
Chapter 247 I Can Treat Illnesses

It was just after school let out and not yet dinner time when Manbao habitually followed Bai Shanbao to his study to read.

She wasn't looking at textbooks but took out the Full-Version Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic to continue reading, and also brought out a little notebook to take notes.

So when Bai Erlang, accompanied by servants, came to invite them to dinner, both children instinctively glanced at the sky outside.

Bai Erlang said, "Stop looking; tonight, my family is hosting a welcome banquet for an uncle, so we're eating early."

Manbao had read about welcome banquets in books, but she had never attended one in reality.

Her eyes shining with curiosity, she asked, "What's a welcome banquet like?"

Isn't it just eating?

Bai Erlang tilted his head and thoughtfully said, "There's wine and dishes, and many other things—anyway, it's different from an ordinary meal. Are you going to come or not?"

Bai Shanbao asked, "Are my grandmother and mother going?"