
Chapter Eighty-three

"We need to tidy up something Bella ", Mikey told her as soon as they gave Miss Clarkson chance to rest a little. Jay Martins had finally reluctantly gone home that evening leaving they and Bella. Bella was ready for the test and in no time dropped her urine samples, she was nervous which was quite unusual. She thought she was prepared for the incoming news but now, she discovered how nervous she was. Mikey was there with her, trying to talk with her on random stuff when he noticed her anxiety, the girl was scared and the least he could do was keep her talking. "What if the results are positive, do you think he would be ready ",she suddenly asked in the middle of their conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with pregnancy or the ongoing test. It showed him how worried she was and probably how unprepared she was for the coming news. It was at this point that Anthony joined them, he did seem to have control over chilly moments and stirred the awkward situation into a lively one. Bella soon joined in the conversation, which was very lively and funny. She had missed this sort of family time together and hoped her little brother wherever he was was getting all the love and care in the world. He did not deserve to be left alone with that animal, but then, there was no turning her mother when she made her decisions. Miss Clarkson said she had something important to tell her, Bella was hoping she was planning to get her brother back as she missed the sweet kid whom had got bullied for defending his sister's dignity severally. 

It took sometime, but the doctor eventually sent for them, he looked at them quietly as if trying to read them, "Out with it Rex ",Anthony said to his old friend. He knew rex and what he stood for, being a gentleman was the life of him and he always wanted to be in control of every situation so he tried calming down. For the tense young woman's sake, he had hesitated but now permission was granted to him, "Well, if you insist, the young lady is two months gone which means she's pregnant ",he said a little quickly. Bella grew smaller in her chair, her fears were confirmed, "Thank you doctor ",she said sharply and stood up, dashing out with Mikey on her heels. Anthony rose to his feet, headed out, at the door, he turned to Rex, "Thanks old friend, you've done me a solid. Remember it's strictly between us ",he reminded Rex who made a sign of a zipped mouth, Anthony smiled and left. Rex was worried for Bella, the girl looked young enough and besides, whom were they keeping it from, because it was obvious they did not want this known to whomever the father of the baby was, what does he know, he was no detective and besides, he had sworn an oath of confidentiality. He just hoped that the young lady was safe, picking up a folder, he started reading something. 

Mikey followed Bella out, she looked worried, he could not wait to tell her who exactly Jay Martins was, as though he knew, Anthony touched his shoulder and gestured that it was not time yet, "But she needs to know ",Mikey blurted out unknowingly, "Now you've done it ",Anthony said when he noticed Bella's sudden interest in the discussion, "Know what? ",Bella asked with heightened senses, looking for answers in Mikey's face, " We have something to tell you Bella, but that's when you're in a better and calmer situation", Anthony said trying to put on his most reassuring look, she deserved to know, but not like this, she could not loose that baby, Diego had advised and he was keeping to it. He led her to a seat, and watched her curious composure begin to lighten from the look on his face. The girl was too young for all this drama, "What if he rejects the baby ?",she suddenly asked and the two men looked at each other knowingly.