
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

Jay had gone to his office that morning, finding it really hard to concentrate. He had gotten to the office really angry and that was as a result of her earlier request. What was so hard for her to mind her business and avoid disturbing him, he did not want to talk to her. His mind was telling him that she had something to hide and that whatever answer it was that he sought, lies with finding Bella first. He no longer trusted anyone around him as everyone seemed off and odd. His only hope was to contact Charlie and try finding out from him who this Bella really was. 

He had tried talking to the maids in the house about it, demanding to know who Bella was but they had fearfully told him that she was just a maid that he had fired. He could read from their lies and composure that they had been threatened and that the culprit was not far from him. He was deep in thought when Alfredo came in, he was actually friendly but then, when he had asked of him, who Bella was, he had looked him calmly and told him that she was only a maid he fired not long before his accident. His composure when he looked him straight in the eyes and lied to him made him really vexed. Jay felt he was not compelled to do so and if not for the doubts he was already having towards the whole situation, he might have just believed the man. But then, he was already curious. 

"We'll be having a delivery later this week sir and you have to pen down your signature ", he said to him dropping off the documents on the desk for Jay. 

"Alright, I'll look into them soon ", he replied. 

The guy nodded and turned to leave when Jay suddenly stopped him in his tracks. 

"This Bella, are you sure I was not close to her or something more? ", he asked twirling a pen in his fingers and gazing at him intently. 

"No sir, for all I could decipher, she was only a maid to you ", he said to him 

"Then why do I keep remembering her over and over again? ", Jay asked him 

"No idea sir but then, in my little reasoning, I think it is only normal since she was the last person you fired", Alfredo replied.  

"Tell me Alfredo, why did I fire her? ", he asked him watching his every move. 

"Sir, I think it was something about seduction, the girl was whack ", he said to Jay. 

He looked pretty well convincing and somehow, his explanation seemed to have basic reasoning in it. 

"You may go now ", he said to Alfredo dismissing him. The guy left and Jay was left in his own world. 

Bella woke up that morning feeling refreshed and better. She tidied up and went down for breakfast. Her brother had made cookies for her that morning. It was time for her to go to the hospital for check up and Jonathan had promised to come pick her up from the hospital since she vehemently kicked against him taking her there that morning. She also had to go alone this time as her father would be covering a little celebrity event. She felt really excited about it and at the very least, her heart was not heavy laden anymore. 

Jonathan was somehow glad that she had refused him coming over that morning as he might have disappointed her for his uncle had come over. That morning, Charlie had come to check on how the restaurant was doing. He was actually the owner and had appointed his nephew as the manager. He was really proud of what he was doing and what he had achieved. He clapped his nephew on the back, expressing his sincere appreciation but then he demanded to know where the newest staff member was, it was a pity he was not going to meet her as he had to go back and he was told she had taken a bit of excuse to tidy up some personal issues. He was told that she was doing her job to the best of her capability. He checked on everything and then, bid his nephew goodbye. He normally came for routine check on them every few months whenever he had the time 

As soon as his uncle was gone, Jonathan found himself getting into his car and headed to the hospital. He could not keep her standing or rather, waiting. 





Hi reader, 

I guess the atmosphere is a little bit tensed up. 

It turns out that the restaurant actually belongs to Charlie, yes, our Charlie but then probably the hands of fate is keeping Bella away from Jay. 

Do you think they still have a chance together? Or do you think Jonathan would want to give up on Bella? 

Find out more as we drop chapters of the book. 

Also, do not forget to give me your feedback by either clicking on the three dots below the book on the shelf or long Press on the book cover and then, rate and comment. Remember, as plenty as the stars are in the starry sky, that is the amount of stars I'd be looking forward to from you all. I love you all. 

Thanks for keeping up 

Anticipate more.