
The Machiavellian Monarch

Ethan Cole was just an average college student with a taste for dark fantasy novels until he’s inexplicably thrust into the heart of “The Eternal Sovereign,” a brutal, high-stakes world he once read about with fascination. Now, trapped in the body of Kael Ardent, a scion of one of the most powerful cultivation families, Ethan is no longer just a reader; he’s a player in a deadly game of power and manipulation. In this new reality, Ethan has no intention of mending the broken legacy of his family. Instead, he embraces his ruthless, pragmatic side, driven by a singular goal: personal domination. Armed with intimate knowledge of the novel’s plot, Kael leverages every opportunity to advance his own interests. From stealing pivotal opportunities to orchestrating the fall of influential characters, Kael’s methods are ruthless and unrelenting. He’ll betray allies, eliminate rivals, and manipulate events with a cold, strategic mind, all to carve out his own path to power. With each move, he transforms the intricate world of cultivation and politics into a battlefield where he reigns supreme. In a realm where every decision could mean life or death, Kael’s ascent is marked by calculated cruelty and self-serving ambition. As he navigates treacherous alliances and uncovers dark secrets, his quest for power becomes a high-stakes gamble with no room for mercy. Will Ethan’s ruthless pragmatism and deep knowledge of the novel’s plot make him the ultimate sovereign, or will his relentless pursuit of personal gain lead to his own downfall?

westernsaint · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

The Dance of Power

As the Varens departed from the estate, their figures receding into the horizon, Kael remained still, his eyes narrowed slightly. The conversation with Isabella Varen had gone as well as could be expected—cold, calculated, but undeniably productive. Isabella was not one to be swayed by grand gestures or mere words; she needed results. Yet, Kael had left an impression on her, however faint.

He knew she was testing him, measuring his worth. But that was fine. He had all the time in the world, unlike the other fools clamoring for her favor. Isabella was someone he intended to keep close; she would be a useful ally if maneuvered correctly.

Kael's thoughts drifted from the Varens to a far more pressing matter—the banquet hosted by Crown Prince Darion Aeloria, looming just a month away. This would be his first public appearance as the heir to the Ardent family, a fact that weighed heavily on him. It was not just an event; it was a stage where the powerful elites of the Veridian Empire would converge, and allegiances would be tested.

His steps slowed as he walked through the grand hall of the estate, his mind already strategizing for the banquet. Among those in attendance would be Robert Voss and his sister, Selene—a pair that Kael would need to pay close attention to. Robert Voss, with his unrivaled charm and political acumen, had become one of the most influential figures in the Empire.

In the original novel, Robert had stolen the spotlight during the banquet, his effortless social grace and ability to charm the most powerful nobles placing him at the center of attention. But what truly made Robert dangerous wasn't just his charisma or his talent for politics—it was his extraordinary talent as a cultivator. His cultivation level was monstrous for someone of his age, his rise through the ranks almost meteoric it was all thanks to his heavenly physique Vitalis Sanctum the strongest of all life attributes physique that had avenue of life one of the nine supreme laws that governed the universe.

Then there was Selene Voss, his younger sister, a formidable figure with a rare and powerful physique known as the Chrono Essence. Selene's mastery over the time attribute allowed her to influence the flow of time within her immediate surroundings, giving her a significant edge in combat. Though her talent was second only to Robert's, her presence was always a reliable force behind him. In the novel, she was known for her ability to alter time to an extent, making her a near-invincible combatant.

Robert was the voice and face, while Selene was the hidden sword. Together, they were an indomitable duo, a storm on the horizon that Kael would have to navigate carefully. He had read about their rise in the novel, how they had effortlessly garnered favor from the most powerful families and secured powerful alliances. But Kael was determined not to let them dominate this time.

As he walked toward his father's study, Kael considered how different the Voss siblings were from the Aeloria family—specifically the Crown Prince and his siblings, who would all be present at the banquet.

Lord Ardent was seated behind his desk, papers spread out before him, the usual air of authority about him. He looked up as Kael entered, gesturing for him to sit.

"The meeting with the Varens went well?" his father asked, his tone calm but with an undercurrent of expectation.

Kael took his seat, nodding. "Yes, I believe we've piqued their interest. Isabella Varen is cautious but curious. It will take time, but I think we can bring them into the fold."

Lord Ardent smiled faintly, the lines around his eyes softening for a brief moment. "Good. The Varens are not an easy family to sway, but if you've made an impression on Isabella, we're on the right path."

There was a brief pause before his father shifted topics. "The banquet."

Kael's expression didn't change, though he had been anticipating this.

"The Crown Prince's birthday banquet next month will be your first public appearance as the heir to our house. It is more than just a celebration. Every noble family of significance will be there, watching, judging." Lord Ardent's voice was steady, but his gaze was sharp. "This is your opportunity to establish yourself, Kael. How you handle it will determine how they see the Ardent family going forward."

Kael nodded. He had expected as much. In the novel, this banquet had marked a turning point, not just for Robert Voss, but for the entire empire. **Crown Prince Darion Aeloria, a man of immense political and martial power, was not someone to be taken lightly. His charming and princely demeanor concealed a ruthless, calculating nature that rivaled Robert's own political acumen. Darion was a tactician at heart, a man who used people as pieces in his grand game, manipulating them with a smile that never reached his eyes.

But Darion was not the only Aeloria to consider. Kael's thoughts drifted to Darion's siblings: Prince Tarquin, Prince Valen, and Princess Aurelia.

Tarquin, the second prince, was a brute, more concerned with martial prowess than subtlety. A warrior in every sense, he was a man of few words, preferring the clash of steel to the politics of court. His brute strength and combat abilities were legendary, though his intellect was not. Tarquin was someone Kael would have to avoid clashing with directly, as the man's solution to most problems was simple—eliminate them.

Then there was Prince Valen, the youngest of the brothers, and the quietest. Valen was an enigma, a scholar whose mind was always working in the background, devising long-term strategies that none could see until it was too late. He was a master of planning, preferring to observe and study rather than engage directly, which made him dangerous in ways few could comprehend.

Finally, there was Princess Aurelia Aeloria, a name that stirred different feelings within Kael. In the novel, Aurelia had initially been a supporting character, a woman of grace and poise, beloved by the court for her serene beauty and talent in spiritual cultivation. But over time, she had fallen into Darion's harem, her influence waning as she became just another of his conquests.

Aurelia's inclusion in Darion's harem had been a point of contention in the court, a move that many believed to be a political maneuver by Darion to consolidate power. Her talents were wasted, her status diminished as she was relegated to a mere ornament in Darion's collection. Kael couldn't help but wonder if she had once harbored ambitions of her own, only to be crushed under Darion's iron grip. She was not someone to be dismissed, though. Her talents in spiritual cultivation were nearly unmatched, making her a force in her own right.

Kael rose from his seat after the discussion with his father, bowing slightly before excusing himself. As he walked back through the hall, his mind was already calculating, planning.

Darion, Robert, Selene, Tarquin, Valen, Aurelia—all of them were pieces on the board. And Kael had no intention of being a passive player. He would use his knowledge of the future to navigate the banquet carefully, seizing opportunities that the others would not even see coming.

Selene's Chrono Essence, Robert's charisma, Darion's ruthlessness—Kael knew them all. He would turn their strengths against them, all while positioning himself as the true power behind the scenes.

Selene's physique posed a significant threat. If left alive, her ability to manipulate time could prove invaluable in saving Robert or turning the tide in their favor. Thus, Kael decided that Selene would have to be dealt with before Robert. Removing her from the equation would neutralize a potential counter to his plans.

This time, he would not just survive the banquet. He would dominate it.