
Chapter Eighty-four

Of the truth, within her, Bella was tense. The duo in front of her was acting weird and it was not in a good kind of weird, she was missing something. She really was scared because she knew somehow, whatever they wanted to say to her, would have almost everything to do with Jay. She searched their faces but could find nothing, so, she opted to try to put her emotions in check so that they would open up to her. They were not saying anything, she needed to get it out of them somehow, that was when she spoke up wondering if Jay would accept the baby, seeing how they looked at each, she determined within herself that something serious was definitely up. What were they not telling her, had they discovered something that she was missing. Even when Jay brought her earlier, she could tell that there was a little hostility emanating from the duo, something was wrong somewhere. Anthony was being a psychologist, trying to get her to calm down with his prep talk but then, these were the least of her worries, someone needed to start talking or she would practically pull it out of their chest. She was about to tear answers off their tongues when the nurse came to them, "Miss Bella? ",she asked politely, when Bella answered, "Miss Clarkson is awake and have an urgent message for you ",she said and when the men wanted to follow her, "She said just Miss Bella sirs",and they sat down. More and more questions were popping up her mind as she walked into her mother's ward room. Everyone around her have been acting strange of late, and she was the Belle in the ball at the center, the one who was being studied. 

"Hey mother ", she said to her mother when she entered, Miss Clarkson was wide eyed awake and watching her as she entered, she went to her mom, sat on the bed side and placed her a kiss on her forehead. How bad cancer could be, her once lively mother full of life few months ago was now looking like a ghost caught up in the world. She managed to keep her tears from falling, taking her mother's free hand, she looked at her, straight in the eyes, the woman was going gradually and she was going to be left all alone. Her mother manged to breathe words out now, making her miss her high pitched voice whenever she yelled at her, she missed those days. Now, all she could do was watch her mother gradually fade away. She listened carefully so as not to make her repeat herself over and over again, she began telling h er to go pick up something in her room, a little box at the top side of her wardrobe. She was also to grab her pendant necklace hung somewhere close to the mirror, "What is in the box mother? ",Bella asked and her mom asked her not to open the box until she got to the hospital. Bella began wondering what exactly would be contained in the box, probably deeds of land or secret business, she could not tell. But she resolved to carry out the instructions to the fullest. She was going home with Mikey as Anthony would be keeping Miss Clarkson company, she could not wait for break of day. 

At home, after dinner, she went to their parents room to retrieve the items, she found them, out of curiosity, she tugged at the pendant, it gave way for a key attached to the chain, must be the key to the bos, a little box designed with pictures of waterfalls and stuff, she quickly replaced the key in the pendant. Climbing into her bed, she shut her eyes to invite whatever angel was there to look after sleep but none came, she was pregnant for Jay Martins, her brother and his dad were behaving strange like something was wrong, and her mother, just increased the curiosity in her. And then, she prayed, for a long time, she prayed to God asking him to please keep her safe from harm. Then she reclined on bed again, it was indeed a long night.