
Chapter Five

It was already an annoying day for Bella, the suit was burnt which had meant, her world was burnt as well but then looking at the bright side, Bella thought that he might not have the time to start poking around looking for some little girl who stained his suit after all he looked that super rich enough to own a car like that and also the way he carried himself. She thought carefully and hoped he let it slide because there was no way in the world that she's going to take the suit looking like hell to that man. He would surely kill her, so her morning was gloomy enough as she headed downstairs for breakfast before school, not like she cared for breakfast with the Daniel's but her mother had told her that it was part of the blending in process, that's if she still wanted a roof over her head. "Watch where you're going tart", she heard Mickey say as she nearly bumpedd into him but then with a glint in her eyes she demanded," Who're you calling a tart asshole? ", definitely Mickey was not in the mood to fight with her that morning, he simply laughing and with a smirk headed downstairs.  He was in college already and often snuck in girls to the room,  boy he was so hot!!!. 

"Why did you skip school yesterday young woman ", her mother's voice cut into her stream of thoughts, oh hell!!!  There goes Mary queen of Scotland with her sermon again, Bella thought. "I forgot something ", she simply said,  Miss Clarkson weighed her daughter and started," Listen lady, if you think I'm gonna sit here and watch you waste away then you are bloody dreaming ", she retorted, " What do you care mother. All you care about are your damb television shows!!!!". Miss Clarkson, a big time drama queen was definitely not having any of this so she was about to lash at her delinquent daughter when Anthony came to her aid, " Let her be Katie darling, she'll learn. Right Bella? ", he tried to pacify;  "Oh yeah, there goes the weasel with her silent mode ", Mickey said trying to infuriate her further. 

"Shut up Mickey!!! ", But definitely his father would have none of that,  this brightened Bella ", Yeah, shut up Mickey ", before he could speak and remind her who was older and who was not, she quickly added, " Right dad", to Anthony's question.  He rewarded her with a smile and wink. Breakfast went on with no event and soon, she was on her way to school. 

As soon as Bella stepped out,  she was subconsciously aware of being watched by eyes deep and hallow so she scanned her surroundings but when it seemed clear,  she briskly walked to the bus stop where she took a bus to school but even then, she could feel a pair of watchful eyes on her. 

Getting to school, Bella was soon carried away with events around her that she waved aside thoughts of Jay Martins.  She sighed up with the Drama team,  and when it was time to go home,  she could suddenly have that earlier feeling of being watched.  She mingled with a group of students heading her was but still she could feel eyes burning into the very hallow of her soul. "I pray he forgets. Dear God, I promise you if he doesn't come after me, I'll never masturbate in my life again ", she silently prayed. 

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into days and soon,  two days had passed with no event of Jay Martins around her.  She became relaxed and then, the only reminder of the event was just the burnt jacket hanging in her closet.  For some reason she couldn't find the nerve to throw it away, and so, she kept it as a reminder of what bad thoughts could cause to happen.