
Chapter One Hundred and fifteen

He had forced her to go with him to somewhere quiet. A park he had noticed sometime ago. It was old and maybe forgotten as no one came to pay it visits anymore. This was actually where Jonathan sought peace whenever he felt like the weight of the world was upon his shoulders. It was his secret place of peace and redemption. He parked his car properly and they both got down. "What are we doing here? ", she asked as soon as she alighted. 

"We're here so I could murder you ", he said. It was supposed to be a joke but it had come out wrongly and he noticed her stare. 

"Hey come on, I was only kidding. I just want us to talk ", he said and felt her go at ease. 

"Talk about what? ", she asked him suddenly. He knew she was guessing what he might want to say and did not want to risk an outburst. 

"Let's find a good spot first, then we can talk ", he said to her and led the way. There was this tension hanging in the air and he was sincerely worried that she might not accept whatever he wanted to say to her, but then, he really need to have this conversation with her. It was long overdue. The prospect of coming in and seeing her crying another day did not sit well with him. She was here, beating herself up for a man who did not care about her one bit. If he did, where was he and why was she the only one suffering from the condition he had left her. He really needed to make things clear with her and get her to understand the she had to let go of the past and embrace the future. 

Talking about the future, he was the future. He sincerely loved her and he could not understand why she did not see him or did she intentionally choose to turn a blind eye. He really wanted to be in the bigger picture as a part of her life. He loved her so much and he made up his mind to help her forget whosoever it was. He could tell that whatever hold his opponent had on her that it was strong and that was going to make things really hard for him but he was willing to fight whatever there was holding her down and away from him. All he needed was her open minded self and listening ears, then he could work his way around her.

He found a spot for them, a really short fence. He remembered how he had sat down there several times sulking to himself and how so many he had found his sense of reasoning here. He brought out his handkerchief and spread it out for her to sit on, she smiled at him but there was sadness in her eyes. From his back pocket, he fished out another handkerchief and spread for himself. He was one overly concerned about his neatness. Thus, he always carried two handkerchief, once one got dirty or sweaty, he pulls out the second one. 

"Bella", he called her name and she raised her face to look at him. She was giving her full concentration and listening ears. That motivated him to continue. 

"Don't you think it's high time you moved on with your life and get over him? ", he asked her. 

"Him? Who? ", she asked him.

"The guy who got you pregnant, you've tarried on for too long, dragging on with crying over him, don't you think it's enough? ", he asked her. 

She heard his words and somehow, they pierced her soul. She bent over her head and began crying again. 

"Crying would not solve anything Bella, you just would heighten your chances of running a fever ", he said to her. She continued crying and shaking with sobs, he felt pity for her and drew her close to him. He was really going to talk to her and let her cry a river if she wanted to. The most important thing was that she feels better in the end and come back to her senses. It was high time she let go of him and his memories.