
Chapter 767: Catching Chickens

Teenagers can eat their parents out of house and home, especially boys like Bai Shan who are right in the middle of their growth spurts.

They were all exhausted from the journey yesterday, so none of the three were very hungry this morning, but now that they were sitting together, their appetites were ignited, and they started eating one dish after another.

Once full, they put down their chopsticks, and only then did Manbao remember Mr. Zhuang, exclaiming, "Oh no, we forgot about our teacher!"

Bai Shan and Manbao exchanged looks, then both turned to Bai Erlang.

Bai Erlang, who was already a bit sweaty from eating his breakfast, now had a drop of sweat fall from his forehead, "My dad should have taken care of him, right?"

But the habits of the past half year were still etched into their bones, so the three of them got up to go and pay their respects to their teacher.