
Chapter 3:Bear my pains

Ned was faster ;His feet pounced harder; I peeped to see what's after him but I only saw the helpless thin air and the noise that raise from the ground in jiffies after his feet stamps and raise. He dashed into the classroom with his feminise buttocks behind as always. I admitted within me that maybe he's into some kind of play or maybe hide and seek or sort of. I took few steps forward and heard another sound of  feet in action and faster this time and lighter. I peeped necked out this time;very anxious, breathed I breathed in once I realized it's  Jerry; I sighed,I knew it,others were workaholic but my friends were playholic.

He moved a bit to my back wanted to dash in like Ned did but this time, his  body is small,equal and lighter. He recalled as he turned facing me, "yeah,Dan,Mrs Kate summoned you". I wanted to laugh,maybe at the English, maybe he heard it from someone, maybe Mrs Kate, maybe Anyone else but I know;English speaking is his greatest adversary that he never had defeated in a challenge. I nodded and moved with no care.

I moved down the stairs and noticed that the field had been occupied still. Just above my head,a voice rang like an alarm. I studied it

  " I thought the school break is suppose be over by now?"

I threw a sharp glance up the stairs, it's Mrs Kate bearing a whiteboard maker in her left hand and a textbook at the other. She'd been conversing with a female corp member who was said to be among the corpers deployed for the years first badge.

It's an annual event. The federal government usually deploys corp members twice per year. I don't know why neither do I know when it started but I know its so. I also know that a former military head of state had signed that every youth at the 3rd year of his studies will serve the country for A year or half and I had been thought the name of the HOS but I couldn't remember now. I also know that the decrees were signed in days I hadn't seen the pain, heartbreak nor the lights of the world. 

   Now this corpers had already stayed for a month in the school and we already took him as a teacher,even only few knows that her stay here is temporal. But I know. And because she'd been here for long she already knew all and she can explain everything about the school as long it had happened in her presence and it's so for most corp members.

"I heard that the girls were preparing for a football game" the corp replied.

She wore a plane green khaki trouser,a white top covered with a green khaki jacket and a green fitting cap and she'd been like a soldier. The only thing that might alert you that she's a girl was  her silver earrings and also the beauty that blazes like the star in her narrow face,made up of smooth fair skin that's a magnet to the eye ,a pointed nose  and cute dimples that only displays to  modifies her cute lips and jaws  when she gives a mild angelic smile  and also,her curved beaming small mouth. Her curves also symbolize her feminine.

None of them had seen me yet, I stood and waited,wanted to be sure that she needed me and be certain that's it's not one of Jerry's Corny.

"Oh, Daniel " She called out immediately her eyes caught up with mine. She said that she had sought for me and she handed the text book she had bore to me and had bothered me to wait for her in the lab . She dipped her hand into a small bag she held like a book and searched for something that she seems not to have found. I thought maybe it's the key to the lab and i was right as she added,

"I thought that I put it's Key here but...," she had searched thoroughly to be certain "but it's not here,so what will happen is that,you go down and wait for me affront the lab,let me reach for the key and I will be there with you. Understood." She said. I nodded. I had been glaring thoroughly throughout the moments. I had uttered nothing. What an innocency. It's funny,funny how I fought all my siblings at home and became an angel of messages at school,it's funny. Maybe the teachers knew,maybe they don't. But I know it's so for most students. But I think maybe that's how it should be and that's the spirit of cooperation, maybe. Over familiarity,;a great problem, people;the worst problem. I heard her footsteps,She'd climbed back the stairs. I made down to the school compound, along the field to reach for the lab and wait as I was ordered.

The football training hadn't ended. I glared at the girls,They were more beautiful than ever in Jerseys. Cute faces,and their breast held the tops and the helpless robe hung on it tentatively. And a weird smells emanates. It's a usual stuff with girls,the smell. In their gatherings,where they dance,in their living room,they smells and it's weird how it's always the same stench. I watched for  some while and drew back my mind to row the boat on my lake. I moved a bit and beheld  the  Fifa labelled ball the uses for the trained heading out of the field in great speed. It's Natasha,she reached for the goal but ended up on an off target shot and it's so unskillful. Someone has to get the ball so i rushed for it,it's the school football and it doesn't have to  get lost. And it's fun to. I caught it and kicked it with all my might back to the field and it was as good as to had reached my desired extent. I know I'm not good in football and I don't fit myself where I don't fit. I bent to remove some dust that hung on  the sole of my sandals and when I'm done and deemed apropos to carry on my duty,I looked up. I saw all the girls laughing with their mouths wild open I laughed too but still looking forward to know the source of the humor. I saw some of them,they  looked at my direction and had laughed and some did the same and had laughed and it continued. And I saw Jane pointing at my direction and I understand the signal,she's showing them the point of the humor. I glared closely to the direction of her fingertip. It's actually me. My trouser had torn when I tried to kick the ball and I heard it's sound but I didn't know it turned and I also searched for it and I didn't see any scratch and yes,I wouldn't see it if not now because it torn at the back. I wish I never went for the ball. I wish I had mind my business.

  I moved straight to the lab  facing the ground till I sat next to it. I grieved.



a wise tongue Leads the troop

ChigbataDanielCcreators' thoughts