
Chapter Eighty-seven

Speaking of Jay Martins, Bella noticed he had not called her up until now, what was he doing, she wondered. Mikey delivered her mother's message to her making her rise from the sofa. They began preparing hurriedly and even packed up breakfast for Anthony, even though Mikey insisted that Anthony would see to himself, Bella refused. She would have packed some for her mother but then, Miss Clarkson could not eat, she's been on basic food supplements. The siblings got ready, and headed off. Some few minutes into the drive, Bella remembered that she had forgotten the items, making them turn back and head home, she rushed upstairs to get them even declining Mikey's help to bring them for her. She could not risk another person happening on her mother's gift for her and besides, he too was holding back on her, so what is good for the goose should also be good for the gander. She came back, grabbing a cookie on her way out, "Phew, you got it just in time and man, I bet you are one heck of a eater Bella ",he said as she entered the car. "Just beg for a piece asshole ",she said giving him a light punch on the shoulder, "Now you've done it Bella, I'm having broken arms, I can't drive ",he said jovially and she gave him a piece, "That should do the trick ",he exclaimed delightedly and put the car into gear. Bella munched hers and then reclined, she shut it her eyes and wondered what she was going to do. That's when she turned her eyes towards a window side, if she was not wrong, that was Jay's car in the traffic, he was waiting for the traffic light, wait a minute, was t, Stella???.  Bella could not believe her eyes but she could not confirm what they were doing, "Something wrong? ",Mikey asked when he noticed her trying to get a back glance and herself tensed up suddenly, he knew she might have seen something, "Mikey, if there's something you got to tell me about Jay Martins, I think now's the right time to spill it ",she said heartbroken. Mikey felt pity for her, the girl was stressed enough, he wanted to tell her but then, they were going to see her mother and Miss Clarkson would not want to see her worried," Bella, you know very well that I would do anything for you, but trust me on this one, I don't want you ruining your mood and causing your mother a cause to worry. I would tell you everything as soon as we see your mom and your mood is better. But one thing I want you to understand is that, I already have a plan for you, you are going to be fine ",he said and noticed her switching to a better mood. She knew he was right, besides, that was a short glance, it probably was not Jay, he might just be at the hospital waiting for her. Even if he was the one, she was not going to cause her mother worry, she forced a smile on her face and looked at her brother, Mikey was simply something, she was glad having him by her side. The rest of the drive went smoothly, with them, occasionally teasing each other. 

"You see why I'm glad Bella is around? ",Anthony was telling his son as he received the food, he was supposed to go home in two hours but he was already hungry. Mikey had never had time to pack him breakfast and he was grateful to Bella. The perks of having a daughter, he thought as he ate. "Did you bring it? ",Miss Clarkson asked Bella and she showed her the items she put in a bag, Miss Clarkson said and, "Good girl ",she said a little weakly. Bella went and sat close to her mother, she was overcome with emotions. Jay Martins was not there, confirming her fears that he was with his ex-wife, Stella. She waved him aside and tried focusing on the happy people around her, her only slight object of concern was her pregnancy. And she did not mind raising her child alone if he was going to be unreasonable, she had a slight regret, maybe not so slight, meeting with Jay Martins. She was going to brace her mind for whatever it was that she needed to know about him. For now, she wanted to enjoy the happy moments.