
Chapter One hundred and forty-two

You know that feeling you get when you are anticipating to go somewhere the next day that causes the feeling of insomnia, whereby you cannot sleep and continue waking up in nano seconds, well, that feeling visited Jay. He had spent most of the night waking up and checking the time. It was a really long night and it crawled in a snail's pace. Jay had never been so restless and angry at time, he needed to start getting ready. Hence, as soon as he managed to keep up to four thirty, he rose up. It was also baffling as around this time, he began feeling sleepy. He pulled himself into the bathroom and as the cold water splashed on his body, sleep fled from his eyes. He was anticipating the look of love on Bella's eyes when she discovered that he had come for her finally. He finished up and checked the time. He felt his stomach do a flip. Despite the amount of time he felt he had wasted in preparation, it was only few minutes to five. Was time beginning to play against him or something. He dressed up and angrily laid back on the bed, hoping to wait it out. He did not know how long he stayed on that bed but he dozed off at some point. He had woken up around seven and felt angry, so much for being awake. He went to the bathroom and washed his face now puffed up with sleep. Finishing he dried up his face and applied his lotion. Picking up that which was important to him, he went down for a quick breakfast. He was glad that Stella was not seated there, according to the maid, she was feeling under the weather somehow. He sat down to enjoy his breakfast. He savoured every taste carefully and finished up. That was when he called up Charlie to find out if he was ready yet. Charlie was already heading out and they decided to meet up at the town. Jay was happy that someone was actually taking his matters seriously. He stepped outside just as the driver finished cleaning the car.  He entered the car and told his driver the location. The guy imputed it in the device and soon they were on their way. He called up Alfredo to let him know that he was on his way to see the restaurant in question. 

The journey was rather a little bit longer than he had expected as he had to sit his butt in the car for over forty minutes. He could have taken his jet instead but that would seem rather foolish of him. The driver got to the place and they located Charlie and his men. The duo looked at each other knowingly and checked on Jay's phone for the exact direction of the phone booth where she had called from. Somehow, they were disappointed as they had expected that the booth be close to people's neighborhood, instead, it was close to a bus stop. The search had just gotten wider and scarier. 

Charlie then suggested that they for formality sake, go to see Jonathan. He also was of the view that if they were going to comb down their search, then they would need the assistance of someone whom had been in the area for a long time. That someone had to be Jonathan. Jay was already wearing a long face as he was hoping that Bella did not slip on his very eyes. Charlie did his best to reassure him that they were going to do their best to find Bella. He even pointed out that it would be easier to find Bella since she was heavily pregnant. It was not that common to see a young single pregnant woman. Thus, finding Bella would be rather easy. Jay hoped that he would be on time. 






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Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

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On facebook I am authoress shalom amarachukwu.