest. She was at first barred from seeing him by the members of his staff, and had to put up a show using her pregnancy. She guilt washed them and asked that they used their brains and decide what would become of them should he wake up and find out that they had deprived the mother of his unborn child the privilege of being with her man. Of course, no one wanted to find out what would become of them should it turn out that she was right, and besides, it would be very much better that he sent her away himself. So, they settled her in and it was not long before she started issuing out commands and firing staff. The good natured old lady, Theresa had been sacked among many other staff. Everyone missed Miss Bella and everyone spoke of her, comparing her to the white witch before them, of course in secret. As she had vehemently warned them that no one should ever speak of that girl. She was not going to risk anything this time and she hoped that the accident was really severe. 

He had opened his eyes, everything looking confusing. He tried to remember his name but to no avail, what was happening. Each time he tried, he was met with such headache that seemed to course through his brain and nervous system. Who was he and where was he?.  He sat up gradually, trying to recollect something, anything but it was not possible. He was in a state of blank space. He yelled just incase there was someone out there who was listening, the door opened and the doctor rushed inside. "Where am I? ", he asked the nice looking man, he told him that he was in his house. Wait a minute, all this establishment was all he's, he must have been really great to own such an artistic wonder. The door opened again, first there was an attractive man whom seemed really familiar and then, a lady who looked every inch beautiful yet insincere. She rushed to him, fussing over him, looking at her, he did not understand. Somehow he did not feel any bit of affection, closeness and admiration towards her. He looked up to her and formed one question. 

"Who are you? ", he demanded.