
The Lunar Prophecy

The prophecy have been told and destiny was already written. Can the love over them was powerful enough to break the curse on their destiny. Can they break the prophecy or like the other who were slaved by theire destine races? Let all see!! how powerful love can be! The Lunar Prophecy!! Read it now

Tylersage22 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Somewhere in the road

"Haysss why are you broken now." said a young man while kicking the wheel of the car in front of him. 

While he was complaining about the incident, he suddenly felt a presence behind him. 

"Huh!?" He looked at his back and saw nothing but the endless road. He just thought it was his imagination. 

But when he looked in front of him, he noticed in his side mirror a man with glaring red eyes. 

It also has pale skin and two pairs of long, sharp fangs. The young man's eyes widened in shock. 

The shock of the young man's body still did not go away, but suddenly he felt a pain and a pain in his right neck. 

"Ahhhhhh." The young man screamed until his body fell under his car. 

While the young man screamed and tried to fight the creature (Vampire) that was sucking his blood, he was unable to do anything because with every minute that passed he was losing his strength. 

 In addition, the monstrous strength of that creature. 

Moon Water Company, Main Headquarters. 

In one room there is a very long table. There are people sitting and waiting for what the person standing in front has to say. 

The man standing there, the leader of the wolves, is Jared Lopez. Those who sit and listen are the councilors. Rigur can also be seen sitting on the side. 

"We are losing customers in different parts of Luzon! They are all moving to the Life Drop company!" There was a bit of annoyance in Jared's voice. He turned around and looked into the eyes of the people in the room one by one. 

"This can't go on like this! What do you think is happening? Why are they moving to the other company?" the whole room went silent and later a woman stood up with yellow eyes and wearing a typical office dress, she was also wearing a pair of glasses. 

She is one of the councils  'Irine pangilinan' she is in charge of the company's finances and she is also a vampire. 

"Alright! Do you have something to say Irine?" Jared said and gave Irine permission to speak. 

"Umm... I saw a decrease in money coming into our branch in Luzon, so I'll investigate a little. And I found out that because our consumers are moving, their water per meter is lower than us." Irine said and came to Jared and gave him some papers. 

Jared looked at the paper one by one and every time he moved from page to page, his expression changed. 

"How is this happening? Their price is 70% lower than the market price? Do you know who owns this company?" Jared put down the papers and asked the people in the room. 

Rigor stood there with a tablet. He opens the big screen connected to his tablet. 

When his preparation was over, a photo appeared of a very handsome man wearing a black suit and black pants, he was also wearing black glasses. 

"This is Richard Layhand, he is the chairman of LifeDrop Company, he built this company 5 years ago. No one knows where he came from and even our best investigators found nothing, as if he suddenly appeared and built a company? ." Rigut said while moving the photos around. 

Councilors recognized the man's face in the photo and observed. 

They record important information in their notebooks. 

"Besides this, he has no other information except the information on his company's establishment, which is not very important." as Rigur explained the information. 

Jared's secretary came in. She approached Jared and whispered something and Jared nodded in response to the secretary. 

The room was silent for a while until the secretary entered again and she was not alone, she was accompanied by four men wearing military uniforms. 

Jared stood up and greeted the leader of them. 

"Good morning general! What are you doing here?" Jared said while shaking hands with the General. 

The general signaled to a soldier behind him. The soldier approached Regur and provided a USV drive. 

Rigur accepted it and attached it to his Tablet and soon photos of different people appeared on the Screen. 

"Those people are the ones who have been missing for the past few weeks, and they were all found dead with bloodless body and a bite marks of vampires." to the general's. He pointed to a young man on the screen. 

"This young man of ours is the last of the missing, his whereabouts have not been found and we still have no leads as to whether the perpetrator is a vampire." said the general and observed everyone in the room. 

Jared stood up. 

"What are you letting out, sir? If you think we're the ones who did that, you're wrong! All the vampires in our group are vegetarians, they don't drink human blood!." Jared said and defended the innocent vampires in their group. 

"And if it's real vampires who killed those people then it's up to us to investigate and find a way."

The temperature in the room suddenly rose due to intense stares. 

"Just be sure because I don't want to happen again what happened before...that the world of our people and your world will be against each other!."

"Don't worry because we won't want that either."

For a few minutes, the people inside had a lot of intense environment. 

About a few minutes after the general left and his soldiers, Rigur approached Jared. 

"Chief… Alex's prophecy can't be started yet. Could this be the beginning of the return of darkness?"

"We can but we can't rush our moves. If this is the beginning of their return, they shouldn't know about the prophecy"

They all agreed with the leader's words. 

(Rooftop of the LifeDrop building)

There was a man looking out over the landscape. 

Later two men suddenly appeared carrying a dying man who looked pale. 


The men knelt down as fast as light when they arrived. 

"What do you need from me YOU MONSTERS!!."

While the man was screaming out of anger mixed with fear, the master approached him. 

"The only thing you have to do is follow and forget the past"

The eyes of the lord (Vampire Lord) glowed red and for a few minutes the man stood with no soul in his eyes. To become an empty shell. 

The man also knelt down and bowed as if worshiping the person in front of him. 

"Take that to the fort and turn it into a vampire."

The men stood up and disappeared as quickly as the light. 


"Yes! sir?"

Eyam suddenly appeared in front of Richard and knelt in front of him. 

"Did you find wher was the prophesied?"

"I'm sorry, lord, but we still not have find the light, but we have a suspicion that the wolves know where it is!."

"Good! Just follow those wolves and we'll definitely be able to find the Light."

Richard smiled and laughed in the air that was typical of a counter hero.

P/S im just ganno call the mc light to simplify. Thanks for reading pleass leave a comment it will help me a lot 💞