

A heiress who was vegetable for five years suddenly woke up to find she is mother of six children. Rose Brown who has grown under the wings of her maternal grandfather never thought one day she who was cold to the extreme will be willing to be a good person just for her children. She had played with guns now she have to play video games with her little babies nearly want to laugh like madman and give everything to her babies. Ye Mo was known as well known trash to everyone after his parents died and he nearly got burnt in fire when he was living with his grandfather . But in dark he was a person who can crush anyone to death , the most cruel and ruthless richest man in world. He was ridiculed by everyone in face but admired by everyone in heart. His world changed when a angel saved his life from accident and he falled in love with her.He wants to make her his no matter what happens. Will he able to win a heart of his angel who is famous for her swift and decisive ways in underworld? Will he able to warm her heart which has lost its feeling in her mother's womb? What will happen when he knew she is crown princess of most powerful , ruthless and cruelest clan of world? Will he able to win the heart of her? What will happen when he knew the woman he wants to love, protect and pamper is more powerful than him but loves to be low-key ? Let's go on the journey to knew this low key heiress who is more cold than ice, more sly then fox, more dangerous than tiger and more tricky than finding whether egg came first or hen in this world. Author It's my first work. If their are grammar mistakes please forgive me. Show your support by leaving reviews. I am a student so i will not be able to release lots of chapters together but try my best . Sorry for delay . Looking forward for readers.

Samiksha_Choudhary_5450 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Sister, we will have 12 little kid's

At night, everyone sat together and had their dinner except rose as she directly refused to eat together with everyone and said not to disturb her. Everyone was sad about this matter but their heart ached more for their family's little princess.

While rose was thinking how to change herself as she is now a mother while looking towards pictures of her children sent by her subordinates.

Next morning rose told everyone that she is going airport to pick her son and daughter. Old master nearly stopped breathing by listening his granddaughter words. He asked her with some hesitation, "Baby Girl did you married before ? "

Rose replied , " Nope ".

" So you adopted the children ".

"Biological child".

" You used scientific method ".

"Natural method".

"Do you have boyfriend?"


"Who was the man who made you pregnant ? "

"I don't know".

"You are not allowed to go. Doctor had strictly forbidden you to leave your bed. You need to rest properly to recover. Don't worry I will send your brothers to pick up the children. If you have a picture of child then pass it to me to make it easy to identify them. Do you want the children to know that their mother instead of resting to recover her health came to airport to pick them up? Although they will be happy for a moment but later they will blame themselves.Children are fragile a single mistake can leave a scar on their soul which will torment throughout their life."

"Then I will be waiting at home".After saying this rose went back to her room.

Old master called his eldest grandson Lu Yu, " Brat your nephew and neice are landing on airport in half hour. Go and pick them up. I have sent you pictures of them. Also ask someone to investigate your sister life in past. Earlier I thought it's better to leave the past matters so wounds of past can be healed in her heart. But look like now it is not possible. I want to know who that basterd is who made my baby girl pregnant and let her suffer. I will make that basterd regret coming to this world. "

"Don't worry grandfather I will complete the tasks perfectly. I will kill that man who dare to lay his hands on my sister. "

said Lu Yu.

At the airport,

"She is so beautiful ! What a lovely child! "

"Yeah !it's so cute. "

Everyone was looking at the these two child. A girl came and asked them "Little friend. Where are your parents? Why are you standing here alone? Did you get lost? "

Boy replied charmingly, "Ayaa! sister we are so pitiful. My parents eat chips at home and send us to earn money. My stepmother beats us and doesn't give food to eat. So we runaway from home. We heard people in Lin city are very kind hearted. Why don't you take us home with you. My sister and I will do all housework for you . I will protect you and be your boyfriend. Don't worry in future I will marry you and we will have 12 little kids. "

Everyone who heard laughing badly even their eyes become moist by laughing so hard. The girl face turned red from shame. She thought nowadays are all children so proactive.

The little girl beside the boy slapped herself on her head thinking how can her fifth elder brother can be so shameless. He will someday beaten by beautiful sisters for being hooglian.

Suddenly she saw two handsome man's who were looking towards them. She signalled her brother with her hands to look towards them. The children move towards them and immediately identify them. They were their first and second uncle before coming here their nanny Chi has shown them pictures of their whole family.