
04 An Old Friend

Sighing Aego dashed forward with a soccer kick he kicked one in the groin and with a spin kick he kicked another in the groin. Vanishing and appearing behind another he did another soccer kick to the groin. Three men moaning in pain rolling left and right clutching their groin in less than a few seconds caused the other seven to hesitate. During their hesitation Sasori seeing Aego's action copied him and dashed forward kicking one in the groin while hopping back playfully she chose another victim with a spartan kick straight to the groin further terrifying the other five.

Aego locked eyes with the mayors son and slowly walked toward the frightened youth. As he walked the henchmen nerby slowly backed away covering their groin. Slowly stepping back the youth tripped and fell as Aego approached. Crouching down Aego gave a deathly stare that instantly made the youth pale, idiot I know who you are now if I hear anything about you lusting for another woman your dead. Standing up, here's a reminder stomping down Aego stepped on the youth's groin a loud yell came from the youths voice as he slowly lost conscious from the shock. Looking up he saw Sasori doing a low jumping spin kick on the last victims groin. With ten men groaning in pain the guards soon made their way over from the distance. Taking the lead Aego and Sasori left the scene a few minutes later they arrived at a gate.

"Halt." The guard stopped Aego while looking at Sasori he warned him about the gate and the danger outside the wall. "We still wish to leave." Hearing Aego's response the guard stepped aside and let them leave. After leaving they started to run along the road after a few minutes of running people started to become scarce so they sped up. An hour later they found a small mob of seven goblins seeing the mob they continued, as if they weren't even there slowing down a bit Sasori sped past Aego with her spear in hand she got closer she then sped up appearing just before the goblins unaware the goblins suffered a devastating horizontal left sweep three died instantly with a full spin in the direction of her sweep she lifted the spear overhead doing a horizontal right slash two more died. Swinging the spear back to the left she did another spin killing off the other two. Just as the last goblin fell Aego caught up and ran past Sasori.

They continued running not long after they could hear fighting in the distance as they ran the fighting noises grew more and more intense. Arriving at the battle they saw a beastkin lion and his five other companions fighting a mob of thirty goblins. Not long after another mob of twenty goblins arrived, looking around the lionkin could see the fighting spirit of his comrades dropping as a member of the group died from an arrow. Another soon died causing fear in the group one started to run, seeing it hopeless another ran the third one gave up and started to run. Left alone the lionkin fought bravely against the mob that surrounded him wounds slowly appeared. With a menacing glare the lion roared. Seeing the glare that resembled that of a cute catkin Aego pulled out a spear from his dimension box. Jumping out Sasori followed Aego and they entered the fray.

With a swinging motion Aego spun around spinning effortless and gracefully Sasori also followed Aego as the two spun in sync looking like a choreograph dance they wove through the mob of goblins. Dumbfounded the lionkin stared at Aego not the foxkin mesmerized by the swift and flawless motion Aego exerted. In less than a minute the hopeless situation was gone. With Aego and Sasori weaving through the mob killing two to three goblins with each swing. With the last goblin slain the lionkin awoke from his enchantment to see a littered field of goblins.

Speechless he could only stare in disbelief. Thank you for saving me. A little catkin wouldn't forgive me if her father died. Hearing this the lionkin gave a hearty laugh. So you stayed at the inn, Aego gave a nod. Looking at Sasori he noticed the slave tattoo he glanced back at Aego and stared for a moment. Halfling? I apologize on behalf of my wife and daughter. What gave me away? Eyes, Impressive eye sight. You should hurry home. Not until the gate is closed. Are you doubting us?

Your running into a F dungeon with a party of two. Aego replied a low leveled dungeon. Its a medium ranked F dungeon. Aego looked into his stubborn eyes that were unwavering. Another person came to mind.

Taking out his dimensional box he tossed a pendant to the lionkin. Catching it he looked at it puzzled. Squeeze it. Hearing Aego he squeezed it, a crack appeared on the crystal as a black liquid oozed out slowly covering him. Immediately identifying what it was he was shocked. Special elite beastkin armor. After being covered by the black ooze it started to shape itself into a full body armor slowly turning white as it hardened. The plain looking lionkin now looked majestic. Looking down at the full plated armor that had intricate details he was dumbfounded. Looking up Aego tossed a giant axe at him catching it he was in awe when he held the axe. He felt a bond with the axe as soon as he held it in his hands. It belonged to an old friend. I can't accept it. Is it because its a gift from a halfling? Stuttering the lion said no. Then should a halfling or a foxkin wear that armor and wield that axe? No. Then just accept it. Its to precious. Are you coming or not? I am.

Aego took the lead as he ran past the lionkin Sasori followed soon after the lionkin chased after them. Surprised by how light and how comfortable the armor was the lion was even more grateful. Yelling from behind my name is Lenly. Smiling Aego muttered to himself you really are back.

Oh 5k views I'm impressed. Thank you for reading. Well more like enduring the catastrophe that is my writing. Whats wrong with you guys. You can't be that bored.

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