
Chapter One hundred and Fifty

It was not until he had taken his stance properly that Jay could now imagine what Julius Caesar had felt when Brutus had betrayed him. He had been nothing short of being nice all along to Alfredo and it had not been for any selfish reasons. He had sincerely cared about the guy, like his own brother. How could he then turn against him so boldly. Jay demanded to know why from him and all Alfredo could do was look down rather sadly. He felt the pangs of guilt knocking at the door of his heart. He had no reason at all except that he had been Diego's lover. 

"Surprise.. surprise Jay. At the very least, you would die knowing that no one cared about you ", Diego gloated. 

"You lie Diego ", Charlie said. He was tired of being a bystander. 

"Oh yeah, you are still here huh... You just wait your turn okay ", he spat at the guy. 

No one was really going through as much as what Jay was passing through at the moment. 

"Why.. Why Alfredo.. Why? ", he asked weakly, he was loosing blood. 

"I'm really sorry Jay, you just did not come into my life on time ", Alfredo said as Diego put his hands on his shoulder. 

He was a crazy person quite alright and was already getting bored with the makeup scene before him. He needed to get into the action mood. 

"Darling, I think we're done playing nice. Let's put an end to this and get moving already ", he said as he raised his gun, leveling it to Jay's forehead. The atmosphere was really tensed up. Just then, he felt the cold steel against his temple, he could not believe his eyes. 

For once in his life, Alfredo wanted to make the right decision. He was already feeling guilty for a lot of things and seeing that against his demands, Diego had gone out of his way and killed Jake. The driver had done him no harm, so how could he devise such evil against him. Jay was one strict on his policies, but if Diego ever made it to the top, he was going to ruin things for everyone. It was bad enough that he was this kind of tyrant. 

"What in fucks name are you trying to do Alfredo ", Diego demanded as he slowly turned to face his lover. 

Alfredo felt really bad with what he was doing but there was no better way around it. He was already weeping before anything could be done. 

"I can't let you do that, I won't let you ", he said with tears. He began pleading with him to give up and let everyone be.  They could all have a peaceful life together some place really cool. All he wanted was a fresh start. 

Diego could not believe what was happening. This was someone he had been anticipating would be rooting for him. But now, no one was going to stop him. If it also meant him getting rid of Alfredo, he would do so. He pretended to have mellowed down and dropped his shoulders. That seemed to have caused Alfredo to let down his guard, as Diego suddenly raised the gun to his chest. 

Two shots went off from two different guns. 

Alfredo looked down at hid chest, then at Diego's gradually blooding side. He smiled widely, the both of them would die together but he had not let off that shot. 

Actually, Charlie had anticipated the foul play by Diego and just as he had raised his gun, Charlie had gotten him with he's. One quick shot to that spot by his side was enough to finish him off but it was late however, Diego had gotten Alfredo too. There the duo stood staring at each other, they fell on their knees and continued looking at each other. Alfredo fell first to one side while Diego died where he knelt. 

Pablo was already shaking and tried making it away by rising up, when Charlie yelled that the men got him. They had successfully brought down the morale of the opponent men. Pablo was pinned down. The police would be needing a scapegoat soon enough. 

Charlie's attention went to Jay who was already loosing consciousness. Just then, the police siren could be heard approaching. 






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Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

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