
The Lucky Farm Girl

After dying unexpectedly, she was reborn as a ten-year-old little girl in an ancient farming family, with barely a few rooms in her house and even fewer acres of land, not to mention a household of the old, weak, sick, and disabled. Fortunately, the elders in the family were kind and honest, her brothers loving and good-natured, and the neighbors harmonious and friendly. For Yang Mengchen, who had suffered from her relatives' torment and endured all sorts of mockery and scolding since she was young, this was truly a blessing from heaven. To support the family she loved, she resolutely took on the heavy responsibility of providing for them. If she, a modern corporate CEO who had once dominated the business world, couldn't feed a family, then who could? Pharmaceutical recipes, building greenhouses, opening storefronts... Not only did her family start living a comfortable and prosperous life, but she also led the surrounding villages in creating a magnificent pastoral scene! With money and fame, as she grew up, Yang Mengchen decided it was time to choose a husband, and thus, young talents from around the world began to flock to her. Who knew a grim-faced god of death would be blocking the entrance to the Yang family's home? "You're too tall, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, you're too dark, you're too pale, you're uneducated, you're deceitful and sly... All eliminated!" In a moment, the entrance was empty, and Yang Mengchen was instantly furious, "Prince, you've driven everyone away. How am I supposed to choose a husband now?" "I would like to see who dares to marry you. I wouldn't mind sending him to the Underworld as a groom!" Yang Mengchen... A certain Prince counted his merits on his fingers: "I have power, prestige, and substance, no concubines, no secret love affairs, no gallivanting— I embody the standards of a husband's three obediences and four virtues... In short, only I, this unparalleled good man, am worthy of you!" The guards: Oh wise and valiant Prince, is it really good to be so lacking in your role as a husband?

Lan Shao · ย้อนยุค
715 Chs

Chapter 3 Decision(1)_1

As soon as Sansan and his eldest grandson had fetched Doctor Luo from the town and he had finished taking the pulse, Old Master Yang eagerly asked, "Doctor Luo, my granddaughter, she..."

Apart from Yang Chaowen, the Yang family and some villagers who had heard the news were all looking at Doctor Luo with anxious eyes.

"Old Master Yang, your granddaughter is fine, she will wake up soon. As for the lump on her head, a few doses of medicine will do the trick. However, she is very weak and will need to recuperate well," said Doctor Luo as he moved to the side to write a prescription.

Upon hearing Doctor Luo's words, everyone was both happy and frustrated, happy that Jiujiu was not in serious trouble, but distressed because the Yang family had little land and several members who were old, weak, or ill. How could it be easy to nurse Jiujiu back to health? And with everyone already living a difficult life, there was little anyone could do to help even if they wanted to.

The village head and the Lizheng both sighed quietly.

"Starting today, I won't take any more medicine; we'll save it to nourish Jiujiu," said Liu Xiuyun, who had been injured giving birth to Yang Chengbin's child. Over the years, the little money they had went towards buying medicine for her and her eldest brother, including the pension from her husband's injury in the army. Since her health had already deteriorated, she would rather the medicine be given to Jiujiu.

Yang Erlang, Yang Chaowu, looked at his wife and said nothing.

"The medicine for big brother and second sister-in-law must not be stopped. Chaoyi and I will work hard to make money," said Yang Mengchen's birth mother, Shen Qiulan, firmly opposing the idea.

Yang Sanlang, Yang Chaoyi, and his wife were of the same mind.

"I will embroider more items to exchange for money," declared Sister-in-law Yang, Wu Xuehua, who went to work in the fields with her second and third brothers during the day. During the slack farming season and in the evenings, she would embroider, earning a bit of silver coin each month.

"And us too," said Yang Chengrong and a few other older boys in unison: "We will find work and make sure Jiujiu gets better."

The two or three younger boys expressed they would help with farming chores.

Looking at their loving family, Grandpa Yang and Madam Yang Zhou felt both relieved and guilty; they were old and couldn't help their children, which filled them with remorse.

"Each person in my family will eat one less bite so that Jiujiu can recover," declared Yang Changsheng loudly, while Aunty Zhuzi decided to wait for the villagers to leave before secretly giving some silver to the Yang family.

Zhou Daming's household, another neighboring family of the Yangs, as well as several other villagers, also nodded in agreement.

Glancing at the Lizheng, the village head waved his hand, and suddenly there was silence inside and outside the house.

"The Lizheng and I both understand that times are hard for everyone," the village head said contentedly, "but if every household can save a bite of food, and as long as the children in the village are alive, and if we all stand united, there will be hope. Don't you all agree?"

The village head and the Lizheng's households were only slightly better off than the rest, but they had led by contributing one hundred Wen towards Jiujiu's treatment. The Yang family, being generous and warm-hearted, would always assist anyone in need. Coupled with Jiujiu's adorable and sweet nature, the villagers naturally had no objections to the village head's words.

"Thank you, thank you, my fellow villagers!" The Yang family members said, their eyes brimming with tears, as they hastened to thank the village head, the Lizheng, and the villagers.

Yang Chaoyi took the prescription that Doctor Luo had written: "Doctor Luo, about your consultation fee..."

"There's no need for a consultation fee," said Doctor Luo, moved by the simple kindness of the impoverished people of Yangliu Village, "you should come back with me now to the town to get the medicine." Given the Yang family's specific situation, he prescribed very affordable medicine.

Yang Chaoyi hurriedly got on the ox-cart they had borrowed earlier and went with Doctor Luo to the town.

The village head, Lizheng, and the villagers consoled the Yang family for a while before they left one after the other.

Yang Mengchen had awakened while Doctor Luo was taking her pulse, but she was so stunned by her own death and subsequent transmigration that she pretended to be unconscious.

She heard every word that was spoken, and the mixture of gratitude and joy continued to resonate in her heart.

In her previous life, she had also lived in a large family, but her grandfather favored boys over girls, her grandmother was harsh and bitter, and her uncles, aunts, and cousins were indifferent and arrogant. Her so-called mother was selfish and greedy, and only her father loved and cherished her like a treasure, even though she was his only daughter.