
Chapter One hundred and Forty-three

That morning, Bella had woken up feeling rather weird. Her baby had kicked and moved in her stomach, it had never happened to her before and it actually made her all the more excited. She had observed the movement for sometime and had rushed out to her father in her half cut. She really wanted him to witness her joy and celebrate with her. The old man placed his hands on her stomach and felt the movement quite alright. Her brother too had been so excited that he came up close and did same. His cute eyes lit up in ecasty and happiness, it was the first time he had witnessed such wonder and he could not wait to become the uncle he had been dreaming of becoming to his sister's babies. He had already drafted out a number of things he would be doing with them.

That morning after, for clarification sake, Bella decided to go check on her doctor. She wanted to be sure that both her babies were doing fine and that neither of them was in any sort of situation or trouble. She prepared calmly although her mind was restless. Worst still, she found herself going back to that old habit she thought she must have outgrown. She was imagining again and the funny thing was that she had to find a way to imagine Jay Martins in the picture. How could she even think about that hateful man, she questioned herself and snapped out of it. But his image was predominantly displayed in her head all through. Bella began humming a tone to get rid of him in her head. He had no place in her heart. 

She quickly finished up and went downstairs for a quick breakfast she ended up picking at. She had to leave quickly and went to the hospital. At the hospital, her doctor would be seeing four patients before her, she decided to wait as she was not ready to switch to another doctor. The wait was probably going to take long and she would be late for work. She tried calling Jonathan's line but it was not reachable. Bella gave up trying at the fourth time and accepted fate as it was. She was going to try to finish up quickly and get back to work with a liable explanation as regarding to her lateness to work. She just hoped that it did not raise air of doubt from the others. 

Jay was really angry and on grumpy mood by the time they got to the restaurant. Jonathan welcomed them with a big smile on his face. He had been expecting them all morning, he had explained. Only then briefly had Jay taken notice of his accomplishments with the place. He had to congratulate and commend his efforts at building up the place. He actually thought at the back of his mind somehow and wished that he was really buying the place. It would have made more sense to him that way. But then, of course he was not going to suggest that to Charlie. 

Charlie was asking Jonathan something about woman whom he had been talking about to him over the phone. It made Jay cringe, was Charlie here for some sort of double match making situation. He actually managed to keep himself from yelling and asked for a drink. Jonathan asked that they followed him to his inner office where he offered them a good amount of brandy. It was good stuff, Jay noted, good enough to fire him up. Charlie began explaining, he wanted to be done with Jonathan and his woman case as they needed his help with locating someone and their way around. 

Jonathan noticed the look on their faces and it's urgency, that was evidence that they were serious. He took out his phone and began dialing Bella's her line.






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Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

On facebook, I am authoress shalom amarachukwu. 

More chapters coming through as daily updates continues to unfold.